
theCUBE at #ReInvent
SiliconANGLE @theCUBE preview of #AWS #ReInvent Though Leader Conversation
   10 years ago
#reinventtheCUBE at #ReInventSiliconANGLE @theCUBE preview of #AWS #ReInvent Though Leader Conversation
   8 years ago
#reinventtheCUBE at #ReInventExperts and thought leaders share their views of #AWS #ReInvent
John Furrier
Ok CrowdChat is up for #AWS #Cloud #BigData #Social - Lets do this .. Vegas here we come @theCUBE
Stuart Miniman
hashtag was #awsreinvent previous years - @bgracely and I did a preview video+chat https://www.crowdcha...
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
looking forward to some great content and discussions from you, @bgracely, @stu and the rest of the community.
Rich Hintz
@stu @bgracely Is there a rough consensus of what AWS needs to improve to meet GCE & Azure challenges?
Brian Gracely
@rjhintz where do you see AWS trailing GCE or Azure, or trending in the wrong direction?
Rich Hintz
@bgracely GCE is starting to bring scale out tech to prod (Kubernetes), at least in nerd mindshare. You can autoscale in AWS, but hardly anyone does it. Presumably it's the whole point of IaaS.
Rich Hintz
@bgracely and, after the previous leadership left Microsoft for dead, MS is significant in Azure, especially if you have a significant MS investment, which fits many
Brian Gracely
@rjhintz that's good marketing by Google and the Kubernetes team. AWS has ECS and Azure now have a container service, they just don't market the underlying tech (Mesos).
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
@rjhintz interesting perspective. I've personally begun to disassociate Kubernetes with GCE. Actually, I don't know if I've ever associated GCE with Kubernetes from a mindshare perspective.
Brian Gracely
@rjhintz agree that MSFT is doing an excellent job of redefining their focus on cloud, especially for huge install base.
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
@rjhintz I've associated Kubernetes with Google but not GCE directly.
Brian Gracely
@CTOAdvisor you might not hear GCE + Kubernetes, but you rarely hear Kuberentes without "it's what Google uses" (or invented)
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
@bgracely exactly. I think the OpenStack integration has gotten more attention than GCE integration. Kubernetes and OpenStack = Google and OpenStack.
Tim Crawford
There is a real question about which and why?
Brian Gracely
@CTOAdvisor Google enjoys the buzz around a launch, but then seems to lose interest in marketing their own services.
Rich Hintz
@CTOAdvisor Hmm, just did a search on "kubernetes GCE" to make sure I wasn't delusional. ;)
Stuart Miniman
@CTOAdvisor I don't think you'll hear any references of OpenStack at this conference
Gabriel Chapman
@bgracely is that because its not their core competency or because the revenue potential isnt there?
Brian Gracely
@rjhintz have been impressed with how Azure is embracing technologies that aren't natively MS. understanding the broader opportunities in new markets. the OS is no longer their core focus area.
Rich Hintz
@stu what's OpenStack? Wait, I see a reference to it on my Blackberry
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
@bgracely which is why I wasn't the least bit excited about the announcement. You have to look at day 200 after Google announces something.
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
@rjhintz You're not :) I just don't know if Kubernetes boosts the GCE brand.
Brian Gracely
@Bacon_Is_King good question. I have no idea why they continue with those behaviors.
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
@stu I don't even think you'll hear it in the halls. Pretty much a non-concern with goers or AWS.
Rich Hintz
@CTOAdvisor Kubernetes has 10K+ * on Github. At least some of those are dev/architects that are trying to figure out where to run prod. Google/GCE is looking open. AWS isn't.
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
@rjhintz if it were me. I'd be looking at Kubernetes to manage containers/compute in something other than GCE because I don't trust Google for enterprise cloud. Maybe if they created a separate business as part of Alphabet.
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
@rjhintz it's not that there's something wrong with the technology. I question Google commitment to anything that's not search.
Rich Hintz
@CTOAdvisor Do you mean "adverts"? ;) Anyway, once you have the global infra, why not rent unused resources? And think of the metadata on usage, seasonal use, and so on they get from customers.
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
@rjhintz yes, adverts is better description. I just don't know if that's enough to keep them interested long term.
Rich Hintz
@CTOAdvisor Not that hard to insulate from strict lock in dependency, especially now that Kubernetes is heading toward Open land
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
@rjhintz which is why I don't think it's a big differentiator for GCE.
Rich Hintz
@CTOAdvisor Well, just my perspective, of course, but if you want to run prod, you typically don't run out of GitHub newly baked code. You want Long Term Release quality, so you (if you;re me) think GCE.
Rich Hintz
@CTOAdvisor Anyway, I'm not selling GCE here. Or Azure. The original question was where AWS was perceived to be trailing. YMMV
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
@rjhintz good point. I get your original question now.
Brian Fanzo
Wow sounds like a great week... Miss ReInvent fun!
Tim Crawford
Correction: there was a mention of OpenStack here.
Tim Crawford
@CTOAdvisor They brought it up regarding their hybrid strategy.
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
@tcrawford thanks. That's actually a good thing for customers.
Bert Latamore
@bgracely Great piece of research on the business cloud service marketplace, Brian. Saw some real surprises (at least to me) in there. definitely worth the read.
Jeff Frick
We are going LIVE with Andy Jassy @ajassy on #theCUBE from #reInvent in 60 seconds.
Jeff Frick
Being at #reInvent is our favorite time of the year.
@ajassy LIVE on #theCUBE from #reInvent
Jeff Frick
Emma had suggestions on other topics for the keynote
@ajassy LIVE on #theCUBE from #reInvent
Jeff Frick
Our goal is to build a technology infrastructure, we don't think about it as disruptive, we're about enabling our customers to be disruptive
@ajassy LIVE on #theCUBE from #reInvent
Jeff Frick
It's never one person, we have a leadership group at AWS that is very strong
@ajassy LIVE on #theCUBE from #reInvent
Jeff Frick
We try to pick the minimal functionality that customers can use, deliver, and then iterate and add functionality
@ajassy LIVE on #theCUBE from #reInvent
Jeff Frick
We we were starting AWS, we saw Amazon, that needed to move forward quickly.
@ajassy LIVE on #theCUBE from #reInvent
Jeff Frick
Being able to set up infrastructure in minutes, opens up the innovation in enterprises
@ajassy LIVE on #theCUBE from #reInvent
Jeff Frick
We've built these products from the ground up with cloud in mind.
@ajassy LIVE on #theCUBE from #reInvent
Jeff Frick
So our customers can move quickly, have scale, and better cost structure
@ajassy LIVE on #theCUBE from #reInvent
Jeff Frick
Most of the big IoT applications today are built on AWS
@ajassy LIVE on #theCUBE from #reInvent
Jeff Frick
The smaller the device, the more important the cloud becomes for supplementing on-board capabilities.
@ajassy LIVE on #theCUBE from #reInvent
Jeff Frick
Everything we do is about the customer, and the customer experience. We're blessed with all kinds of customer feedback loops.
@ajassy LIVE on #theCUBE from #reInvent
Jeff Frick
I still think we're in the first inning (of cloud).
@ajassy LIVE on #theCUBE from #reInvent