
theCUBE at #ReInvent
SiliconANGLE @theCUBE preview of #AWS #ReInvent Though Leader Conversation
   11 years ago
#reinventtheCUBE at #ReInventSiliconANGLE @theCUBE preview of #AWS #ReInvent Though Leader Conversation
   9 years ago
#reinventtheCUBE at #ReInventSiliconANGLE @theCUBE preview of #AWS #ReInvent Though Leader Conversation
Dave Vellante
What a coup the CIA deal was - "if it's secure enough for the CIA it's probably secure enough for us..." Jassy announcing Intuit going to AWS
Jim Canto
Hell of a closing line for the sales team to leverage.
Jesse Proudman
Ironically, the CIA was a private cloud deployment.
John Furrier
@blueboxjesse great point but it's private if its secure the new definition. what is cloud then just consumption use case and/or economics? lines are blurring
Jesse Proudman
@furrier Lines are blurring (see https://www.bluebox....) but the definition of private is pretty clear. It's private if the environment is dedicated to a single entity.
Hosted Private Awesome Sauce | Blue Box
Blue Box Cloud delivers a Private Cloud as a Service, Powered by OpenStack. Hosted Private Cloud delivers many of the best benefits of both public and private clouds, without the pain of cloud and infrastructure operations.
John Furrier
Question: What is your opinion on Aurora - come comment here on CrowdChat on the record.
Crowd Captain
It's an oracle killer says #thirdwave crowd chat geeks
JP Morgenthal
AWS has offered DBaaS for awhile now and yet I still see most client deploying their own instances. I believe users are concerned about lock-in to AWS services still
John Furrier
6 million inserts per min - FAST says Bloomberg journalist Jack Clarke
Amazon Aurora can do 6 million inserts per minute & 30 million selects per minute. That is very, very fast. #reinvent
7 minutes ago
Quoted By @furrier
JP Morgenthal
#DevOps efforts & Containers may be hindering use of #AWS #DBaaS as users want migratable app environments
JP Morgenthal
I believe #Aurora addresses a need and its users will build their solution around its capabilities versus general consumption. AWS Enterprise sales team may drive greater use
JP Morgenthal
Used to be that the applications that required this level of transactional performance were in industries that are skeptical of public cloud (e.g. financial services & transportation). What new apps require this level of performance?
JP Morgenthal
Is #Aurora an answer to a coming problem associated with #IoT?
John Furrier
@jpmorgenthal It's only relational so I'm not sure how to store "the data exhaust"
Crowd Captain
It's MySQL-compatible database engine for Amazon RDS that combines the speed and availability of high-end commercial databases with the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open source databases says AWS
Crowd Captain
here is the link that they are previewing today
Jeff Frick
Are people going to ask for an on-prem version?
Andy Jenks
I think that composite apps are requiring a solution like this to match with big NOSQL and you've got a killer low cost solution.
Crowd Captain
If you're watching #reinvent CrowdChat is running fully on AWS
John Furrier
CrowdChat is fully built horizontally scalable "real-time" app using Elasticbeanstalk #winning with #AWS
Crowd Captain is 100% Infra as code and 100% Asynchronous #aws
CrowdChat is one stop solution to host #hashtag chats across multiple social networks. It is more than just Tweet Chat. A beautiful card like this, is automatically appended to updates posted on Twitter. It comes packed with FREE analytics for early ...
John Furrier
No platform in cloud handled the huge ingestion of Superbowl, Oscars,etc; CrowdChat ingestion pipline (our software on AWS) that uses SQS great #developer value
Kit Dotson
That's pretty keen for CrowdChat. I've hard that it runs entirely on AWS and I think that's really cool when covering #reinvent
John Furrier
my fav video on CrowdChat
Coffee @ Actian with Ray: From #Hashtag to Cash – How to Influence the Social Media Influencers
In the next five years, every business will have a social presence. How do organizations effectively use social channels to influence their audience to make ...
Dave Vellante
@furrier and @jeffreyfkelly saying Hortonworks is misunderstood. "Hortonworks is the real deal" - Ok John...but I'm still shi**ing on their income statement...
Dave Vellante
@furrier arguing that cloud is a hockey stick as will be hadoop - I agree - just not this year!
John Furrier
I think that the new hocket stick has a long blade and steep shaft once it kicks up it moves fast. SaaS open source is value driven. Key to Hortonworks is will they kick up and hit flywheel
Dave Vellante
@stu - I agree aws is misunderstood - totally different fm Hadoop / open source right now (still early days)
Dave Vellante
@furrier I think co's like $NOW fit your hockey stick profile - no hadoop company fits that profile (yet)...not HW, not Cloudera, Not Platfora...not nobody (yet)
Dave Vellante
hey @stu - when the heck is AWS going to lower the price on Glacier - penny / GB per month since inception
Dave Vellante
@furrier totally agree that AWS has a 100 length lead on the competition
Jeff Kelly
the question is how long will investors wait for the #hadoop hockey stick
Bert Latamore
Tom Wise, Director of Worldwide Partner Ecosystem, AWS, live now on #theCUBE from #AWS #ReInvent http://live.silicona... Discuss what's happening at the conference at https://www.crowdcha...
John Furrier
he APN includes several programs to support APN Partners in key areas of their AWS business. These programs, including the AWS Channel Reseller Program, the APN Competency Program, the AWS Direct Connect Program, and the AWS Government Partner Program
John Furrier
gr8 questions by @stu to Terry Wise is how much does ecosystem make for every $1 AWS makes
Peter Bookman
@furrier @stu Great question! I love how that frames the value of this cloud platform and why #AWS #ReInvent are such hot places to be right now.
Jim Canto
AWS does not do "Barney Deals" (deals done just because we love each other) ... love that line by @furrier
John Furrier
AWS is very selective in their partnership bc they are very technical and busy building their business
Bert Latamore
Mark Nunnikhoven, @marknca VP Cloud & Emerging Technologies, Trend Micro Cloud live now on #theCUBE from AWS #Invent http://live.silicona... Join the discussion at https://www.crowdcha...
John Furrier
I would like to thank TrendMicro for being a sponsor of our @theCUBE TrendMicro is cool !!!
Bert Latamore
And they are not only a partner of AWS, they are a customer, too.
Bert Latamore
@furrier Can he talk about some of their experiences as a customer of AWS & in moving their IT infrastructure to AWS?
John Furrier
@TrendMicro partners with CloudNexa Summo Logic and appstream
John Furrier
Will AWS and Openstack collide many think they are complementary
Jesse Proudman
No. OpenStack reality is that it won't be a public cloud technology platform.
John Furrier
Jesse that was the take this morning on the public conversation today
Jesse Proudman
There will be a few major public clouds, and there will be private clouds. OpenStack will win private cloud.
John Furrier
@blueboxjesse totally agree with you private will be #openstack
Mike Onsing
I didn't know much about Openstack til the @emccloud event today
Dave Vellante
My AWS analysis from the first re:Invent - many similar themes and much (much) progress since then
Stuart Miniman
My look at AWS infrastructure from last year - networking and security have long been the biggest challenges and Amazon is attacking this aggressively
John Furrier
We nailed AWS analysis from day 1 fun to watch the disruption. Great for all esp customers bc competition is aweseom
John Furrier
Awesome article on the services opportunity for channel players to make some real "cabbage" in the cloud http://www.computerd...
IBM partners say time for new channel model
IBM hosted a twitter chat on the “Future of the Channel” with channel leaders and observers.  Their main finding: the old channel
Crowd Captain
love this line One major opportunity that both cloud and SaaS present for the channel is the ability to reign in shadow IT. According to Furrier, shadow IT is running rampant because of a high demand for open technologies.
John Furrier
“Channel partners have opportunity to reign in the Shadow IT and be the ‘new mechanics’ for big iron converged infrastructure and cloud service brokering.”