Future of DevOps and CD
Hosted by Steve Brodie, CEO of Electric Cloud, and Gene Kim, noted DevOps author and researcher
   11 years ago
#DOES14DevOps Enterprise SummitCrowdChat with Gene Kim and Steve Brodie about DevOps Enterprise Summit in Oct 2014
Steve Brodie
We've got a great party planned at the DevOps Enterprise Summit. We'll host our party at the Computer History Museum with a cool Back to the Future theme including the Delorean time machine, classic arcade games, 80s music, and more
John Furrier
Will there be 80s drinks?
Andi Mann
Dammit, wish I could be there. Clash with an EMEA trip though. I bet it will be a blast. :)
Andi Mann
David Ashman
1.21 gigawatts!
John Furrier
@AndiMann I love The Clash - great band
Andi Mann
@furrier (or maybe a grasshopper)
Steve Brodie
@furrier Oh yeah!!! Lot's of 80s drinks - wine coolers :-)
Steve Brodie
Bring your big hair!!
Andi Mann
As for 80s music - I was a DJ in the 80s, that is like my special subject! ;-)
Andi Mann
@furrier LOL, well, yes, me too. (Took me far too long to get that pun)
Cat Posey
@AndiMann DJ battle royale is in order. :)
Steve Brodie
@AndiMann Perhaps we';ve found our DJ for the event then Andi!! :-)
Andi Mann
@catpoetry LOL, would not be my first! Does that even happen anymore? Don't DJs just set their Macs to autopilot and go dance these days? #ShowingMyAge #GetOffMyLawn
John Furrier
We just had the #openstackSV event there and it was a great venue
James Wickett
theme and location sounds exactly like #devopsdays silicon valley
John Furrier
At the event Elisabeth Hendricksen is the Director of Quality Engineering at Pivotal Labs is presenting “On the Care and Feeding of Feedback Cycles” about? @testobsessed what is this about?

Can you share your thesis on the talk?
Elisabeth Hendrickson
Feedback comes in many forms, only some of which are traditionally considered testing. This talk catalogs various types of feedback and how to make sure you're getting enough of it.
John Furrier
Is it more big data or software in the cloud?
Steve Brodie
@testobsessed What are some of the other types of feedback Elisabeth?
Andi Mann
@testobsessed Excellent! I hope to see this at some stage (I sadly have to miss the event). I have a 4-vector model of devops feedback I am working on, planning to post about it next week. Would love to see your preso, and compare notes sometime.\
Elisabeth Hendrickson
It's applicable to any software-related context.
Damon Edwards
@testobsessed Agreed. Everyone is focused on deployment but feedback loops (what they are and how to make them shorter) is the key to DevOps success!
Cat Posey
To see Elisabeth's talk and others for #DOES14, check out: http://devopsenterpr...
Elisabeth Hendrickson
@stbrodie feedback on...
...code with unit/integration tests
...a build with CI
...emergent behavior of the system with exploratory testing
...intentions with user testing model with the lean startup build/measure/learn cycle
Steve Brodie
@testobsessed Can't wait to hear your talk
John Furrier
Q4: What are the emerging challenges that software driven organizations face when adopting and scaling DevOps and Continuous Delivery practices across the enterprise?
Steve Brodie
Breaking down the silos and fiefdoms is a huge challenge
Courtney Kissler (hiring)
most of our challenges are cultural - transitioning from optimizing for cost to optimizing for speed
prathap dendi
for best answer to this, read @realgenekim's Phoenix Project :-)
Steve Karam
+1 on Phoenix Project, @pDendi. Spot on.
David Ashman
Courtney - Same at Blackboard.
Elisabeth Hendrickson
I think the human issues are the most difficult of all: resistance to change, turf wars, politics.
Steve Brodie
For many traditional organizations, legacy monolithic architectures can become a big imediment
Andi Mann
Definitely the people issues are biggest. Aren't they always?
Courtney Kissler (hiring)
@stbrodie That's true for Nordstrom and we're doing what we can to address it, but it's slow...
David Ashman
People naturally want to protect what they have. It's hard to get people to know that letting some stuff go can actually free them up to do things they will enjoy even more.
Steve Brodie
For larger orgs, I think taking a phased approach starting with a single team or app is a good way to get started, so you can address the challenges in the small.
Andi Mann
That said, the startup models of DevOps and CD are extremely challenging to larger enterprises. More moving parts, more politics, more controls, more limitations (or maybe just different ones). Enterprise is different in very real ways.
Jan-Joost Bouwman
cooperation over DevOps teams that need to deliver value together!
Courtney Kissler (hiring)
@stbrodie That's what we did. Started with our customer mobile app team. Demonstrated the value and now we're moving to our in-store technology delivery teams.
Steve Brodie
@AndiMann Agree 100% Andi! We believe you should start piloting in one area/then. As success is achieved, you can then expand to more groups & applications
Jan-Joost Bouwman
We are starting to use SAFe, but I don't like it. To mee it is too much waterfall again
Jim Ensell
Tool selection matters when making DevOps work in complex enterprise environments
Andi Mann
@stbrodie There is a lot of literature on the pace-layered approach too. Either way, I agree - large enterprise simply cannot do a 100% transformation like a 'big bang' release; should take steps instead. Isn't that more simpatico with CI/CD anyway? :)
Courtney Kissler (hiring)
@JanJoostBouwman We started there too and had the same results - basically we were doing waterfull but calling it agile. Now our focus is continuous flow and it has been successful for our customer mobile team (baby steps)...
Kyle Hailey
yes, @jimensell tools make a big difference. Data virtualization helps eliminate the barrier to environment provisioning for Dev and QA @furrier
Steve Brodie
@kylehhailey Absolutely! Other tools that are key include CI/CD Automation, Test Automation, Cloud Provisioning, Model-Based Config Management, Service Virtualization & more
David Ashman
@stbrodie And under test automation, mocking and integration frameworks are critical for quick feedback loops.
Steve Brodie
Courtney, Is that the mobile team that Caitlin Warnock works on? I saw Caitlin's great presentation at FlowCon
Jan-Joost Bouwman
For us it isn't flow, but different applications with their own backlogs that need to align to deliver 1 service
Elisabeth Hendrickson
Love @mcummings516 "CD == continuous debugging":
@mpkhosla @testobsessed CD also stands for Continuous Debugging. . . :)
5 minutes ago
Quoted By @testobsessed
Jan-Joost Bouwman
I undrrstand the need to align, but it takes away the agility and doesn't help with incident resolution either.
Andi Mann
@jimensell Ha, it is like you read my mind ... or my post!
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