Steve Brodie27
We've got a great party planned at the DevOps Enterprise Summit. We'll host our party at the Computer History Museum with a cool Back to the Future theme including the Delorean time machine, classic arcade games, 80s music, and more
John Furrier
Will there be 80s drinks?
Andi Mann
Dammit, wish I could be there. Clash with an EMEA trip though. I bet it will be a blast. :)
David Ashman
1.21 gigawatts!
John Furrier
@AndiMann I love The Clash - great band
Steve Brodie
@furrier Oh yeah!!! Lot's of 80s drinks - wine coolers :-)
Steve Brodie
Bring your big hair!!
Steve Brodie
@AndiMann Perhaps we';ve found our DJ for the event then Andi!! :-)
Andi Mann
@catpoetry LOL, would not be my first! Does that even happen anymore? Don't DJs just set their Macs to autopilot and go dance these days? #ShowingMyAge #GetOffMyLawn
John Furrier
We just had the #openstackSV event there and it was a great venue
James Wickett
theme and location sounds exactly like #devopsdays silicon valley