Chris Fangmann6

@richrebajr You are just making an extremely important point: DevOps is about a mindset and culture, a lot less about technology. How do we ensure implementation across @CSC ? I'd say this is a point where e.g. for internal support Customer 0 is not there
Abhishek Khandelwal, PMP
I am totally with you on this, we should have a plan or a vision which could be shared on how we want to implement DevOps across @CSC

Soren Helsted
I have had talks with both GIS and GBS in my region about training plans for this FY - and have told both to understand what the "others" do and go talk more to them

Rich Reba
connect with @rickwelhelm and Kristie Grinnell - they are leading the charge in work stream 6c (Lean Delivery)

Chris Fangmann
Lead by example, pick team members who'll take your example and have followers in our company. #JDI

Ernesto Diaz
Very good reference: The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win

Rick Wilhelm
@richrebajr Yes... working on both DevOps and Lean Delivery (w/ Kristie)

Chris Fangmann
@rickwilhelm are you available for a quick call next week? Would like to discuss Thread B with you

Rick Wilhelm
This week likely better... ping me.

Chris Fangmann
@rickwilhelm will do