
7/24 TechTalk Soundbites
CSCers join us as we discuss CSC's Integrated Technology Portfolio progress and next steps.
   11 years ago
#csctechtalk7/11 TechTalk SoundbitesCSCers join our TechTalk around CSC Ingenuity Worx, our new challenge-driven innovation program.
   10 years ago
#csctechtalk8/14 TechTalk SoundbitesCSCers join us as we discuss the secret sauce that is the Leading Edge Forum.
Chris Fangmann
@richrebajr You are just making an extremely important point: DevOps is about a mindset and culture, a lot less about technology. How do we ensure implementation across @CSC ? I'd say this is a point where e.g. for internal support Customer 0 is not there
Abhishek Khandelwal, PMP
I am totally with you on this, we should have a plan or a vision which could be shared on how we want to implement DevOps across @CSC
Soren Helsted
I have had talks with both GIS and GBS in my region about training plans for this FY - and have told both to understand what the "others" do and go talk more to them
Rich Reba
connect with @rickwelhelm and Kristie Grinnell - they are leading the charge in work stream 6c (Lean Delivery)
Chris Fangmann
Lead by example, pick team members who'll take your example and have followers in our company. #JDI
Ernesto Diaz
Very good reference: The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win
Rick Wilhelm
@richrebajr Yes... working on both DevOps and Lean Delivery (w/ Kristie)
Chris Fangmann
@rickwilhelm are you available for a quick call next week? Would like to discuss Thread B with you
Rick Wilhelm
This week likely better... ping me.
Chris Fangmann
@richrebajr relating OpenStack to LOTR: Is this the ring to "rule them all"
Doesn't rule the endpoints
Rick Wilhelm
Hmm... consider the app http://memecreator.e...
One does not simply move an app to the cloud - One Does Not Simply A | MEME CREATOR - Simple Meme Creator / Generator
One does not simply move an app to the cloud - One Does Not Simply A | MEME CREATOR - Simple Meme Creator / Generator
Rick Wilhelm
@richrebajr Freshly created... just for you and @jpetrassi
Heather Simpson 🌈🍃
Thanks for joining us everyone! We can now even see the "big red diagram" :) @richrebajr and @jpetrassi will be jumping into the chat as soon as the hangout finishes:
July 24th Tech Talk Soundbites: CSC's Integrated Technology Portfolio - Google+
+CSC Integrated Technology Portfolio is the cornerstone of our technology and "Next Gen" go-to-market transformation. Understanding this blueprint will be fundamental to our roles, skills development and strategic direction in the near future as we d...
Chris Fangmann
That's going to be some interesting 60 minutes - thanks in advance @richrebajr & @jpetrassi for sharing where we are and where we will go to.