DevOps Enterprise Summit
CrowdChat with Gene Kim and Steve Brodie about DevOps Enterprise Summit in Oct 2014
   10 years ago
#DOES14Future of DevOps and CD Hosted by Steve Brodie, CEO of Electric Cloud, and Gene Kim, noted DevOps author and researcher
Wesley Pullen
@stbrodie and @realgenekim, I would be VERY interested in either of you commenting on the difference between #DOES14, #DevOpsDays, and/or #DevOpsSummit (via UNICOM)? Lots of events on DevOps these days. Why?
Steve Brodie
Gene can speak to this very eloquently but in a nutshell our Summit is squarely targeted at large enterprises and ISVs pursuing DevOps and Continuous Delivery
Steve Brodie
for those in the DevOps community, we've heard the stories of Netflix, Etsy, Amazon, etc.
Steve Brodie
DOES14 will highlight real-world stories from companies like GE, Disney, SpaceX, Barclay's Bank,TicketMaster, Nordstrom,Gap and many many more
Wesley Pullen
@stbrodie Thanks very much for the clarification.
John Furrier
Welsey don't forget #devops CrowdChats .. Devops is the fastest growing community of developers on the planet
Gene Kim
#DOES14 focuses on heroic journey of horses, where Velocity/DevOpsDays (my fave cons) is about the unicorns.
Gene Kim
Some of my best friends are unicorns, but we need to broaden #devops narrative to include horses.
Gene Kim
I believe majority of economic #devops value will come from horses, not unicorns. Just saying. :)
Gene Kim
#DOES14 program committee very focused on talks from ppl leading #devops xforms in large, complex orgs
Jeremy Douglas
How much of a focus will IoT & embedded software be at #DOES14?
John Furrier
Great question #iot is hot GE calls it the #industrialcloud
Steve Brodie
Many people don't believe DevOps and Continuous Delivery is relevant for organizations developing IoT and embedded softare solutions
Steve Brodie
However, we have a number of IoT and Embedded customers, such as GE, SpaceX and Huawei that have successfully implement CD initiatives
Cat Posey
For those intrested in learning more about Electric Cloud, check out our vision on the future of software:
Software is Everywhere
Software is everywhere and today's leading web, enterprise IT, embedded, and mobile companies need to build, test and deploy software efficiently to avoid co...
Oren Carmeli
Great video, I think there should be a big focus on data protection and safety. I want to be certain that my information is being protected.
Steve Brodie
@Oren_Carmeli Hi Oren, agree 100% on the need data protection, privacy an security. Critical to incorporate this perspective and validation into the continuous delivery process
John Furrier
Question: What are some of the barriers to accelerating the pace of quality software into production and deployment?
Steve Brodie
Many organizations have bottlenecks due lack of automation or silos of automation
Gene Kim
A common theme among submissions for #devops adoption barrier was "low trust culture" and "culture culture culture"
Steve Brodie
In many of the organizations we visit, common bottlenecks include long build times, manual testing, and slow deployment and provisioning
What about roles of different clouds? I like AWS for something not for others? How do I work across the cloud providers?
Wesley Pullen
@stbrodie I completely agree here.
Steve Brodie
As Gene notes, the solution is multi-dimensional. A successful CD/DevOps transformation requires evolution in culture, process and technology
Gene Kim
I love the universality of certain #devops barriers: culture, manual testing, compliance... we're all fighting same battles.
Steve Brodie
@Crowdfather DevOps is fundamentally cloud agnostic IMO
Evan Powell
We see a lack of trust and transparency in cross silo automation - if any exists. Agree w/ @stbrodie
Steve Brodie
@Crowdfather We see organizations implementing CD on top of private cloud baed on VMWare, OpenStack and others
John Furrier
@stbrodie Can you explain the silo piece in detail
Steve Brodie
@Crowdfather We also see organizations doing DevOps on a variety of public clouds
Evan Powell
@stbrodie at the risk of the worst acronym in DevOps, do we need Automation As A Service? We've seen it just a few places, not broadly done (yet).
Steve Brodie
@epowell101 Evan, you are correct, the trust issues are some of the biggest challenges
Steve Brodie
@epowell101 I believe the reality is that organizations with strong silos and trust issues probably struggle to achieve faster cycle times, higher quality, greater responsiveness and better uptime
Gene Kim
.@furrier @stbrodie: Yes! In research, high trust was 1 of top predictors of lead time, MTTR, deploy freq.
Gene Kim
PS: Here's the PPT that @jezhumble, @nicolefv, @nigelkersten gave 2 wks ago: http://www.slideshar...
2014 State Of DevOps Findings! Velocity Conference
Presentation by Nicole Forsgren Velasquez | Jez Humble | Nigel Kersten | Gene Kim
Steve Brodie
@epowell101 We probably have more than enough acronyms in our industry before we introduce AaaS :-)
Evan Powell
@stbrodie Regarding lack of trust in automation, we see a N^2 integration challenge too. Many to many tied together w/ scripts typically or "real code" at places like AWS.
Steve Brodie
@stbrodie @epowell101 That said, many of our largest customer have setup centralized, shared continuous delivery services on an internal private cloud
Steve Brodie
@epowell101 Regarding the N^2 integration challenge, definitely a challenge with point to point integrations or linkages
Steve Brodie
@epowell101 Some of the most successful organizations we see employ and E2E orchestration solution to automation the software delivery pipeline from developer check-in to production release and feedback loops from produyction monitoring
John Furrier
What are some of the most innovative things happening in #devops ? Trivia this app is built 100% on the cloud we love #devops and #nodejs
Evan Powell
Use of "machine learning" to rank resolutions / actions. Happening some places. Utopia is to author (test, stage, utilize) resolutions in an automated way.
John Furrier
@epowell101 that is the language of love here at #crowdchat :-) automation is the key imo
Evan Powell
Of course we get back to thread above - fear (for good reason sometimes) of automation run amok. There are some ways to keep it safe beyond just code reviews.
Wesley Pullen
@stbrodie What will a participant walk away with after attending #DOES14?
John Furrier
always the best question; what's the core value: content or networking, technology, or all?
Steve Brodie
Participants will hear stories from some of the world's leading enterprises on the transformative benefits they are seeing from DevOps and CD
John Furrier
I would ask too who should attend the DevOps Enterprise Summit?
Steve Brodie
Participants will see that DevOps and Continuous Delivery is not just for Silicon Valley tech companies like NetFlix, Google and Facebook
Gene Kim
Hi, @WesleyPullen! Attendees will see orgs that look like them, undertaking #devops transformations that they can hopefully replicate themselves.
Steve Brodie
Participants will hear real-world case studies from customers like GE, Disney, Barclay's Capital, Nordstrom and many more
Wesley Pullen
Hey @realgenekim :)! Great to see you on this chat. Any chance you will hi-light patterns or roadmaps that participants can walk away with to implement and use within their own companies?
What giveaways do we get?
Gene Kim
Early analysis of #does14 submissions and accepted talks: top titles incl "chief architects", "Dir/VP", "distinguished engr/technical fellow" (!!)
Steve Brodie
Participants will also hear how Continuous Delivery is the new Agile - an evolution and extension of Agile focused on accelerating delivery of valuable software into the hands of end users
Gene Kim
(I've always had deep respect for Distinguished Engineers & Technical Fellows. Serious kung fu. :)
Steve Brodie
We've got some incredible swag! You gotta join us to find out ;^)
Wesley Pullen
Hey @stbrodie :). Thanks for the details.
Steve Brodie
@Crowdfather Join us to see all the incredible swag
@stbrodie AWS always get slammed for bad swag
Gene Kim
Absolutely, we plan on on writing up key findings from #does14 on #devops horse transformations