Wesley Pullen20
@stbrodie and @realgenekim, I would be VERY interested in either of you commenting on the difference between #DOES14, #DevOpsDays, and/or #DevOpsSummit (via UNICOM)? Lots of events on DevOps these days. Why?
Steve Brodie
Gene can speak to this very eloquently but in a nutshell our Summit is squarely targeted at large enterprises and ISVs pursuing DevOps and Continuous Delivery
Steve Brodie
for those in the DevOps community, we've heard the stories of Netflix, Etsy, Amazon, etc.
Steve Brodie
DOES14 will highlight real-world stories from companies like GE, Disney, SpaceX, Barclay's Bank,TicketMaster, Nordstrom,Gap and many many more
Wesley Pullen
@stbrodie Thanks very much for the clarification.
John Furrier
Welsey don't forget #devops CrowdChats .. Devops is the fastest growing community of developers on the planet