Dan Hushon9
The other key issue imo. is turning data sets from tribal phenomena to enterprise assets... registries, meta information, lineage, provenance, and the like? thoughts?
Dan Hushon
how often are you calling people for data? and then not knowing how it's been transformed [tampered] and whether it's fit for purpose
Jeff Frick Can you expand on this?
Dan Hushon how many people would reuse a piece of binary code?... for me a derived data set that has been massaged for one purpose may not fit your purpose
John Furrier
I agree that we will see the rise of what I call "graph software" which will create the "next Google" bc search is the big problem..clutter is a discovery and navigation problem to "data"
Jeff Frick
Are enterprises viewing the challenge this way? Really changing the construct.
Jeff Frick
And the elevation of the second order info, the meta data. interesting