Jean-Luc Chatelain23

Anyone as concerned as I am that the universe of #bigdata has a massive black hole into which #GRC has fallen?

John Furrier

do you think a chief data officer is a viable new role vs current governance execs..does it stunt innovation?

Jean-Luc Chatelain Yes, heck yes CDO is new critical role but cannot report to CIO...must be to CEO #bigdatanyc

Crowd Captain https://twitter.com/evanwolf/status/390151630957465602 

Jeff Frick
Yes, is this a function of our daily interaction with Facebook and Google? Have expectations changed? Certainly doesn't impact GRC risk and responsiblitites
Dan O'Sullivan
As the line of IT / Business is moved closer to the Business, operations will need to adopt change control or all hell will break loose

John Furrier is devops a real trend or just for web scale companies?

John Furrier
RT As the line of IT / Business is moved closer to the Business, operations will need to adopt change control or all hell will break loose >> Right on Danny!!

John Furrier
Jean-Luc do you see data storage strategies changing as a result of the NSA controversy? Or is it a tempest in a teapot?

Jean-Luc Chatelain NSA Issue is media tempest mostly; I don't think storage strategy will change; NSA policy/oversight will

Dave Vellante
I agree - esp in regulated industries like FS, health, govt - CDO is a critical role and shld be independent of cio

John Furrier 

RT @InformationCTO: @furrier Yes, heck yes CDO is new critical role but cannot report to CIO...must be to CEO #bigdat... #bigdatanyc via ht…

Jeff Frick consistent with message from MIT Info Quality Symposium http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoZ01JSxXTw&list=PLenh213llmcaXS9NvsqUxyP4hDZiMU7Tr