Jesse Proudman88

What's your definition of hybrid cloud?

Jesse Proudman
A Hybrid cloud exists when a single workload spans multiple infrastructures (public and private, public and public, private and private, etc..)

John Furrier
can you elaborate on the workload issue or is it just a infra issue

Jesse Proudman
It's a workload issue. A single workload (application) must span multiple infrastructures to be considered hybrid.

Mike Onsing
is the definition also about the deployment or architecture? like on premise or off prem

CenturyLink Business
@cloud_opinion great definition: hybrid cloud = frankenstein. Hopefully in a good sense?!

@CenturyLinkEnt ha ha - was Frankenstein ever good ? :)

Jesse Proudman
@mikeonsing For hybrid, the location of the infrastructure doesn't matter. It's about the architecture of the deployment.

Mike Onsing
self service, API, Agile apps,.. great point Jesse Proudman

Mike Onsing
hybrid can be in the datacenter https://twitter.com/...

Jeff Frick
@cloud_opinion > Frankenstein Cloud, for all the cloud conversation, hadn't heard that one. I like it.

Sam Charrington
We need to distinguish hybrid clouds and hybrid cloud applications. The former may be defined independent of workload. The latter is what @blueboxjesse is talking about. Both are interesting, for different reasons (infr federation & mgmt vs app mgmt).

Jesse Proudman
@samcharrington Curious on the distinction you'd make? What's hybrid mean without a workload?

Sam Charrington
I can have a hybrid cloud not running hybridized applications, i.e. per ur def single workload spanning infrastructures.

Jesse Proudman
@samcharrington Still don't totally understand... How is it a hybrid cloud without an application? :)

Brian Mirise
I see multiple clouds without a unified orchestration as "multi-cloud"

Sam Charrington
No one is saying there is no application, just that one can have a hybrid cloud without a single application that spans the entirety of it.

Stuart Miniman
I believe @samcharrington means federated applications (spanning locations) vs having some apps on-prem, some in public and some as SaaS with no bursting or moving

Jesse Proudman
@samcharrington I just disagree. :)

Jesse Proudman
@stu @samcharrington Yes, that makes sense. Depending on what those infrastructures are, that could simply be "cloud" or IMO would be categorized as hybrid cloud.

Sam Charrington
Right @BrianMirise, there is a spectrum. Multi-cloud = JBOCS, Hybrid cloud = multiple clouds with common provisioning, identity, cost performance and application management.

Sam Charrington
JBOCs = Just a Bunch Of Clouds if not obvious

Sam Charrington
Said another way, I believe Hybrid is itself an architectural principle, that may be applied independently at the infrastructure tier and the application tier.

Sam Charrington
Which raises the interesting q, can you have hybrid cloud applications without a hybrid cloud in my view. Of course. Just because you run your backend on GCE and your DB on RDS does that mean you have a hybrid cloud. Your def yes, mine no.

Sam Charrington
But if you take steps to unify identity, deployment, management across the two such that the user doesn't care what cloud they're using, then you can of course incorporate GCE and AWS into a hybrid cloud.

Jesse Proudman
@samcharrington Super helpful. So your definition requires both application and orchestration spanning multiple infrastructures. I think that's logical.

Sam Charrington
Ummm. I would say to have a hybrid cloud application running on a hybrid cloud then yes. Where we disagree is that I think you can have either a hybrid cloud or a hybrid cloud application without the other.

Tim Crawford
The reality is: Just about every org on the planet is using a hybrid approach to services today. #cloud

John Furrier
@tcrawford i was said earlier that born in the cloud vs connecting to the cloud is a great demark line for what is hybrid

Tim Crawford
@furrier That's an interesting perspective. Not sure how I think about it. Must think more.