As we rebuild our "technology voice" inside CSC the communities provide the amplifier so you can be heard too. My challenge to everyone is to think about one simple thing you can do to get more involved, that would help your "day job"
Soren Helsted
we should all involve at least one of our colleagues who is not involved already... guess most of us on this tweet chat are already involved to some level
Chris Fangmann
Suggestion: Whenever you need help or someone to brainstorm with, instead of going to the colleague at the next desk, ask the communities - and include the colleague at the next desk
Lisa Braun
One thing is to blog or start a discussion in C3 on a topic of interest to you or that you need help with. Get a mini community going around you as a start.
Soren Helsted
use twitter when sharing (non confidential info) with your colleagues as it makes others chip in as it is publicly available
Heather Simpson ππ
@LisaAnneBraun agree, start a thread and then cross-promote in other channels--if we see it and can do so, we'll help! and agree, @sorenhelsted, we need a "bring a friend" day to an upcoming transformation meeting, town hall (Oct 2) or soundbites!
Lisa Braun
@heatherscsc @sorenhelsted I like that "bring a friend" day/idea.
Helen Jones
Great idea @heatherscsc i love the idea of encouraging people to bring a friend along to the Town Hall
Sorin Costea
@heatherscsc @sorenhelsted this "bring in a friend day" is a great idea to increase community involvement!
Chris Fangmann
@heatherscsc So ICP will be based on how many people one engages?
Heather Simpson ππ
Invite a friend to our next Transformation Town Hall, Oct 2:, get them to RSVP via G+, tweet us using #cscbringafriend and we'll add you to our #csctechawesomeness list
October 2 Technology Transformation Town Hall and CrowdChat - Google+
Join us as we kick off the next phase of our @118416213869891352236 Technology Transformation, looking back at our progress and forward to preview the next phase of our tech transformation strategy and program plan. @100398710978866863311 and @116020...
Join us as we kick off the next phase of our @118416213869891352236 Technology Transformation, looking back at our progress and forward to preview the next phase of our tech transformation strategy and program plan. @100398710978866863311 and @116020...