John Furrier21

What is the number one thing you hope attendees will walk away with at the end of the event?
Terrence Blake
Big messages will be about Cloud and continued innovation in horizontal and vertical products. Infor's investment in these area the past 3 years is over $1b.

John Furrier
Is there a big data angle theme?
Terrence Blake
Absolutely. Big announcement at the Tuesday general session.

John Furrier
What is the biggest thing most people don't know about @infor ?
Peter Jarznka
cloud is nice, but some of us just aren't/can't head there right now. Praying Infor doesn't forget the little guy.
Terrence Blake
Not forgetting the little guy. The case we'll make in the general session is that the model is becoming too compelling for our customers not to move to the Cloud. It's the Geoff Moore adoption cycle, right? You get to a point when it's a no brainer.
Gregory Chun
Terrence Blake, so the number one thing we should walk away with from Inforum is that we should move to the Cloud?o
Peter Jarznka
No brainer except for the 6 month investment to upgrade...
Terrence Blake
Message is: Infor is investing heavily in the Cloud and making it as easy as possible to move to the Cloud. Our customers have to decide for themselves!