John Furrier59
Question 1: 1)What makes a storage array hybrid vs. a traditional array?
John Furrier
What makes a storage array hybrid vs. a traditional array?
Bert Latamore
Combination of flash and spinning disk
Dave Vellante
A hybrid uses a combination of spinning disk and flash. The nuance is that hybrids are designed to be hybrids versus a legacy array that bolts-on flash
Jean-Luc Chatelain
SW that intelligently adapt data placement and movement with appliance to the workload as opposed to fixed media type LUNS deferring to the apps to make decision
Hybrid storage arrays offer a combination of DRAM, flash memory and HDDs, featuring a cache-centric Flash-first architecture as Wikibon defines it
Dave Vellante
The other nuance (that we feel is important) is that the best value (at scale) comes from arrays that write directly to flash versus using the flash as solely a cache
Jean-Luc Chatelain
On right Hybrid apps should not see tiers but seamless persistence space which behave a maximum capability for varied workloads
Kerstin Woods
Important to note that not all hybrids are created equal. DCIG: Making the Right Hybrid Storage Buying Decision
Dave Vellante
Writes are the Achilles heel of storage arrays - writing to a persistent medium dramatically address write bottlenecks
Dave Vellante
@dfloyer modeled this effect - this chart shows iops at scale across different levels of write intensity
Kerstin Woods
Similar in concept to hybrid cars - leverage one technology for cost savings and another for performance to gain the best of both.
Dave Vellante
You can see that even at 50% scale, the hybrid (flash first array) outperforms traditional arrays with MUCH lower write intensity.
Jean-Luc Chatelain
@dvellante But attention, not all writes are equal OLTP type writes sensitive to latency but OLAP or stream ingest write are about maximum throughput
Bert Latamore
Also with flash costs dropping the cost advantage of disk is decreasing.
Dave Vellante
@InformationCTO yes absolutely. In fact the ZFS array is best in high bandwidth apps (e.g. backup) and certain lighter weight analytics apps - NOT OLTP (to UR point)
@dvellante Following up on Dave and others Hybrids are designed as such from the beginning and also need intelligent SW to place data in the right storage tier. With the Oracle ZS3 we load up on DRAM (2TB) and Flash (23TB read/write)
John Furrier
@InformationCTO one thing that came up at #openstacksummit is the TCO piece of this discussion
Kerstin Woods
TCO is key. Looking at ZFS Storage hybrid vs traditional arrays over 4-years the ZS3 is 266% less expensive. Wikibon: ZS3 Reads for Show and Writes for Dough:
Wikibon has written a report on how hybrid arrays are poised to disrupt traditional arrays due to performance and cost advantages. See it here i.
Oracle Hardware
@Wikibon: Hybrid Storage is poised to disrupt traditional disk arrays: