
AWS Summit
Conversations with cloud thought leaders about AWS technology & solutions
   10 years ago
#AWSSummitAWS Summit@theCUBE will broadcast live at #AWS Summit in SF; this is open channel with reruns from AWS events
BTW, we just updated the App while YOU were LIVE chatting == 0% downtime. Proudly sharing the update log here :)

Tim Crawford
Glad to be the guinea pig. :)
John Furrier
We are very excited at Crowdchat to be a customer of AWS .. without AWS we would not be in business. Thanks #AWS
Holger Mueller
I still think Youtube beats AWS for Siliconangle... the power of the moving picture beats the print .. all the time. ;-)
Drew Bratcher
deploying while users are on site is a priceless ability from a developer's standpoint
JP Morgenthal
Is architecture pure IaaS or are you leveraging AWS services as well?
Amy Hylden Anderson
continuous delivery practices??
@jpmorgenthal It is ElasticBeanStalk + some AWS services
@aha_inthe_cloud Code is hosted in github, developer does unit testing, runs in staging and aws.push pushes it to entire cluster in rolling updates, dead easy with elasticbeanstalk.
Dave Vellante
@holgermu I agree ur video comment - Infrastructure should be invisible!
Pete Johnson
Jassy is making great points about their security as a justification against private cloud, but I wonder about NSA. Do I have a better chance of hiding my network traffic from the feds in my own DC than AWS does in theirs?
Tim Crawford
There's a bit of a fallacy in the thinking that an internal DC is more secure.
John Furrier
I talked to some of their security oriented customers and the gov cloud is baked with security.. they won't say much though
Tim Crawford
Netflix does have an all-in #cloud strategy that is refreshing, but does present some challenges. cc: @mdkail
John Furrier
my guess is that they move to more stable hosted model on critical processes for running the service over the cloud
Tim Crawford
Their all-in strategy spans more than just the Netflix service. Includes classic enterprise functions.
JP Morgenthal
Did anyone notice on #GPCLive slide that Netflix was listed?
David Hill
AWS Summit Review by a VMware guy –Part 2 #AWSSummit
AWS Summit Review by a VMware guy – Part 2 | David Hill
Yesterday I attended the AWS Summit in San Francisco.  I wrote part 1 of my AWS Summit Review series yesterday, and this can be read by clicking here. That article focused on the feel of the conference and gave some details on the keynote. What I wan...
David Hill
RT @davehill99: AWS Summit Review by a VMware guy –Part 2 #AWSSummit <- Thanks for RT
Steve M
RT @davehill99: AWS Summit Review by a VMware guy –Part 2 #AWSSummit <
John Furrier
Crowdchats own Dani Rayan selected with #bigdata gurus talking large scale systems & data; #data is in Crowdchat's veins we bleed data
International Academic Conference Looking For Industry Practitioners to Present on “BigData” | SiliconANGLE
An International academic conference on big data management system is looking to bring together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, and others interested in sharing and presenting their perspectives on the effective...
John Furrier
here @dvellante is the trending data for #devops and #aws is trending in big vertical among 1.7m unique users sample size

Amy Hylden Anderson
Great energy in the partner best practices session.
John Furrier
#AWS is getting more traction and they aren't even pushing hard.. their offering is attracting the best
John Furrier
Jason Stowe live on @theCUBE #theCUBE talking high performance cloud from life sciences to corporate enterprises; 156k cores he deployed in cloud #massive #compute
Bert Latamore
Great concept -- HPC cluster in the cloud that a company can dial up in and start using for its research in a couple of minutes.
Bert Latamore
Jason said "As AWS keeps dropping prices it will make more use cases that didn't make sense become practical."
Tim Crawford
@infor is privately held. @jefffrick Q s/b why would you want to go public?
Bert Latamore
@Infor COO basically said that is a big part of the strategy on @theCUBE
John Furrier
Staying private is much better than being a public company esp when @infor is trying to move to innovative company vs holding company
JP Morgenthal
#AWS has held the high ground for very long time but live migration of VMs is an attractive feature and raises the bar for competition