
AWS Summit
@theCUBE will broadcast live at #AWS Summit in SF; this is open channel with reruns from AWS events
   10 years ago
#AWSSummitAWS SummitConversations with cloud thought leaders about AWS technology & solutions
   7 years ago
#AWSSummitAWS Summit 2017 East@theCUBE will broadcast live at #AWS Summit in NYC; this is open channel with reruns from AWS events
John Furrier
Its pretty clear that enterprise IT is in a long secular decline & that the cloud is going to win as the primary modality of delivering enterprise computing. I know that offends lots of people, but it would be a good time to come to terms with this reality
John Furrier
The question is, how does the enterprise get to the cloud? There are three possible answers:
John Furrier
1. The Internet. This terrifies enterprises for a variety of reasons, some with merit, others utterly without. Regardless enterprises won't rely on the Internet.
John Furrier
2. Carrier cloud interconnect services - either provided my conventional carriers or a few other startups looking to launch. Competing against the carriers for this business is going to be rough, but on the other hand, most of the carriers are clueless
John Furrier
2 (cont) The idea is to provide a single pipe to the enterprise that includes the ability to reach a variety of cloud services, privately. This could be integrated into an MPLS VPN, for example. This is no longer about remote peering, which was a niche.
John Furrier
3. Colocation cloud interconnect services - Equinix and Coresite are two fairly prominent providers of cloud exchange services that are centered inside the data center. This is more than a switch and more than a conventional IXP
John Furrier
3 (cont) The value prop here is that it allows enterprises a hybrid approach - retain their data on prem (cage), with a direct connection to cloud services. there appears to be a channel conflict between the carrier neutral colocation providers & carriers
Cloud = enterprise IT. New way of doing things (orchestration, auto-scaling, build security in). You are talking buy or rent infra
John Furrier
@ascohen Totally agree the new reality is here to be embraced and extended #VMware is a dark horse in all the players; Virtualization & networks are a nice lever for transformation
John Furrier
@ascohen What are the hot areas do you see that we should look at
2) you are describing Uber/Zipcar v. Ford rent or buy your infra
3) either way @furrier operational model is changing
r 4) @furrier the silos are ending inside IT. Everyone cares about DevAPs, infrastructure and security
5) @furrier Everyone is part of DevAPs
6) when everything is new again, all the areas are hot. I am partial to security :-)
John Furrier
@ascohen Describe what you mean by #DevAP
7 @furrier DevAPs is my take on DevOPs. Everyone in IT lives to create applications (including infra and security). DevAPs is how all the groups support the mission
8 @furrier we should stop seeing it as something separate and something we are share
Guru Chahal
Agree with @ascohen on this - cloud represents an evolution of IT. IT isn't defined by where your workloads run (on/off premise) - rather by the value it provides to the business, and that continues to grow rapidly!
John Furrier
Patterns in the Cloud
John Furrier
startups are building in the cloud first - application innovation happening in the cloud - agile is winning - I agree with Jassy; #engagementcloud by Crowdchat is a winning formula
John Furrier
Aribnb,Dropbox, Gaming, Instascart, tinder, crowdchat, all built in the cloud and are growing fast
John Furrier
Pattern #2: Speed is not just for startups - big companies need speed
John Furrier
hard to stay competitive if you can't move fast and don't use the cloud says Andy Jassy
John Furrier
Jassy says "datacenters are frozen in time" #FrozenInTime love that hashtag he used
John Furrier
Ironic he used #FrozenInTime when they have a product called Glacier
John Furrier
Use case for enterprise is Digital Transformation and new apps
John Furrier
Jassy is a huge sports fan he gets excited by the MLB statcast example
John Furrier
Pattern 3: Agility - being agile and flexibile to move development teams and launch new apps. Dynamic platforms will the foundational elements of the new generation of apps
John Furrier
AWS Jassy showing the architecture map of AWS - it's all about "lego blocks" this is the way now - finally the Service Oriented Architecture is here ..10 yrs later; web services are here and bolt on mobile it's a grand slam- #AWSwinning
John Furrier
Compute/Storage/Relational Databases/ Auditing,Security, & Compliance : segmenting the functionality around instances; goal is workload flexibility; not all work loads are cookie cutter - lots of mix and match needs
Jeff Frick
> Those photos that go do "cold storage" > Interesting how the value of photos have changed since there is no more "scarcity"
John Furrier
Pattern: Old shackles are Loosening
John Furrier
Aurora talk now - indirect jab at Oracle coming ironically they are using MySQL ; 1/10 cost of leading commercial databases (hmm Oracle)
John Furrier
Now Amazon Workspaces - what VDI should have been says Jassy - half the cost of VDI
John Furrier
Pattern: Moving to the cloud is not a binary decision - No; On prem vs cloud What roles does hybrid IT play.
John Furrier
AWS hybrid-IT mode is a new feature - private cloud on AWS = hybrid cloud
John Furrier
Hybrid IT is part of the journey , NOT the destination - hello #VMware
Bert Latamore
Guru Chahal, VP Product, Avi Networks Inc. live now on @theCUBE from #AWSSummit San Francisco 2015. Watch and join the conversation at https://www.crowdcha...
John Furrier
. @BertLatamore Networks will be the big issue in the cloud; interconnect will be a big issue where companies like IIX (startup) will add lots of value
John Furrier
I tweeted about carrier challenges with cloud here earlier https://www.crowdcha...
Bert Latamore
The network ha to be more intelligenct says Chahal.
Bert Latamore
The new environment isn't a "big hulking box" It's 50 microservices working together, says Chahal.
Bert Latamore
The best strategy is to spread your bets. "The moment you bet on one thing your problems start from there," says Chahal.
John Furrier
Going deep with Guru on networking trends wrt cloud - he's literally a guru
Guru Chahal
@furrier It was an absolute pleasure John - thanks for having me. Its an exciting time in networking and you are on the mark when you say the importance of the network will continue to grow as cloud continues to grow.
Guru Chahal
Applying application microservices principles to network services is the next logical step in network evolution. #NoBoxes #DistributedMicroservices
John Furrier
Jassy doubling down on his storage message - Hmmm EMC red alert - Jassy vs Burton - that would be a heavy weight bout
John Furrier
Jassy announces Elastic File System - managed service to share your scaled file storage for ec2; SSD based; automatic replication across AZs (like S3)
Bert Latamore
But will this b targeted at internal enterprise storage, EMC's market, or at Big Data generated in the Cloud?
John Furrier
Big data analytics will be huge #databricks has a spark solution - they are hot startup funded by @NEAVC
Bert Latamore
Scott Hedrick, Dir Strategic Solutions Marketing, Informatica live now on @theCUBE from #AWSSummit San Francisco 2015. Watch at http://www.siliconan... Join the conversation at https://www.crowdcha...
Ariana Gradow
"Informatica Delivers a Foundation for True Hybrid IT Data Pipelines by Extending On-Premises Data Integration and Big Data products on #AWS" says Scott Hedrick @InformaticaCorp https://www.informat...
Ariana Gradow
Check out #powercenter for real time data integration by @informaticacorp
Bert Latamore
Informatica focused on Big Data, Cloud, mastering data.
John Furrier
I can't wait for Informatica World coming up http://www.informati...
John Furrier
@theCUBE will be there
Informatica World 2015
May 11-15, 2015
The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas
Bert Latamore
Informaticaworld is coming up & theCUBE will be there.