
Test chat for upcoming events
This is a sandbox chat where Crowdfluence customers can explore the Crowdchat functionality.
   4 years ago
#CrowdfluenceTest chat for upcoming eventsThis is a sandbox chat where Crowdfluence customers can explore the Crowdchat functionality.
   3 years ago
#CrowdfluenceTest chat for upcoming eventsThis is a sandbox chat where Crowdfluence customers can explore the Crowdchat functionality.
Suhela Dighe
Welcome to a test chat for my customers. Please log in to Crowdchat with your Twitter handle (top right button) to participate.

Suhela Dighe
Always reply here.
Suhela Dighe
You can add images and video to your posts. Each post gets tweeted out to your Twitter followers, too, with a link back to this site.