This is a test page for future Crowdchats. I will always start with an image and then you can REPLY below. Please remove the @suzyspaatz before replying. Make sure that "post to Twitter" is ticked.
Suhela Dighe
Comment down here. You can add images or videos to your reply. All posts are also tweeted from your account with a link back to Crowdchat.
Ian Sanderson
Dave Russell 🤓
Test :-)
Suhela Dighe
Hello, I look forward to the chat today.
Shane Williford
Test x 2 ;)
Natalia Perestoronina (Paskhina)
Hi Everyone, I'm managing a Thought Leadership Campaign
Jeff Reichard
Test chat with Crowdchat
Pete Flecha
Got it
Dave Russell 🤓
@BackupDave Reply to my test