
Test chat for upcoming events
This is a sandbox chat where Crowdfluence customers can explore the Crowdchat functionality.
   4 years ago
#CrowdfluenceTest chat for upcoming eventsThis is a sandbox chat where Crowdfluence customers can explore the Crowdchat functionality.
   3 years ago
#CrowdfluenceTest chat for upcoming eventsThis is a sandbox chat where Crowdfluence customers can explore the Crowdchat functionality.
Suhela Dighe
Welcome to the Crowdchat platform. I run a lot of these events for my customers, especially to support product launches or events. Here are some tips.

Suhela Dighe
Please always reply to the Question (posted with a graphic), so we can build a nice discussion thread underneath it.
Suhela Dighe
Remove the @reply from your response. This will ensure that your Twitter followers will see the post as a public tweet and not a personal reply, so maximising the reach.
Suhela Dighe
We tend to have 3 main discussion points during a 1 hour chat.
Suhela Dighe
Thanks for having me!