
Test chat for upcoming events
This is a sandbox chat where Crowdfluence customers can explore the Crowdchat functionality.
   4 years ago
#CrowdfluenceTest chat for upcoming eventsThis is a sandbox chat where Crowdfluence customers can explore the Crowdchat functionality.
   4 years ago
#CrowdfluenceTest chat for upcoming eventsThis is a sandbox chat where Crowdfluence customers can explore the Crowdchat functionality.
Suhela Dighe
Good morning! This is another test Crowdchat for you to get familiar with the platform. I will always post the discussion points here with a photo. You then REPLY underneath.

Suhela Dighe
When you reply, don't use the @xxx option. Remove @xxx. Otherwise, your Twitter followers won't see your post. Each comment you type here is automatically tweeted, if the "Twitter" box to the right is checked.
Suhela Dighe
This looks good.
Dean L.
testing :D
Dean L.
reply testing
Paul Stringfellow