
Business Agility with DevOps
Explore Business Agility with DevOps
Dr. G
What do you refer to as Business Agility, how it is different from Agile? #bizagility
Dr. G
For me, #bizagility is the ability of an organization to use agile methodologies for adapting quickly to #market changes, #customer needs, and deliver #value with quick feedback loops
Mark Peters
I think when you overqualify, you under produce. Agility means moving quickly or easy, business confuses small a - agile with big A Agile as in agile manifesto
Maciej Jarosz
I'd say - the ability to survive and thrive in the aggressive market/s while at the same time not destroy the company due to some not that optimal decisions.
Dr. G
When people say #agile, they are referring to technical agility or team agility and that is more on the mechanics of delivering working software than achieving #business outcomes
William Szepesi
good input and I feel a pre-requisite is visibility of those market changes, client requirements and your own business processes and operations
Sriram RJ
Agility of organization is complete when the business team also adopts the required Agile and DevOps processes. Starting with exploring the change to be introduced all the way till validating the value delivered
Mark Peters
For my definition, Agility means the ability to respond to change, to not overcommit to any one initiative but to remain committed enough that you do not lose focus
Mark Peters
@MaciejJarosz5 I'm not sure the end result is always destroy the company, Have to have the freedom to fail and learn.
Mark Peters
@RjSriram15 Should agility ever be complete? I feel it is an ongoing process requiring constant effort. If we stop working on agility, all that flexibility disappears
Maciej Jarosz
@TinyCyber That's... comfy, yes:)
its similar to doing agile vs being #agile #agility
Mark Peters
@WSzepesi If you know your client, do you need market visibility? Maybe depends on the product?
Measuring means Transparency. What are you thought :)
Dr. G
Measuring means accountability as well :)
Maciej Jarosz
If you know the rules of the game you can game the game:)
Not everything that glitters or shines is gold, compare radium or plutonium:)
Same with measuring - be reasonable.
Mark Peters
measuring and transparency are not equal, you can measure without transparency, and you can be transparent without having measurements
Sriram RJ
Measuring means reflection of your journey :)
Dr. G
Measurement also means quick feedback loops, #continuouslearning and #continuousimprovement
Mark Peters
@gpallapa Same argument, business process and enterprise architecture create accountability. I can have metrics without accountability, just like I have transparency without metrics. Observability creates observable actions requires observing
Maciej Jarosz
@TinyCyber Well, with metrics one at least knows what is going on around, kind of at least. Still better than relying on intuition or guesstimation only.
Mark Peters
@gpallapa Agree to disagree, measurements are not inherently fast. Can set measurements to result in quick feedback but have to set right measurement. Also have to be able to change in the same loop
@TinyCyber well there were hidden & unspoken words in that too :) the less measurable you become the less transparency you bring into the system.
Mark Peters
@MaciejJarosz5 Not arguing against metrics, like everything else, metrics take work, and constant adjustment
William Szepesi
How do we know if we are measuring the right things to become and stay agile?
Mark Peters
Maybe we seperate metric chats from transparency. Transparency, to me, means a clear understanding of why/how an action happens. Metrics measure an action a pt in time, measurements incorporate logs, trace, and metrics to build, valuable knowledge guides action
@TinyCyber I guess you are tempting me to book sometime soon with you to have more conversation with you :)
William Szepesi
What are key components of business agility where DevOps can support?
Maciej Jarosz
Knowing what you actually have, mapping your assets, resources, also those untapped ones - do you know what treasures do you have or not?
Connect the dots.
Santanoo Bhattacharjee
The change in the attitude of enablers to view IT not a cost center anymore. This is the driving factor henceforth.
Mark Peters
Accelerated value to customer, and, of course, flow, feedback, continuous experimentation. Maybe, Culture Automation, Lean, Metrics, Sharing
Mark Peters
@fictionalzeus Shouldn't think of it as enabler, part of the business process, tied in to the overall value-stream.
the real value flow if can be visualized is the key aspect #DevOps can support .#agility
Dr. G
Another way #devops helps is by helping business #leaders focus on the true #metrics that matter and having the right level of #observability for the organization
Mark Peters
@RjSriram15 Is that what that was? I was going to take credit...we could go into the benefits DevOps has for becoming cloud-native as well
Mark Peters
@pareeksiddharth What do you mean by 'real value flow'
William Szepesi
I like @MaciejJarosz5 comment about companies developing organically, not using only a few basic tools like hammer or axe
Mark Peters
@gpallapa Which metrics do you suggest in expanding from #devops to #bizagility
Maciej Jarosz
Well, that hammer or axe is this or that repeatable set of techniques, frameworks, methods, etc.. It's not a paracetamol, it cannot cure most ailments (please consult your favourite doctor before following medical advice found on the Internet).
William Szepesi
What are the first 3 steps towards convergence of DevOps with Business Agility?
Maciej Jarosz
Are those concepts that different? I don't know, at some point concepts permeate and reference each other, just pick a fancy name and try yourself out on the market.
Mark Peters
@MaciejJarosz5 Agreed, Tend to think DevOps has a slightly more structured approach than BizAgility but might be reading the wrong books
Mark Peters
Wiki tells me BA is Business agility refers to rapid, continuous, and systematic evolutionary adaptation and entrepreneurial innovation directed at gaining and maintaining competitive advantage
Mark Peters
DevOps - set of practices that combines software development and IT operations. It aims to shorten the systems development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality.
bring IT closer to business, IT Architecture Agility & Governance new way of working. #agility #devops
Maciej Jarosz
@TinyCyber Well, I'm not into diminishing this or that approach, though after reading some of contemporary frameworks, methods, etc. - those approaches have so many common points that it's actually interesting that they evolved along similar lines.
Mark Peters
Can we argue that value streaming integrates the need to maintain #bizagility with a #DevOps practice? No one approach preferred. All about implementation and value
William Szepesi
Frameworks, tools and techniques are simply tools in your own toolbox and need to be chosen and adapted to your own situation to achieve your goals
Sriram RJ
Bizagility is and should be part of DevOps adoption.. That will help organizations to achieve true cultural transformation
Dr. G
Is rolling #SAFe or #LeSS to the entire organization enough to claim #bizagility?


Mark Peters
#SAFe and #LeSS are transformational steps, increase comfort level for large enterprises. They create the base camp, but you can't summit without "full" DevOps
Maciej Jarosz
It's a question along the lines - if one would ride a racing car does it makes that one a race driver?
As if one size would be able to fit all.


Mark Peters
I might race my everyday car and that doesn't make me a race car driver either. Change hurts. Have to find the steps to managing increasing agility. Don't start #Yoga with an inverted full lotus
Dr. G
Exactly @tinycyber - Checking something off the list does not make things true :)
Dr. G
@MaciejJarosz5 You just crushed my dream ;)
Mark Peters
Too many orgs take the first steps, and then when things get challenging, instead of mapping the new way, they revert to old processes. Feature errors = Change board, Poor workflow = Appoint config mgr Bad peer review = Assign Senior Dev
Maciej Jarosz
Hey, hey, a good computer racing game is still cheaper than buying a decent Ferrari haha
Mark Peters
Just hang out for the full VR experience....almost the same but less time in the ER