Dr. G28
What do you refer to as Business Agility, how it is different from Agile? #bizagility
Dr. G
For me, #bizagility is the ability of an organization to use agile methodologies for adapting quickly to #market changes, #customer needs, and deliver #value with quick feedback loops
Mark Peters
I think when you overqualify, you under produce. Agility means moving quickly or easy, business confuses small a - agile with big A Agile as in agile manifesto
Maciej Jarosz
I'd say - the ability to survive and thrive in the aggressive market/s while at the same time not destroy the company due to some not that optimal decisions.
William Szepesi
good input and I feel a pre-requisite is visibility of those market changes, client requirements and your own business processes and operations
Sriram RJ
Agility of organization is complete when the business team also adopts the required Agile and DevOps processes. Starting with exploring the change to be introduced all the way till validating the value delivered
Mark Peters
For my definition, Agility means the ability to respond to change, to not overcommit to any one initiative but to remain committed enough that you do not lose focus
Mark Peters
@MaciejJarosz5 I'm not sure the end result is always destroy the company, Have to have the freedom to fail and learn.
Mark Peters
@RjSriram15 Should agility ever be complete? I feel it is an ongoing process requiring constant effort. If we stop working on agility, all that flexibility disappears
Maciej Jarosz
@TinyCyber That's... comfy, yes:)
Mark Peters
@WSzepesi If you know your client, do you need market visibility? Maybe depends on the product?