
the TAO that can be told
Open conversations about basically anything.
   5 years ago
#dxchatIndustry ConversationsOpen conversations about DevOps and Digital Transformation.
   5 years ago
#dxchatthe TAO that can be toldOpen conversations about basically anything.
Do networking people code?
John Furrier
networking people can code but will they is the question..
John Furrier
networking talent have natural systems thinking as networking as a construct is a holistic view of system
@furrier That's always been the question of moving Net into Devops
Andrew Clay Shafer 雷启理
network people totally code, they just don't like to call it that
Data gravity problem is real #edge
John Furrier
pushing compute to the edge is a cloud mindset not networking
Do ppl get STP Loops?
Brent Salisbury
+1 bridging loops is probably responsible for the majority of data center outages over the past 20 years
Brent Salisbury
+1 bridging loops is probably responsible for the majority of data center outages over the past 20 years
jay gordon | nyc ☁️ ☠️
no matter how big your network pipe, your limits are still time/space https://www.crowdchat.net/s/86247

Jabe Bloom #BLM
Data Gravity... bends the "space" of ephemeral functions
robyn bergeron
don't forget humans :)
ABA Ask Brent Anything :)
John Furrier
love the throwback to Solaris boxes lol
John Furrier
@networkstatic how can SDN be agile when there are operations implications like stuff going down
Jabe Bloom #BLM
@furrier I still have my SparcStation... I had an uptime on that beast of like 10 years... before I moved and had to unplug it :-\
John Furrier
@cyetain still using Java beans lol
Jabe Bloom #BLM
@furrier ENTERPRISE Java Beans... (it is like a ghost just ran their fingers down my back)
John Furrier
is it about just moving packets? or now with programmability is storing and processing important
John Furrier
on the freeway comment I remember configuring systems on BNC connectors then hubs and switches came along
Yes definitely for #edge
Rudy Gevaert
As long as we have on-premise "static" infrastructure I think there is little value to be seen for networking teams to change their current approach. Big environments will have automated some part of. Enough to hopefully manage.
Andrew Clay Shafer 雷启理
definitely, don't solve the problems you don't have
Rudy Gevaert
How many network teams ever used puppet/chef/ansible ?
Brent Salisbury
believe it or not, a lot are beginning to do it. I will link some blog posts shortly!
jay gordon | nyc ☁️ ☠️
Existence is suffering, is that why containers are meant to he short lived?
Jabe Bloom #BLM
Upādāna... grasping, attachment, clinging... these are sources of suffering. Non-attachment is the way to free ourselves ;-)
Rudy Gevaert
debate: emacs vs vi