
How Will We Store All OurData?
JOIN US: This is a chat-based conversation about how we realistically are going to be storing our business and personal data in places where it will be safe and accessible for years to come. Can the cloud handle all of this? Doubtful.
   6 years ago
#eweekchatExtracting Value from Big DataJOIN US: This is a chat-based conversation about how IT is rapidly evolving into a new phase that is making high-end data analytics available on a widespread basis—through the cloud, edge computing and web applications. How will your company use this function?
   5 years ago
#eweekchatDevOps & Agile Development '19JOIN US: This is a chat-based conversation with DevOps experts Kate Catlin of CircleCI and Principal Engineer Karthik Gaekwad of Oracle about the state of rapid development here in 2019. It's a format change from previous #eWEEKchats, but we're going to give it a go!
Chris Preimesberger
Note on calendar: May 8: "The Status of DevOps and Agile Development in 2019" Special guest TBA soon.
Thanks Chris. Fun to join the chat.
Chris Preimesberger
Thanks again! Hopefully we can meet sometime!
Chris Preimesberger
Have a great week, everybody! Until next Second Wednesday, CP out!
Chris Preimesberger
Stay tuned for next month's topic: May 8: "The Status of DevOps and Agile Development in 2019"
Chris Preimesberger
We're going to call it a day! We do these each month at eWEEKchat, Second Wednesday at 11am PT/2pm ET. RAIN OR SHINE, no matter how many participants are available to join!
Chris Preimesberger
I want to thank our guest, Gary Ogasawara, VP Engineering at Cloudian, for adding great industry information to our discussion. I know I'm keeping this info for future reference!
Chris Preimesberger
We'll set up and publicize the guest thought leader at least 2 months in advance, so everybody gets a good heads up on the topic. We will allow everybody to question us after the chat interview. This will crystallize the #eWEEKchat a bit more; the conversation then can be saved.
Chris Preimesberger
I've been thinking about this for a while, and now I think I'll put the idea into action: From now on, #eWEEKchat will become a 30-minute fireside chat with a thought leader, after which time we'll take questions from the chat audience.
Q3/A3: (Gary) 10 years is a long time, but my guess is that tape will remain an important medium, but there needs to be better APIs to integrate to tape. An example is using object storage software with an S3 API
in front of tape to buffer it.
Chris Preimesberger
Gary, I do want to thank yo for sticking it out with us today. As a thank you, I'd like to allow you to explain why Cloudian brings value to enterprise cloud storage management!
Well, I'll speak in general terms and not too much about Cloudian in specific. There will always be a need to keep data on-premise. All data will not reside in public clouds. It's the faster/cheaper/more-secure advantages of private data storage.
Chris Preimesberger
So CLoudian enables lots of options for users, correct?
One example are deep learning workloads. They need to constantly read training data to build models. Where does that training data come from? From the local factory floor or local sensors, not in a public cloud.
Right. Multi-tenancy is an important feature. The data and control APIs need to be able to support multiple groups/tenants.