#DOES19 London
Next Q: What are the most visible talent gaps in IT today, and what skills or roles are needed most?
I think the biggest thing is finding people with passion who care about their work. Everything else can be taught or learned. It's hard to teach passion, we can foster it as leaders but teaching it, that's hard.
Dominica DeGrandis
Understand the big picture, the end-to-end value stream is a major gap. Value Stream Architects are needed to bring visibility to bottlenecks.
Carmen DeArdo
As @mik_kersten writes about in Project to Product, we need Value Stream Architects who can utilize Flow Metrics and architect the delivery value stream to accelerate the flow of business value.
Matt Stratton is not here for Jeremy’s nonsense
One of the biggest needs is the ability to perform post-incident analysis as a learning exercise - digging further than "root cause" and digesting what we learn from incidents. It's a very tough skill and one that we could use a lot more of.
DevOps Enterprise Summit
with the rise of new roles in IT, would be interesting to see which jobs recruiters are trying to fill today and why
Dheeraj Nayal - Organizer of Global SKILup Day🦸‍♂
@JayneGroll would you like to elaborate more on this having done successfully the Enterprise #DevOps Skills report 2019 with tremendous insights by @DevOpsInstitute
Carmen DeArdo
We also need Leaders to understand the role of Systems Thinking and create a safe environment where their teams can experiment, using their ideas on what will improve flow and delivery, and then take those results to optimize the system (First Way).
Jan-Joost Bouwman
security skills, but I'm slightly biased...
@DOES_USA It's a bit unfortunate sometimes that recruiters will go specifically by skills, previous roles, etc. I'm always looking for those that are willing to learn, try new things, experiment.
Paul Shepheard
there are many! But if I had to go with of the most frequently needed skills I see are in the communications space. The ability align everyone in a delivery system behind a common vision / mission - using terms which connect to them - is a rare commodity IME
Jayne Groll
The recent #Upskilling report from @DevOpsInst showed that automation, process AND soft skills came out statistically equal in terms of "must have" skills.
M. Todd Partain
we recently wrote a Whitepaper on this topic for IT leaders, offering insight into how the CIO can more effectively partner with the business.
The Path to Professional Salvation for Modern IT Leaders
The Path to Professional Salvation for Modern IT Leaders
Today’s technology leaders must learn how to become transformational business experts, driving the digital opportunity with the CMO or CDO, and looking beyond operational improvements to achieve competitive advantage through innovation.
Dheeraj Nayal - Organizer of Global SKILup Day🦸‍♂
@mickfeech Can't agree more on this. Without Passion, nothing actually moves and delivers real outcomes !!
Dominica DeGrandis
@dominicad How many leaders know where the bottleneck is in their end-to-end value stream?
Cornelia Davis
Honestly, I still see a pretty big gap in understanding the app architectural patterns that help software work well in the highly dynamic environment that is the cloud. That is, cloud-native architectural patterns.
Fin Goulding
To be honest, there has always been a skills gap in IT. Going right back the 70's! So, I find the best approach is to broaden the skills of the existing team members (T to Comb-Shaped) and work outside of a fixed job description #flow
Russell Warman
for me a lack of diverse candidates is a big challenge.
Paul Shepheard
@dominicad I love that concept - Value Stream Architects! Looking forward to hearing more about that :)
Carmen DeArdo
@dominicad we know it's the apple sauce :-)
Tom Clark
As we move ever up the stack I can see a greater understanding of our businesses to be essential
Maks (Maria A.) Kiamos Shah
Funny enough people who can identify and communicate a compelling story of IT value-driven return, as opposed to falling back on the old IT cost-driven return
Cornelia Davis
@cdavisafc There are some people who know this really well, but the vast majority of developers probably know about statelessness, but beyond that it diminishes rapidly.
Tom Clark
@fgoulding "comb-shaped" is a term I've been trying to find for years – excellent
Ben Grinnell
I don't think the biggest gaps are in IT anymore. They are in business and finance people understanding the new ways of delivering technology change
Cornelia Davis
@JanJoostBouwman Agree. But I don't think the answer is to make all technologists experts in security, but to create abstractions and frameworks that allow them to be secure despite not being expert.
Jayne Groll
@DheerajNayal23 To me the biggest insight from the #Upskilling report was that the upper level of process skills have nothing to do with frameworks - process flow, systems thinking, customer experience ranked highest.
Cornelia Davis
@dominicad Can I upvote this 10 times?
Cornelia Davis
@mickfeech Do you actually find it's hard to find passion? I feel like I am surrounded by super motivated, energized people. Is that really the exception?
@cdavisafc Sometimes. I think there are frequently many people that have been in the trenches and haven't had the opportunity to look up every once in awhile.
#DOES19 London
What are some ways you’ve seen leaders create a dynamic learning environment in an enterprise?
Dominica DeGrandis
Allocate time for teams to study bottlenecks.
Jan-Joost Bouwman
one very important thing for us was to get the space to experiment. Very important in our transition phase.
Dominica DeGrandis
Conduct experiments to minimize pain points.
Jayne Groll
Dojos, hackathons, simulations, shadowing - are all good immersive learning approaches. Even classroom training - where attendees share their pain while learning and maybe solve some problems together.
Ben Grinnell
I love what Gene has done since we started these conferences - Banning 'experts', insisting that presenters as from help on their last slide and selecting sponsors who send people to interact and learn, not just sell
Tom Clark
I think the biggest enabler for this is a safe environment where failure _is_ an option. You also need slack/buffer in the schedule to allow for mistakes, learning and rework
Jan-Joost Bouwman
and embracing failure as an opportunity to learn and improve
Dheeraj Nayal - Organizer of Global SKILup Day🦸‍♂
A True Leader should imbibe Skills, Knowledge Ideas, Learning (#SKIL) in the Learning environment to make it truly collaborative in nature and realize the True essence of Enterprise goal !!
Russell Warman
@JanJoostBouwman definitely agree with this and Tom's point about giving people the opportunity to fail and know it's okay
Matt Stratton is not here for Jeremy’s nonsense
It's important to lead by example with regard to blamelessness. When leaders are looking for individuals or teams that messed up after an incident, it teaches people to not take risks or to not own up to failures, which causes a major deficit in the knowledge
Carmen DeArdo
dedicate learning times where peers teach peers about new techniques and technologies. People have to master learning to teach and people love to share their knowledge when provided with this type of opportunity.
Gene Kim
I love the Nationwide practice of Teaching Thursdays: if I remember right, two hours where every engineer must either learn something or teach something. Amazing!
One of the things that I do with my team is a presentation day. We spend time in the morning watching recorded DOES, DevOpsDays, or other conference presentations. In the afternoon we show off cool things we've been working on.
Fin Goulding
Embracing the pivot
Ben Grinnell
Being a consultant I frequently get clients telling me "I don't want anyone learning on the job". I have to correct them, no, you want everybody learning on the job!
I also dedicate time for the teams to "hackathing". Like a hackathon but boiled down into a day. It allows for experimenting and we've gotten a lot of really valuable ideas and learnings that we've used to push forward.
Carmen DeArdo
allow teams to run experiments to improve which includes investing in technical and process(ways of working) debts. This not only promotes learning but also improves team happiness which we know leads to a better culture and productivity.
Paul Shepheard
I am a big advocate for hackathons with social purpose - space for people to learn, and help with a problem that matters for those who wouldn't otherwise have access to IT capability. One of our past events...
Deutsche Bank 24 hour Autistica Hackathon
Deutsche Bank 24 hour Autistica Hackathon
Deutsche Bank and autism research charity Autistica have developed a prototype app to help people with autism manage anxiety by tracking their emotional stat...
Tom Clark
I also love Google's "the cost of failure is education" line from their SRE teams
Carmen DeArdo
@RealGeneKim agree Gene, this is a great program which I was fortunate to experience firsthand.
Dheeraj Nayal - Organizer of Global SKILup Day🦸‍♂
A dynamic Leader also groom the Team members to discover their individuality and "why" of their roles, path and their goals aligned as a Team member and more importantly with their passion to deliver VALUE !!
Gene Kim
@HamletArable Wow, that's amazing! Simultaneously help the autistic population and advancing internal technology learning objectives!