
Big Data SV conference
Follow the money! A lively discussion of where funding is flowing in the Big Data ecosystem in 2018.
   10 years ago
#BigDataSV#BigDataSV 2015Follow the money! A lively discussion of where funding is flowing in the Big Data ecosystem in 2015.
Bert Latamore
@Dremio Jacques Nedeau live on #theCUBE from SiliconAngle’s Big Data SV @Furrier @DVellante
siliconANGLE - Extracting the signal from the noise.
Bert Latamore
Over the last 10 yrs we saw a regression in the ability for people to get at the data because the systems were designed for developers and data producers, not users. Jacques Nedeau @Dreamio #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
So we designed a self-service data platform. No matter where the data is, users can get a logical view of it. Jacques Nedeau @Dreamio #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
If U can separate the physical concerns from the logical then users have a much easier time accessing the data. Jacques Nedeau @Dreamio #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
Abstract away the details of the physical, then curate things even for non-technical users. Jacques Nedeau @Dreamio #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
Dremio also provides a full security model thast works with user roles, LDAP, etc. Jacques Nedeau @Dreamio #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
We've had a lot of early successes - companies like Intel, Transunion, Domler are using us. Jacques Nedeau @Dreamio #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
A lot of things out there are technologies, not products. When we can sit down with customers and show them what they can do the light goes on & they realize "I can use this." Jacques Nedeau @Dreamio #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
@Striim Founder/CTO Steve Wilkes @BXCellent live on #theCUBE from SiliconAngle’s Big Data SV @DVellante
siliconANGLE - Extracting the signal from the noise.
Bert Latamore
We were Golden Gate Software, which was acquired by Oracle. We started looking for what to do next. @Striim Founder/CTO Steve Wilkes @BXCellent live on #theCUBE from SiliconAngle’s Big Data SV @DVellante
Bert Latamore
The concept around Striim is thast U can't just move the data, U need to give them the ability to use the data while it is moving. @BXCellent @Striim #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
we offer a complete end-to-end platform for handling streaming data. It can deal with files, multiple devices where data may reside. @BXCellent @Striim #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
U need to be able to enrich streaming data with context information from other sources. But U can't call out for extra data for each event. So we built in a data grid. @BXCellent @Striim #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
We have all the connectors U need to get Ur streaming data. We have SQL-based processing. We can add data in memory to the stream. @BXCellent @Striim #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
Then U can send some to one cloud storage system & another portion to a different provider -- e.g., Azure & AWS. @BXCellent @Striim #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
@Impetus Founder Praveen Kanakariya live on #theCUBE from SiliconAngle’s Big Data SV @DVellante
siliconANGLE - Extracting the signal from the noise.
Bert Latamore
I continually run into companies that have problems with single version of truth. They have be as five different guys and no idea who I am. Praveen Kankariya @Impetus #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
They have data in silos that is not being used with velocity. Praveen Kankariya @Impetus #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
It takes a long time to gain access to thast data and gasin insights from it. Praveen Kankariya @Impetus #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
Some part of the airline did not know me, so they lost an opportunity to serve me well. Praveen Kankariya @Impetus #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
A company not far from here that sends every click stream to marketing data. They can tell who's buying, who had a positive support experience. Praveen Kankariya @Impetus #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
A CC company had a massive application to detect fraud, We discarded it and now use a learning system. They have reduced their false positives tremendously. Praveen Kankariya @Impetus #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
If I were going to invest in the market I would invest in companies who have their data act together. Praveen Kankariya @Impetus #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
For most companies the whole battle of breaking down those silos is lost due to turf issues. Praveen Kankariya @Impetus #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
@Streamlio CEO/Co-Founder Lewis Kaneshiro & Karthik Ramasamy live on #theCUBE from SiliconAngle’s Big Data SV @DVellante
siliconANGLE - Extracting the signal from the noise.
Bert Latamore
We came together around the vision that enterprises need to be able to get the value of fast, streaming data. Lewis Kaneshiro @Streamlio #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
We created an intelligent platform that companies of all size can access to handle streaming data. Lewis Kaneshiro @Streamlio #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
We are trying to take down the barrier to enterprises to access streaming datas, to make it simpler. Karthik Ramasamy @Streamlio #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
What we have done is to simplify things by taking these well known products and unify them so for users it functions as a single system. Karthik Ramasamy @Streamlio #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
Enterprises rather than having to combine multiple different systems to handle streaming and storage they now have one solution that can run on a small cluster. Lewis Kaneshiro @Streamlio #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
As a data scientist I found thast U spend a lot of time training models with batch data. But when they are trained U want to use them on live data to give users the value they need. Lewis Kaneshiro @Streamlio #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
That is a made to order application for Strelio. Lewis Kaneshiro @Streamlio #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
We can access edge use cases because we can turn compute and storage up & down. Lewis Kaneshiro @Streamlio #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
We find thast enterprises are more comfortable with billing on a per node basis than based on usage. Lewis Kaneshiro @Streamlio #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
@Sharethrough Sr Engineer David Abercrombie & @Snowflake Sr Dir, Product Marketing, Michael Nixon live on #theCUBE from SiliconAngle’s Big Data SV @GGilbert41
siliconANGLE - Extracting the signal from the noise.
Bert Latamore
We have a 3 layer architecture: compute, storage, services. That is one thing that makes us unique. Michael Nixon @Snowflake #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
When U scale storage with compute it puts a burden on data managers. & because compute is tied to storage, if U want to expand storage U have to buy more compute & vice versa. Michael Nixon @Snowflake #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
So we separate them to fix that problem. & when you finish a run U can release the resources, which will save U money. Michael Nixon @Snowflake #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
We believe the vision U should have when U move resources to the cloud is U pay for those resources when U need them. Michael Nixon @Snowflake #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
In online advertising we have to process a lot of bids & bid requests. These are encoded in JSON. They r very complicated with a lot of detailed info so the advertisers can decide whether to bid. David Abercrombie @Sharepoint #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
Snowflake could ingest all our data. It replaces clunkier tools. It allows us to put all of this in an RDBMS. So now advertisers can use SQL rather than JSON. David Abercrombie @Sharepoint #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
JSON was expressive & powerful, but your typical BI tool doesn't know how to handle thast. Now we can have the full richness of data in the database but people can access it with SQL. David Abercrombie @Sharepoint #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
The Snowflake database is a good old SQL system where I can ensure high dasta integrity. David Abercrombie @Sharepoint #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
The ad tech market is fast changing, new products r constantly being developed. So as we role things out we need to know quickly whether the new feature is working. David Abercrombie @Sharepoint #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
I no longer have to send daily data dumps to partners. They can just query the data themselves. So we will be implementing that with our partners. David Abercrombie @Sharepoint #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
We're always examining new ways of doing things. Now we can move forward knowing thast we have captured every event exactly once & know whwere it fits into the business process. & we can access sit with plane old SQL. David Abercrombie @Sharepoint #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
We're a modern technology for the modern age. Michael Nixon @Snowflake #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
@Alation Co-Founder/CEO Satyen Sangani live on #theCUBE from SiliconAngle’s Big Data SV @Furrier @LuccaZara
siliconANGLE - Extracting the signal from the noise.
Bert Latamore
In last qtr we added large customers including AmEx, Roach. Satyen Sangani @Alation #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
If U think about all the products there are, it is dizzying, especially in large enterprises, where U have thousands of databases. We provide the Yelp for thast. Satyen Sangani @Alation #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
There's lots of systems, lots of complexity. U have to train Ur people to understand how to use data. That's what our software is about, training people to use data better. Satyen Sangani @Alation #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
We have a mantra. We allow people to find data, understand the data they find, & trust the data they see. Satyen Sangani @Alation #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
Start with the most popular data sets & systems & the people with the most interest. We can go in & determine which are the hot data sets that the most people r using, so U know what data sets to document & improve first & who to work with first. Satyen Sangani @Alation #theCUB
Bert Latamore
The data sources that r most useful r the ones that people use most. Then we can add info on the queries & uses of that data. Satyen Sangani @Alation #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
We start with the people who are data literate. They can explain how to better use the data to the users. Satyen Sangani @Alation #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
We can accommodate either the "go big or go home" approach or the start small and grow approach. & we often recommend the latter. Satyen Sangani @Alation #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
if we r solving a problem where people say we want to do better than last year, we can be successful. Satyen Sangani @Alation #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
For every data source or report we document we dsicover who has access to thast thing. Satyen Sangani @Alation #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
That builds community in clear ways. People who are looking for information can discover who to contact to get that information. Satyen Sangani @Alation #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
We need to throw out the old playbook. Rather than worrying about the right answer, look for the people who ask the right question. Satyen Sangani @Alation #theCUBE