
#BigDataSV 2015
Follow the money! A lively discussion of where funding is flowing in the Big Data ecosystem in 2015.
   11 years ago
#BigDataSVBig Data Silicon ValleyCrowd Big Data coverage of Silicon Valley and #StrataConf
   7 years ago
#BigDataSVBig Data SV conferenceFollow the money! A lively discussion of where funding is flowing in the Big Data ecosystem in 2018.
John Furrier
I'm interviewing VCs on panel wed 18th Ping Li Accel, Frank Artale Ingition, and Jonathan Heiliger Vertex; What questions should I ask them?
Dave Vellante
ask them about exits - more Hortonworks or Pentahos? Why?
Dave Vellante
Ask them how they're approaching non-traditional #bigdata investments - i.e. not just tech co's but practitioners
Sylvie Otten (Sollod
What industries are they seeing the heaviest investment for Big Data startups? And how does that match with the market demand? Healthcare/LifeSciences? Media & Entertainment? Finance etc.
Dave Vellante
Do they have examples of such non-traditional investments and do they expect greater returns - why / why not?
John Cardente
Do they see impending privacy regulations regarding Big Data as a potential discouragement to startups?
EMC Big Data
bitcoin is always an interesting conversation starter
Jeff Kelly
which type of company do they think will return more long-term value - #BigData products/services vendors or companies that use #BigData products and services to re-invent themselves
Yves de Montcheuil
when will the bulk of investments (distros, NoSQL...) shift to big data applications/use cases?
Kunal Agarwal
Ask them about Big Data 2.0 companies. What areas are they looking to solve to make big data offerings robust and accessible to a broader enterprise market.
Jean-Luc Chatelain
Ask them if then know that in 2015 Hadoop is no longer just map/reduce :-) (As I hear other VCs say)
abhishek mehta
how well have they done backing up #startups that are still building tools...not apps
Ryan Peterson
@jeffreyfkelly Jeff, that's a deep question! I concur, ask them about next gen companies or the ones that make the tools for that business.
Crowd Engagement
@dvellante talking about exits...a whole raft of exits will be imminent given the failure to build companies around rapidly commoditizing tools & infra...2015 - year of failed company exits...2016 - year of successful company exits
Crowd Engagement
nteresting - when you have so many start-ups competing in one particular area (data transformation tool, graph DB, whatever) one (maybe two) will have good exits, the rest will go poof
Crowd Engagement
What project will be the next #Spark (no pun intended) in the Hadoop ecosystem?
Alan Morrison
NoSQL and Hadoop distributors are already in Series F. What are the downstream investments that make sense now? Think new business models for data layer AI enablers--how do they get to 2,000 customers?
Crowd Engagement
prefer to think of it as reality setting in. Big Data or no, theres a fundamental set of inherent needs for production data storage. The new tools, etc, need to add back things found in traditional systems. via @JohnCardente
John can you ask them how far away we are from full Artificial Intelligence?
Lonne Jaffe
that's a fantastic panel lineup
Jorge A. Lopez
A 2014 wikibon report found 62% of #Hadoop practitioners are offloading data transformations from data warehouse and mainframe into Hadoop - Will this trend continue/accelerate in 2015?
Dave Vellante
that's a great ? - the obvious answer is yes but I don't think it's necessarily clear
Dave Vellante
the most important components of a #bigdata strategy are: 1/ the existing EDW and 2/ Data integration
Jeff Kelly
i think you will see this trend continue, key for DW vendors is to provide additional value (that's great research btw, i need to check out that report ;)
shailesh manjrekar
Couldn't agree more, it's the low hanging and most impactful use case, and hence important to bridge 2nd and 3rd platform GAP and have an eco-system with EDW vendors
Dean of Big Data
It will accelerate in 2015. That's where we are pushing our clients. Big ? for 2016 is will the DW move to Hadoop
John Furrier
Data Warehouse is being disrupted by the real time needs
Dean of Big Data
@furrier Data warehouse is also being disrupted by the need for predictive not descriptive analytics
shailesh manjrekar
Absolutely, EMC has an huge opportunity, since we play with all EDW vendors + MPP (Greenplum DB)
Jorge A. Lopez
It's also interesting to see how Hadoop and ecosystem vendors continue to close the gaps between DW and #Hadoop
Tim Crawford
The classic DW doesn't move. But new entrants for data management augment.
Jeff Frick
@schmarzo > goal to move from predictive to prescriptive
Jean-Luc Chatelain
@schmarzo @furrier The EDW scope is really be reduced, far from eliminated but more focus on referential curated data. The action for outcome is in the Business DW (data lakes etc..)
Jorge A. Lopez
Agreed! Companies can derive lots of value from #Hadoop by using it as a cost-effective, scalable platform to collect, combine transform & distribute data
Sylvie Otten (Sollod
What about data temperatures? I see that as an interesting angle for SAP HANA with that being the top tier for real-time analytics, and leveraging SAP IQ for warm data, and Hadoop for the cold data.
Dean of Big Data
@InformationCTO Totally agree. EDW/BI will focus on operational reporting (What Happened?) and Data Lake will focus on predictive (what will happen?) and prescriptive (what should I do?) analytics
Kevin Petrie
30%+ of EDW often is cold and ideal for more cost effective storage on Hadoop, where it might yield new value when combined with other data in the Hadoop Data Lake
abhishek mehta
.@zanilli data transformation is a fundamentally flawed concept - data should only be 'fixed' when its an input for a desired output...all other transformations are worthless...i call it Data Transfixation...and we give it away for free in @tresata SW
#BigDataSV @theCUBE
What will be the most exciting thing next week in San Jose around #bigdataweek ? Predictions or observations please.
Ariana Gradow
I love watching TheCUBE and seeing what fun questions get thrown out.
Yves de Montcheuil
we'll see big data driving the Internet of things: http://www.infoworld...
Ryan Peterson
I predict big partnership announcements between open-source - open-source, open-source - closed-source, closed-source - closed-source.
Yves de Montcheuil
and we'll see big data permeating the borders of the enterprise http://www.infoworld...
EMC Big Data
Women's Community Meetup Feb 18 of course! All genders welcome to hear lightening talks and network with amazing women...
Tendu Yogurtcu
exciting or not, I expect announcements on #datagovernance initiatives on #Hadoop - #BigDataSV #bigdataweek
Jeff Kelly
yea we'll see a lot of announcements - the interest for me is hearing from both vendors and practitioners about what they are doing to drive revenue, create new lines of business with #BigData - not just about costs savings anymore
Renee Yao
#Unlockbigdata webcast on Feb 24th, Analytics Solutions for Driving Better Business Outcomes,
@jeffreyfkelly agree. Saving money is old news. How are you monetizing big data? That's what's interesting.
EMC Big Data
@tresata agreed. that is why @schmarzo is all over this topic at #StrataHadoop
Jean-Luc Chatelain
Rather that just big data, I think (hope) we will hear more about Digital transformation, information powered enterprise and fact based business decision systems
abhishek mehta
the imminent fall of tools/infrastructure focused #startups outside the 2 obvious winners
Dave Vellante
@TenduYogurtcu agree - boring but important category - data governance is crucial
Dave Vellante
@ab_hi_ tell us what you really think