IBM LinuxONE15
Q9: Which is a bigger source of threats - internal or external?
Nick Sardino
Organizations are constantly under attack from external threats, it’s never ending. #overwhelming
John Mertic
I'd say both, both internal is more often overlooked.
Adam Jollans
Et tu Brute - internal threats are less expected
Steven Dickens
Diana M Henderson
Insider attacks are often more costly, but outsider attacks are more prevalent given their variety (DDoS, malware, ransomware). Both are painful @IBMLinuxONE
Major Hayden
@StevenDickens3 Exactly. Don't prep for just insiders or just outsiders. Assume they're both on the way.
Nick Sardino
Internal threats are more concerning though because they come from players and places and at times we don’t expect #insiderThreat
Craig Mullins
I'll use my consultant's answer again: it depends
Steven Dickens
@majorhayden 100% agree, did you see the Twitter insider who shut down President Trump's twitter account...
Craig Mullins
Depends on your business, your client profile, your staff, etc. etc.
Nick Sardino
@dianamhenderson The increase in outsider attacks from state sponsored entities is extremely alarming to me.
Steven Dickens
@craigmullins everyone is open to social engineering...
Erika Hernández
you usually trust people within your organization, so being attacked from the inside was usually unexpected and for so more dangerous.
Craig Mullins
You have to be prepared to protect against both