
Enterprises in the Cloud
Operating your business in the cloud, as a cloud.
   7 years ago
#DXCTechTalkGoing Beyond DigitalThriving in the 21st Century is more than adopting new digital tech. It's going beyond digital.
   7 years ago
#DXCTechTalkDigital Goes Back OfficeContinuous Optimization of Enterprise Processes
Jerry Overton
How can I tell if my workload needs private, public, or hybrid cloud?
Ratnesh Kushwaha⚡
You can go through NIST definition of Cloud which can make thing clear.
Max Hemingway
Data Classification and Legal Requirements may shape what you consume.
Jerry Overton
@ratneshkush Cool. Let me know if you have a link handy
Carl Kinson
@JerryAOverton, or how can my workload via analytics/ML tell me it could run better on a different cloud, with better operational growth, and outline the commercial value it could bring.
Jerry Overton
@ckinson Interesting. I've seen best practices for deciding, but allowing the workload to tell you what it needs takes that to the next level.
Ratnesh Kushwaha⚡
I had used it my cloud thesis. Can mail that.
Carl Kinson
If we log everything, then we can apply a hypothesis based in several variables that could identify workloads that have a high chance of success in working in other clouds.
Chris Neale☁
Dby your requirements, Sovereignty rules, compliance may dictate=Private. Price drivers=Public(they have the economies of scale to be able to beat pricing) Most will want hybrid. Develop CNA in Public and move to Private when mature/ready. So Right->Left
Doug Austin
@JerryAOverton one of the best early decision calls for "which cloud" can be data classification of the subject system.
James Miller
DXC Advisory services are a great starting point to analyze workload requirements to determine the best landing zone or platform (public and private cloud).
Jerry Overton
@ckinson Gr8 idea. It would be better if we had historical performance of workloads across different cloud types. We could train a machine to make recommendations
Bill Ohnemus
I think it really depends a lot on your starting point. Is it an older mainframe system today? Can that be moved or should it? Can we add Cloud capability, expanded through APIs without massive shifts? I think we can.
Jerry Overton
@JamesMi82285791 Cool. Got a link to share?
Ganesh Swaminathan
workload orchestration based on enterprise governalance rules and policies, rules can be driven by AI/ML
Carl Kinson
we are heading in that direction, suggest a talk with Chris Swan, using the data to collect to make informed decisions about the operation of the IT estate.
Jerry Overton
@ganeshwrite Does this orchestration call for dynamic migration across public, private or hybrid cloud?
Eugene O'Callaghan
Jay Keyse leads Advise & Migration for DXC Cloud Platform and ITO. We use key partners such as Virtual Clarity and Racemi as part of our delivery model.
Subramanian (mani) Gopalaratnam
We could do what we did for devicescape. We could curate the type of data that needs to be processed and can be based on the compliance rules (in-house, public cloud or hybrid based on geofencing, data type, transaction type).
Matthew Dawson
@ckinson This approach would apply to IaaS/containerised workloads, correct? It would be difficult to apply this approach to PaaS currently.
Ganesh Swaminathan
Dynamic launching of workloads based on policies and rules. Pre-designed platform agnostic blueprints to avoid migration hassles
Carl Kinson
smaller steps, the identification is a critical stage, if i could look across a clients estate, and with confidence provide a heat map of workloads to move, i can then invoke a transformation. Depending on the underlying tech, i then have options.
Ganesh Swaminathan
Learning is definitely possible. But we need to operate more to generate data and learn out of it.
Matt Vita
I think it's a simple balance between risks of exposure and the need to collaborate/share with outside entities with ease.
Heatmap of workloads is OK if they are relatively independent. What about linked and interdependent workloads?
Bill Ohnemus
Also, there is not special magic with cloud IMHO. It's just another platform (or several). Don't think we want to limit ourselves or think some workloads are better than others. We might be surprised.
Jerry Overton
@mvita1297 What about considerations like CapEx and speed to market?
Dan Hushon
@NewInstEcon the problem is that heatmaps move, and thus the services must move #fastfollowers much of the research in #distributedcaches #distributedrouters will become substantially relevant as optimizations in these new hybrid models
Geert Cannaerts
I would go for the following parameters : Data Classification ; TCO; required functionalities from the infrastructure (auto scaling, temporary available infrastructure, specific functions you find with public cloud providers); Integration requirements
Jerry Overton
In a nutshell, what is #DataGravity?
JP Morgenthal
Process moving to data at the edge, limit the need to migrate very large data sets
Lisa Braun
@jpmorgenthal So the "gravity" is the data sitting at the edge, such as location data, other mobile data...
Dan Hushon
#DataGravity is a property that suggests that data is heavy/expensive, becomes difficult to move, and a data corpus if valuable enough/big enough attracts other data. Think anchor stores in shopping malls. @davemcrorry
Jerry Overton
@jpmorgenthal Maybe think of it as the driving force behind the emerging edge computing?
Jerry Overton
@DanHushon Ah, so the net is to go to the #data instead of bringing it to you
JP Morgenthal
Another way to think about is a planetary system in which all planets have gravity, data just happens to often get stronger than apps and services
Subramanian (mani) Gopalaratnam
It is multi-speed transmission - In our Makkah crowd example, we analyse for patterns at the edge and transmit the actions near real time. We send the rest of the data separately as it has lots of mining value (e.g. Videos, point cloud etc)
Dan Hushon
sure #edge & #core but we need a federated/distributed query optimizer/director that includes movement strategies based upon intensity of #outerjoins and #shufflesorts
Chris Neale☁
Also who has a consistent API across Public/Private? Agility helps bridge some of that. Azure Stack is basic compared to Azure Public but gives consistent platform for Hybrid cloud app deployments. VMware on AWS needs to catch up.
Bill Ohnemus
I'd say when you have monolithic and entrenched systems (e.g., mainframe, dense data, maybe older tech like VSAM) that is difficult to move (has a lot of gravity) so what can we do to maybe just orbit that planet?
Dan Hushon
@jpmorgenthal apps are just ways to access/append data, Model[information]Controller / ViewController remain divisions of labor?
Jerry Overton
Does the analysis generate a #data exhaust? I'd love to analyze it for patterns-- train a machine to estimate the data's gravitational pull
JP Morgenthal
@DanHushon Apps do have their own gravity especially if you consider that it might operate over multiple data sources, then it would mostly likely gravitate toward the larger of those
Dan Hushon
@OhneMoose you could build a #solidindex across VSAM, or you could finally bite the bullet and use a modern scale out information base? that you could stretch w/ appropriate consistency dynamics #BASE [vs. #ACID]
Jerry Overton
@OhneMoose I think you captured #DataGravity nicely with the idea of "difficult to move"-- which makes the comparison to gravity make even more sense
Faisal Siddiqi
@danhushon "Go to the data" therefore is even more important if by association other valuable data becomes available
Jerry Overton
@Faisal_Siddiqi ...another nice gravity analogy-- the idea of stuff attracting more stuff and gaining pull in the process
Sukhi Gill
@Faisal_Siddiqi move away from classic ETL approach to combining to create a structure when required for the #BusinessMoment
Faisal Siddiqi
@sukhigill #API #discoverability is giving us an alternative to ETL +1
Seref Konur
Doesn't #DataSupplyChain turn data into useful business information?