Nigel Barron33

We have a confusing amount of collaboration platforms at present (sharepoint, yammer, slack, workplace in ANZ). Any thoughts on the future of collaboration within DXC?

Chris Fangmann
I love multitasking on all of those :)

Graham Chastney
is it really that confusing?

Nigel Barron
@ArinDey Thanks for reminding me ;-)

Will Kelly
Which is the best to Blog?

Chris Nokkentved
the strategy to track collaboration as well as decision making is to OFFLOAD all information in one repository, then TAG it (if not already done!) and then start analyzing it with ML. There must be a purpose or use case to streamline the info

Dan Hushon
right tool for the right community IMO, but they need to cross integrate more (ala... crowd chat that enables multiple social networks)

Max Hemingway
@wkelly24 External - DXC Blogs https://blogs.dxc.te... Internal - I use Sharepoint blogs at the moment

lewis richards
@GrahamChastney I just go where the people I want to interact with are, consolidation never works

Marc Wilkinson
challenge is ALL these are necessary because right one based on WHO you collaborate with

Graham Chastney
@stroker Consolidation will never work whilst there are people involved. :-)

Faisal Siddiqi
+1 for Slack - real time collaboration within and without

Marc Wilkinson
@stroker exactly ... anybody remember Google Wave??

lewis richards
@M3Wilkinson I loved Google Wave, that was ahead of its time

Marc Wilkinson
@stroker and ... IMHO... still ahead

Nigel Barron
@Faisal_Siddiqi Is Slack a recognised and approved DXC app?

lewis richards
i'll confess that @lefep i've pretty much got my entire world now working in MS Teams

Daniel Spithout
@stroker Remember that Giana Trapani actually wrote a How to book on Google Wave .... just when she released it, they closed Wave.....

Nigel Barron
@stroker MS Teams! Another one!

Faisal Siddiqi
in the absence of of a working solution smart people will find one :-) #renegadeaction #allfemaledinosaurs

lewis richards
in #21stCenturyHuman workshops we play collaboration bingo, ask delegates to list out all collab apps, then look how many did you use in last 24 hrs? How many in last week? How many did work mandate? Then we typically discover its all Whatsapp

Will Kelly
I think it's both. People will connect with a tool, but to get the attention of those who could benefit requires an integrated tool set.

Graham Chastney
@stroker I use more work related apps on my iPhone than on my laptop...

Marc Wilkinson
@bslook YES. ever tried Collaborating on you own?

Will Kelly
@stroker Do you have a consolidated view of your findings? Interesting to see a visual on this.

Graham Chastney
@bslook Yes, yes, yes...and by people I hope you mean teams.

Ganesh Swaminathan
dxc.facebook.com- can we zero in on this?

Graham Chastney
@ganeshwrite Not if by "zero in" you mean "only use"...there is never going to be a one tool answer to collaboration.

lewis richards
@wkelly24 Only as outputs from our various workshops, its pretty much always the same, if you have 10 delegates you'll have at least 25-30 collab apps, a minority of which are work provided and the main tool for chat is Whatsapp at present

Lisa Braun
@wkelly24 Sharepoint has a blog feature but I don't know details. If you mean external blogging, though, it's http://blogs.dxc.tec... (see me!)

Lisa Braun
@wkelly24 Right, for blogging space, echoing what others have said, depends on who/where your audience is.

Dan Hushon
@LisaAnneBraun so this brings me back to my first tweet @csc namely - where's search and why cannot i find relevant stuff faster

Nigel Barron
@DanHushon DXC doesn't know what DXC knows