
   8 years ago
#ibminterconnectEnterprise ArchitectureEnterprise Architecture in the #CognitiveEra
   8 years ago
#ibminterconnectDevOpsThe New Reality for Enterprise Transformation
IBM InterConnect
Thx for joining today! Be sure to tweet with us in our next #crowdchat March 10 and join us at
an INTERACTIVE way to present information ;)
Jeff Man
why wasn't Watson part of the crowdchat? (or was it???) #securityweekly .@securityweekly
IBM InterConnect
@MrJeffMan Who's to say he wasn't?
IBM InterConnect
@i6379626572 We will be doing it again on March 10
IBM InterConnect
Q1: How can organizations be open to change, yet remain secure?
Andrew Hay
A1: I don't believe these ideas are diametrically opposed
Kevin L. Jackson - (ISC)2 CCSP, Swansea, UK
Buying #Cloud service is not just like buying a product from an IT vendor.
Jeff Man
Technology is driving change, organizations must continue to evolve to stay competitive. For many organizations, migration to the cloud is offering a level of security they’ve never achieved before.
Kevin L. Jackson - (ISC)2 CCSP, Swansea, UK
#CloudComputing is about provisioning and consuming IT services, not IT products
Andrew Hay
A1: it takes a shift in culture to truly open to change and, if done correctly, shouldn't adversely affect security
Kevin L. Jackson - (ISC)2 CCSP, Swansea, UK
Successful #cloud transitions balance business, economic and technology models to deliver a unique customer value proposition
Jeff Man
@andrewsmhay that's right, but I think the cloud is being sold as a security enhancement opportunity, especially for SMB companies
By utilizing interdisciplinary knowledge in order to provide an optimally secure solution. Security is not solely a technical battle.
Jeff Man
@clongc985 too few understand this. technology is not the is often the problem
IBM InterConnect
Q10: What are you most looking forward to at #ibminterconnect?
Andrew Hay
A10: I want to see the interesting ways that Watson will be plugged into traditional security technologies to (hopefully) make them better
Jeff Man
I’m looking forward to seeing what IBM has to offer in #cloud security...and hopefully a chess game w/Watson! #securityweekly .@securityweekly
Andrew Hay
A10: That, and to catch up with my old Q1 Labs friends :)
Jeff Man
more simply, I want to meet Watson
Matt Crigger
I can't wait to meet #Watson
all of the above...

"Shortening the gap between books and knowledge."
IBM InterConnect
Q8: What’s the biggest misconception you’ve encountered around #cloud security?
Kevin L. Jackson - (ISC)2 CCSP, Swansea, UK
Myth #1: #Cloud security is no different than traditional enterprise security
Andrew Hay
A8: That encryption is the only thing you need to be secure in a #cloud environment. "Wrong" :)
Kevin L. Jackson - (ISC)2 CCSP, Swansea, UK
Myth #2: #Cloud security is the cloud provider’s responsibility
Jeff Man
1. Migration to the cloud solves all your problems. 2. Adopting the cloud makes compliance concerns go away. 3. Outsourcing IT also shifts liability to the provider. #securityweekly .@securityweekly
Kevin L. Jackson - (ISC)2 CCSP, Swansea, UK
Myth #3: A private #cloud keeps us from worrying about international data transfers issues
Jeff Man
@andrewsmhay Encryption...the magic cure for everything! Not. #securityweekly .@securityweekly
Kevin L. Jackson - (ISC)2 CCSP, Swansea, UK
Myth #4: There’s no need to worry about data sovereignty issues in #cloudcomputing
IBM InterConnect
Q9: How do you see cloud security shifting from the vendor side and the customer side?
Kevin L. Jackson - (ISC)2 CCSP, Swansea, UK
#Cloud Security is always the customer’s responsibility
Andrew Hay
A9: ....slowly :)
Jeff Man
Cloud security will continue the trend of vendors calling the shots on security rather than organizations taking ownership/responsibility. Who needs process/procedures - just outsource everything to the cloud! #securityweekly @securityweek
Kevin L. Jackson - (ISC)2 CCSP, Swansea, UK
Using #Cloud will highlight existing security weaknesses and magnify any losses
Madhav Chablani
shared responsibility
Jeff Man
Security needs to start with the organization. There needs to be a plan or strategy (a mission). Once the strategy is understood, then you can make smarter choices of how to achieve security which might well include cloud services!
"Once the strategy is understood, then you can make smarter choices to maximize defenses."
IBM InterConnect
Q5: How should staff be trained on cloud security? Is it a one-size-fits-all approach?
Kevin L. Jackson - (ISC)2 CCSP, Swansea, UK
No one size fits all and #Cloud applications should not rely on infrastructure based security
Andrew Hay
A5: Training depends on the current skills, responsibilities, and demands of the individuals. There are general concepts that span all *aaS platforms but also nuances between them
Kevin L. Jackson - (ISC)2 CCSP, Swansea, UK
Infrastructure #securiy is just a component of #Cloud security
Jeff Man
I think staff should be trained on security, whether or not it is #cloud is not as important - except to understand who does what and how #securityweekly .@securityweekly
Kevin L. Jackson - (ISC)2 CCSP, Swansea, UK
To improve #Cloud security train software developers on transitioning from tightly coupled applications to loosely coupled ones
Kevin L. Jackson - (ISC)2 CCSP, Swansea, UK
To improve #Cloud security enterprises should also require certifications like the @ISC2 #CCSP
Andrew Hay
@Kevin_Jackson well...let's not start a holy war this early in the week :)
Jeff Man
not a one-size fits all approach. you need to be as secure, and your staff well trained, dependent on your overall security strategy #securityweekly .@securityweekly
Kevin L. Jackson - (ISC)2 CCSP, Swansea, UK
War definitely not intended. Training and certification are important
Jeff Man
War. Ugh. what is it good for? #securityweekly .@securityweekly
@MrJeffMan, absolutely nothing...