
What do you think will be the key trend in DevOps in 2017?

   8 years ago
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   7 years ago
#IBMInterconnectIBM InterConnect 2017Live posts from @theCUBE at #IBMInterconnect. Join the conversation
Q3: Where does the #DevOps conversation begin? At the C-level or within the middle management team - where should it start?
or even from the bottom up?
where does it start may not be as important as where it ends
Jeff Sussna
I see it start all over the place. What's critical is that it connect up and down regardless of where it starts
Robert Wen
Where it hurts most
Eric Minick
Q3: Wow... tough question. Dev and Ops orgs often come together at the CIO. Need buy in there eventually.
Dr. Angel Luis Diaz
In a perfect world, the #DevOps conversation starts everywhere all at once.
Michael D. Elder
It's a blend of the top echelon's willingness to restructure their current delivery models and the practitioners championing best practices from the ground up.
a better question is can DevOps succeed without executive leadership?
Dr. Angel Luis Diaz
Realistically, if you don’t have everyone on board and fully, it’s impossible to achieve #DevOps success.
Michael D. Elder
@angelluisdiaz But in the real world, it has to be more like an epidemic -- where a set of evangelists are the originators to "infect" the organization with their passion and successful results
Gene Kim
In DevOps Enterprise community, most prevalent titles: Dir Ops, Chief Architect, Dir Dev; 3rd line mgrs!
Robert Wen
You can't change without buy-in from executive leadership of some sort.
Gene Kim
My interpretation: close enough to the work to affect practices, but also brings the business perspective & needs.
Jeff Sussna
I don't think it can succeed at scale without executive participation and buy-in
@angelluisdiaz Angel you know anyone who lives in a perfect world ;-)
Jeff Sussna
it is about how you run the business, after all
Eric Minick
@angelluisdiaz How would you describe IBM's path to DevOps? Can't be simultaneous for 400k
@EricMinick so is it CIO that leads?
Gene Kim
I'm reminded of Deming quote: "only leaders can change the system we operate in" @stevemayner
Dr. Angel Luis Diaz
@mdelder True - whether top-down or from within, culture shift needs to 'infect' everyone.
Eric Minick
To scale, you need CIO to provide a charter and endorsement.
Agreed Robert Wen, exec buy in a must!
Dr. Angel Luis Diaz
@EricMinick Definitely was not simultaneous. We drank our own Kool-Aid though, and the result is the #Bluemix Garage Method.
@RealGeneKim So Gene does that mean that it is 3rd line managers that lead DevOps
Gene Kim
My big aha moment: the presence of transformational leaders at top of tech orgs is viscerally amazing.
Arthur de Snaijer :)
You can start at the buttom - but at some point you cannot evolve. You can start at enterprise whole top down - but invest/revenue needs some balance. So pick an business area and start small - and let it grow.
@EricMinick i think it depends on size of org and culture, you can succeed with people under CIO
Kenneth Fax
The #DevOps conversation begins early, when there is foresight of potential concern, requirements to meet or benefits seen to everday operations.
Kenneth Fax
The conversation should begin with c-level staff, yet also collect insight from department heads, customers and clients.
Eric Minick
I think it's start at the bottom, show a win. Sell the top. Top pushes it to scale.
Kenneth Fax
@Arthur hits it on the head.
Q4: What challenges still remain as part of implementing #DevOps in your organization? How are you addressing them? #ibminterconnect
Dr. Angel Luis Diaz
The challenge for us is also the biggest opportunity: constant innovation. #DevOps
Saleem Padani
scaling it beyond the small number of teams
Gene Kim
@angelluisdiaz Where does the most energy and leadership (and pressure to improve) come from?
@angelluisdiaz Agreed, DevOps is never done
better yet, DevOps is never finished
Jeff Sussna
Teaching people to apply user-centered thinking towards each other within IT
Jeff great point, to many blame want to access blame more than improve
Kenneth Fax
A4. Addressing challenges by listen to values, setting priorities and reporting on regular basis.
Rob Cuddy
Moving from it being an idea that some are doing to making it consistent.
Jowanza Joseph
Discipline. We have a really hard time following procedure
Gene Kim
OH @ericminick: "Innovation comes from the very top of IBM, from board chairperson on down; affects incentives at all levels"
Arthur de Snaijer :)
Like a suitcase filled with #devops topics. You have an ability to pick one or two for change. Picking the right is challeging or switching base on learning.
Dr. Angel Luis Diaz
@RealGeneKim I think it comes from assembling teams that buy in to the culture and have that competitive spirit. Developers who want to win are the best developers to have.
Jeff Sussna
also not getting overwhelmed as opposed to taking an agile approach to DevOps itself
Rob Cuddy
yeah... I always struggle to match my #DevOps t-shirt with my #agile socks
A "suitcase of DevOps"
Michael D. Elder
@RealGeneKim Really I think incentives across siloed executive leadership are the largest inhibitors to the DevOps transformation; once executive incentives motivate collaboration over siloed transformations, then you win.
Rob Cuddy
curious what the breakdown is on those IMPLEMENTING vs those still GETTING STARTED
@spadani1 I think that may be one of the biggest challenges moving from small pockets of DevOps to enterprise wide
Gene Kim
@mdelder Totally. The wonderful PPT @paulycomtois gave at #DOES16 on this topic:
Arthur de Snaijer :)
Each Devops village has a different suitcase of devsops change topics. Pushing forward happens when village people travel (by sharing information).
Rosalind Radcliffe
Understanding that DevOps is a process, and continuous improvement @devopsdotcom