
Academia & IT
The Emergence and Impact of Machine Learning on Academic and IT Roles
   8 years ago
#ibmwowC-Suite/Sales & MarketingThrough the cognitive lens: A look into the C-Suite and customer centric roles
   8 years ago
#ibmwow@theCUBE Coverage of #ibmwowAnalyst coverage of IBM World of Watson. Live Streaming from
IBM World of Watson
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IBM World of Watson
Q1: What role do you see predictive analytics playing in higher education in the next 5 years?
Randy Hlavac
I will be massive from both a curricula side and from our ability to improve our teaching methodology. And we are beginning to see it today. Let me give you a few examples
Randy Hlavac
For example, the Canvas system used at Northwestern assesses student progress in every aspect of our course. It shows those who are exceeding expectations as well as those who are struggling. This allows us to focus our resources on each student
For starters, the typical marketing and sales roles you find predictive analytics used for in any industry: target marketing to various customer segments.
Randy Hlavac
I also teach a number of Massive Open Online Courses – called MOOCs – through Coursera. The Specialization courses like our Leadership, Social Media Marketing, Content Strategy and other programs – teach using videos and online assess students use
Valinda Kennedy
Across industries businesses are leveraging predictive analytics higher education can benefit as well--in the classroom and helping with retention and progression
Randy Hlavac
Predictive analytics will also be an integral part of our teaching methodology. In working with entrepreneurs, they must accurate assess target audiences to gather insights to build truly exceptional products and services.
Valinda Kennedy
One use is to help students predict the disciplines they would best be suited for as career choices based on their interests
Krish Krishnan
Impact course preparation, student management, deliver results, enable automated learning, assist faculty, guide courseware
Randy Hlavac
We are currently building systems incorporating Cognitive AI to maximise success. For example, if they want to survey the market or analyze social conversations, the AI will give them sample sizes based on the accuracy they want to achieve
Randy Hlavac
We see predictive analytics as an integral part of education for both the instructor and the student
Daniel Davis
I'd love to see predictive analytics used in service of major/career advisement.
For managing student educational outcomes, predictive models can help identify those subjects where particular individuals might excel or struggle, and help counselors, advisers, and instructors tailor individualized currricula.
Krish Krishnan
reduce overload to faculty
Krish Krishnan
reduce financial risk to universities
Randy Hlavac
@danielkdtwt I agree. Today, we see AI being a part of identifying careers and tailoring education to each individual
Aylee Nielsen
It is exciting to see the explosion of tools becoming available now for making sense of institutional data, especially in a field as important as higher education
Randy Hlavac
@datagenius I agree. It has many applicaiton
Ideally, instructors should be able to use predictive analytics to gauge how best to arrange/tweak lesson plans in order to enhance the performance of their students, based on in-progress performance.
Randy Hlavac
Today, students are exhibiting behaviors which an be monitored and used to improve our courses. We can see how students are consuming our content and succeeding based on our assessment systems.
Randy Hlavac
By incorporating these feedback mechanisms, we can alter our teaching methodologies to best match the learning patterns of our students. It will also allow us to mix media to more effectively deliver our materials.
Keith Carlsen
It would be fascinating to see a student career/job/interview matching service to assess student academic achievement and interests against openings and skill needs of potential employers.
Randy Hlavac
@jameskobielus I totally agree. AI can "look over our shoulder" to show us places to improve our teaching
Randy Hlavac
Metrics drive our businesses and now they will drive our educational systems as well. Ideally, we want a teaching methodology which conforms to each student and uses AI systems to help guide them through the learning process.
Aylee Nielsen
My youngest brother got matched with an incredible roommate his freshman year of college, they are the best of friends, I wish I could say the same, but we didn't have a style roomate service a decade ago... lol
Keith Carlsen
Like #IBMWatson for Clinical Trial Matching but instead of patients its students and instead of trials, its companies, jobs, careers.
Randy Hlavac
Already, we are doing much more with building assessment rubrics and comparing student performance against these assessment criteria. Adding predictive analytics will allow us to take that to the next levels.
Randy Hlavac
@AyleeNielsen These technologies change everything
Randy Hlavac
As businesses drive towards an OmniChannel view of a consumer, we must do that with each of our students and the courses we teach. Today, students consume content differently and we need to identify the media mix which best teaches each student.
IBM World of Watson
Q9: Will machine learning change the techniques data scientists use on a daily basis or is it already being used?
Krish Krishnan
ML will add more algorithms & features that make the data science teams efforts impactful. Event to Decision latencies are gone
Krish Krishnan
example system we see in industry is initial adoption of Watson for insurance applications
Randy Hlavac
Consider the emergence of DiSoMo - Digital, Social and Mobile. We are moving from descriptive data to behavioral data and attitudes to identify business opportunities
Randy Hlavac
@datagenius RoboAdvisors are great examples of how AI is changing business
Randy Hlavac
Today, we see marketing and business moving from integrated marketing where technology gives us predictive analytics based on past behaviors to real-time analytics to drive real-time marketing
Valinda Kennedy
@RandyHlavac Great example since more data and in finance data and the timeliness of the data make a RoboAdvisor valueable
Randy Hlavac
Consider Programming Marketing. With AIs talking to AIs to give you the best content from a company in less that .4 of a second. The world of business may evolve into AIs talking to AIs to help each consumer individually
Aylee Nielsen
@datagenius That's a great example Krish! More info on this topic can be found here: http://www.ibmbigdat...
Randy Hlavac
The same will happen with education
Randy Hlavac
As young people move to a referral economy, using AI will be critical to engage them in a real-time, high speed world.
Ajit Joshi
@RandyHlavac Great Insights on this topic especially Programming Marketing, Robo Advisors and new term DISOMO
IBM World of Watson
Q3: With limited resources in education, in what ways would it benefit an Academic to work with an IT professional?
Krish Krishnan
yes to Learn collaboration, delegation, team success, risk mgmt., predict behaviors, emotional impact analysis
Krish Krishnan
to learn behavior trends to improve collaboration
Krish Krishnan
to bring the "outside the box" experience
Randy Hlavac
It’s more than that.
At Northwestern, we are developing T-shaped leaders. This incorporate team teaching of entrepreneur classes with engineers an IT Specialists and team assessment of performance
Daniel Davis
Many cash-strapped schools think they can't afford to upgrade tech. IT pros can show how a tech investment can save money across the board.
Randy Hlavac
In the future, all education will need to involve technology to both teach students and show how tech is driving things today
Krish Krishnan
yes agree on that perspective
Valinda Kennedy
Academia working w IT professionals shows real world application and the joining of the two can bring a different approach to a problem
Aylee Nielsen
@datagenius Agreed! More collaboration is always a positive in book
Krish Krishnan
@RandyHlavac cool progression to the goal
Randy Hlavac
Mixing specialists to drive entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial initiatives is a key to success. For example, at the WOW conference, I have a team of two top engineering students from the McCormick Engineering Graduate School
Randy Hlavac
We are looking at using AI to better train our entrepreneurs.
Aylee Nielsen
@RandyHlavac Love hearing about all of the real world examples being implemented at Northwestern!!