Jayne Groll140

How can we reshape "NoOps" to "NewOps"? What new Ops skills and roles may be needed in a DevOps future?

Jeffery Payne
More and more programming skills as we move from Infrastructure as Code to Everything as Code. Can you tell I'm a software guy ;-)

Anders Wallgren
@jefferyepayne Domain-specific languages for everything!

Is it really skills or is it a mindset? There will always be room for smart people that understand change is necessary and help to promote those changes

ǝןʇʇıן sıɹɥɔ
I suspect a reunion of the Dev and Ops roles, bifurcated by webscale and Agile a decade ago, is what comes next

Paula Thrasher
Ops people need to learn software, developers need to wear pagers and monitor systems. Both sides need to stretch.

Charles T. Betz
First, disentangle "ops" from "engineering"

Mike Kavis
Value stream mapping

Charles T. Betz
When people say "NoOps" mostly they are saying, "we no longer need traditional engineering of static asset based, bespoke infrastructure"

Paula Thrasher
in a large organization its not necessary that everyone know everything - better that they know their core skill and collaborate well

Charles T. Betz
My definition of "ops" is narrower: it is the work that tends to be more interrupt-driven. In complex systems, that NEVER goes away.

Gene Kim
@charlestbetz Wait, why would we want to distangle "ops" w/ "engineering?" In new world, it's all requies engineering.
Dr. Stephen Mayner
@madgreek65 Agree... we have to change culture from vertical to horizontal...

Kaimar Karu
@DOESsummit https://charity.wtf/2016/05/31/operational-best-practices-serverless/ has some thoughts on this

Mike Kavis
Yep, I see too much automation of waste. Improve first, automate 2nd

Mauerbauertraurigkeit 3x+1
Give most people an opportunity to better understand their world (Value Stream Mapping) and they will seek to make it better.
Dr. Stephen Mayner
@mickfeech Mindset is the bigger challenge... skills can be taught more readily...

Charles T. Betz
@RealGeneKim no, ops is still a thing. relatively more interrupt-driven. intersects with service/help desk.

Paula Thrasher
I would like to kill the NoOps term - nothing kills transformation like fear of job elimination.

Anders Wallgren
@madgreek65 Devils advocate: automate so you have time to spend on improvements instead of spending time on conference calls while copying & pasting commands from Excel into xterms.

Charles T. Betz
@RealGeneKim engineering on the other hand: longer lead times, different skill sets, more about forward intent as opposed to reaction

Matthew Barr
I've seen what happens when you don't have Ops familiar Devs, and no Ops - it ends badly.

Jayne Groll
@mickfeech Agreed but Ops will need to learn new hard and soft skills to work with Dev and cloud providers

Jeffery Payne
Not everyone needs to know everything but the concept of building 'generalized specialists' works really well in DevOps as well as Agile.

ǝןʇʇıן sıɹɥɔ
@CharlesTBetz Ops is. E.g., sharding

Paula Thrasher
I think "old" ops skills are still relevant. Bash, Powershell... still very useful in a DevOps world.

Alexa Alley
@paulycomtois And how they play a bigger part in the entire Value Stream. It helps everyone to see the VS from start to finish and how one piece can create a spiral effect.

Mike Kavis
@anders_wallgren as long as it is not a broken process, otherwise you are enforcing bad practices

Gene Kim
@charlestbetz: but in world of platform engineering, and devs carry pagers, it's still very much ops.
Dr. Stephen Mayner
@paula_thrasher I worked with new college grads the last couple of years and got "what's a pager" more than once...

Jayne Groll
@CharlesTBetz Agreed, but that term is very threatening to Ops teams. Prefer #NewOps.

Anders Wallgren
@madgreek65 Agreed.
Charles Betz
Not in favor of NoOps term either.

Paula Thrasher
@anders_wallgren I agree - the point it to shift effort from firefights to improvements.
Charles Betz
@jefferyepayne true that. AT&T has told its traditional networking engineers to go get CS degrees if they want to advance

Matthew Barr
It takes a certain type of Dev to keep up w/ Load balancers, firewall rules, DR replication, etc.

Matthew Barr
Some legacy apps aren't fully horizontally scalable web apps.