Adrían Bridgwater43

Q6. Does the aspirational developer need to code? What kind of skills should a would-be aspirational developer learn v. a traditional developer?

Jonathan Sparks
No, they need to have a mind to solve problems

Adrían Bridgwater
Perhaps we should also ask what skills should be THE SAME for aspirational developers and traditional i.e planning discipline, communications openness etc.

Jason Wojahn
I think the focus is too much on code, what about business need, requirements, ownership of outcomes
Sanjay Gupta
Logic processing

Jonathan Sparks
@jason_wojahn Right, solving a business problem instead of a engineering problem

Adrían Bridgwater
Logic processing sounds like algebra to aspirational developers --- we need to keep this more open

Jason Wojahn
@sparks_jonathan being close to the business need and taking ownership of the outcome... sounds pretty agile....

Adrían Bridgwater
Although I do take your point Sanjay :-)

Colleen Haikes
Theoretically the aspirational developer should not have to have traditional coding skills. Bring Your Own Domain Knowledge should be enough.
Sanjay Gupta
Not in the engineering sense. More in terms of what they need to get done.
Matt Saxton
if you take away syntax from programming your left with logic. Logic is more important than syntax.

Adrían Bridgwater
Let's remember, 8 years ago we didn't have the iPad and non-techies didn't know what an "app" was

Jeffrey Hammond
Think they should ate least be capable of doing Excel macro level algorithms.

Adrían Bridgwater
Now non-techies are (slowly) hearing about these things called APIs

Adrían Bridgwater
@jhammond that's what AUTO-SUM is for (just kidding)

Kristin Emi Rimbach
With simple drag and drop platforms and products like Service Creator, the code is nearly invisible http://www.serviceno...

Jeffrey Hammond
Look at what kids are able to do in Scratch and Minecraft - but there's still some typing required :-)

Adrían Bridgwater
Absolutely Jeffrey YES! .... actually go one step further back, what about Doom and the option to create your own world-spaces?

Jonathan Sparks
@kristinemi Awesome :-)

Colleen Haikes
@jhammond Kids call it "keyboarding" now :)

Jeffrey Hammond
It's really cool to see 10 year olds doing embedded programming these days - look at something like First Lego League...

Jeffrey Hammond
I must remember that for my next expense report!

Jason Wojahn
@jhammond You point is very valid, barrier to entry is dropping

Kristin Emi Rimbach
@jhammond Learning to develop is hidden for new generations- I learned HTML because of Myspace and now kids are modding with Minecraft

Göran Lundqvist
@kristinemi Yea, it's kind of scary. My 6 year old kid can do more complex stuff in Minecraft than I can do...