
Being a Data Scientist
We'll discuss opportunities, unique traits, skills, future of the field, and how to succeed.
   9 years ago
#csctownhallDigital Enterprise JourneyTransforming to meet the needs of the information-driven enterprise.
Heather Simpson 🌈🍃
@jerryaoverton and @jinz1, I'm interested in the questions around diversity in #datascience--are you seeing it as more/less diverse than other tech fields? Do you see diversity increasing in the future?
Sorin Costea
but is it perceived as a "tech field"?
Chris Fangmann
@sorincos Today it is - but most customers I talked to over the last months agree data scientist (the double deep ones - see above) are growing into becoming (at least part of) the glue between information, decision and business value
Heather Simpson 🌈🍃
@jerryaoverton believes #datascience is less diverse, but through events like this, we can encourage different, out of the box thinkers to explore the field, see things in a new way. It is these different viewpoints & backgrounds that can be most valueable
Jin Zhang
@ChrisFangmann And that's exactly why this is so exciting for us! Imagine new c-level roles coming up such as Chief Data Officer or Chief Analytics Officer - it fundamentally changes how companies are run and how data is valued!
Chris Fangmann
@jinz1 I'd bet this takes less than 5 years to come up in large enterprises - probably earlier in startups
Jerry Overton
Not nearly as much as I would like. I think the root cause is a lack of diversity in thinking styles. I'm hoping to see more non-traditional thinkers enter the fray.
Carl R
@JerryAOverton Does regular recruitment practice reduce the diversity in thinking styles?
Jerry Overton
@CCR2000CCR I don't think so. I think what throttles diversity in this area are the things published and speakers who influence.
Chris Fangmann
@CSC @jerryaoverton @jinz1 Can we use #DataScience to find time slots for #CSCTownHall with a higher expectation on participants / attendees ;-?
Jin Zhang
Jerry is on it! :-)
Chris Fangmann
Although we are doing pretty good....but could imagine a lot of the folks for this subject (decide on career) are right now in class...
Jerry Overton
Interesting. It would be interesting to do a social media analysis on the main drivers of town hall participation
Carl R
What about using it to identify potential participants; drive the participation rate.
Chris Fangmann
@CCR2000CCR Actively address potential participants before it happens - even if they're not registered - I am sold
Heather Simpson 🌈🍃
@jerryaoverton great idea! Please let us know!
Lisa Braun
What natural strength do you find most useful as a data professional?
Jin Zhang
attention to details, observing pattern and anomaly without a known questions - like a detective!
Carl R
@jinz1 Bias, is it a problem, particularly when observing patterns? If yes, how to recognise it?
Lisa Braun
@jinz1 I've heard folks says "let the data lead." Don't go in with pre-defined questions necessarily.
Jeff Caruso
@jinz1 I like that analogy.
Jin Zhang
That's a very effective approach! I also called it "don't stop at the asking". At work you are likely to receive a request, but go beyond that, i.e., ask more questions, follow the data lead.
Lisa Braun
@CCR2000CCR (Carl R) Good point. I imagine bias is a problem. Hoping @jinz1 or @jerryaoverton weigh in.
Jerry Overton
Let's do a bit of a role call. Are you in data? What’s your title? What does it mean?
Jerry Overton
I'm a data scientist. For me it means that I use data to run experiments and get to hidden truth
Chris Fangmann
Guess we also need to acknowledge we all use data to make better decisions - maybe not fully aware....I use my historical information to select drinks for dinner parties based on what my friends like
Bill Fiora
Not really in data - more of a qualitative analyst looking to exercise the other half of my brain
Jin Zhang
I am a product leader for analytics. For me it means to create an analytic product/solution that brings the insights to my customers without them asking the question
Jerry Overton
@billfiora Good point. Probably should have talked more about the importance of partnering with those who have qual. expertise.
Jerry Overton
@jinz1 Do you find automation to be pretty important to what you do?
Daniel Addison, MSHI
I am a Health Informatics Professional and Consultant. Health Informatics is the interdisciplinary study of the design, development, adoption, and application of IT-based innovations in healthcare services delivery, and information science.
James Eaton
@jinz1 ... or to get them to ask the next question(s)
Carl R
Service Management, and therein is a large and accessible dataset, and surely ripe ..
Chris Fangmann
I just really like the change we're seeing here - not only in technology but also in human perspective. 20 years ago this would be a discussion between the good #DataScientist rules...and is one of the most wanted person on the planet
Jerry Overton
Another reason I think there needs to be a #datascience TV show. The more being #datadriven is part of pop culture, wider acceptance it will have.
Chris Fangmann
@JerryAOverton I can imagine you as the new TV rock star ;-)
Jerry Overton
Lol. Nah, I was hoping my character would be played by Taye Diggs.
Chris Fangmann
@JerryAOverton Now we're talking business - you're already looking for someone to play YOU!
James Eaton
"Big Data" hype seems to have eased. What investment are we now seeing in Industry in Data Science? What trend in IT spend?
Jerry Overton
We are seeing lots of investment in industries like Insurance, Healthcare, Retail, and Auto
Chris Fangmann
Realtime, context based analytics
Jin Zhang
companies are investing into real-time insights like crazy! This means a lot of investment into data, although I am a strong advocate to say - "focus on insights!"
Chris Fangmann
@JerryAOverton Yes - most industries have now understood the value and actually not only start #DipYourToeIntoTheDataLake but also start hiring data scientists - increasing demand
James Eaton
Good to hear - any life insurance examples?
Jerry Overton
How can we encourage greater participation/diversity in the #data field?
Lisa Braun
I think the schools -- elementary through college -- are where to start. Students of all stripes need to see data as a possible career, without necessarily having to be hard core tech. It takes all kinds.
Jin Zhang
I also suggest each of us start, wherever we are - data can be telling and there are so many tools making it easier for us to leverage data in our own departments!
Lisa Braun
In terms of a data career, can you talk about AI or MI (Machine Intelligence)—where’s that headed and how promising that is as a career? How does it dovetail with #datascience?
Jerry Overton
I think most companies are on an evolution toward cognitive computing: descriptive statistics -> predictive modeling -> prescriptive modeling -> cognitive computing
Bill Fiora
@JerryAOverton Yes. As I'm sure you've seen, IBM already is using cognitive computing/business in its positioning
Jin Zhang
I am in particular hopeful that the deep learning aspect of AI will get bigger in the enterprise world - leveraging neural network and national language processing, etc.
Jerry Overton
It’s not all Numb3rs and Moneyball. What’s the worst part of your #datadriven job?
Chris Fangmann
spreadsheet reporting in sales?
Jerry Overton
For, the worst part is convincing reluctant stakeholders to act on the insights we find. That can be a real uphill battle.
Lisa Braun
And that's the business or management side, not the technical side. Interesting.
Jerry Overton
@LisaAnneBraun Yes, the human side of being a data professional is much more challenging than the technical.
Raajesh Kumar R.B
What is the impact of full suite products like Microsoft BI, Salesforce Wave etc on this domian?
Chris Fangmann
I'd question there are long-life full long as we're not sure we've asked all questions we won't have all answers
Jerry Overton
I think suites like these pushing parts of #datascience to commodity-- which I think is a good thing.
Bill Fiora
@JerryAOverton Agreed. Newer suites are improving the UI so that data science does not appear so daunting