
Get your SMEs to blog
The dos and don'ts of getting SMEs to participate in your blog.
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.@Victoriabsocial suggests "make it easy" to get SMEs to contribute to #b2b blog. What are ways or tools to make it easy? #inboundmarketing
Help spark ideas to blog about based on current events. Sometimes a news story can be a good platform to jump off from.
Robin Scharpf
Simplify the review process to make it easy for SMEs to contribute to blog
Paul Krappman
Marketing needs to "keep a loose grip" on the message to allow #SMEs their own voice
Robin Scharpf
Great idea, @VictoriaBSocial - arm SMEs with blog topics and ideas; or ask for reaction to a recent article.
Don't over engineer the process with approvals and the need to conform. Make people feel welcome to explore their ideas. Information wants to be free. LD
Is it a good idea to enlist ghost writers to work with #B2B #SMEs for blog content?
Paul Krappman
#SMEs need to understand that #blogging and #engagement can help them in their job as well.
I suppose getting help is a reality, but it's better when it comes authentically. Have them write and you edit, rather than you write and they review.
Mimi Murray Meagher
if the skills are really lacking, go for it!
Paul Krappman
As I mentioned earlier a "little bit" of ghostwriting can prime the pump for #SME #blogging
Sandy Rikkers
. @PaulKrappman good idea, no one likes to try to be someone they're not (don't make an #SME try to sound like Obi Won if they are really more Yoda). Exaggeration!
Denise Bahs
Make easy for SMEs 2 blog by starting it & askg 4 revisions
What should you NOT DO to get SMEs to participate in your #b2b #blog? #socialmediamarketing #inboundmarketing
Paul Krappman
Do not: Tell #SMEs how to write their posts if you want them to #blog
Robin Scharpf
Pushing #SMEs outside their comfort zone or overloading with demands reduce quality & cooperation for #blogging
Mimi Murray Meagher
Not make it part of their job description.
Don't ply them with donuts. That's just wrong. Seriously, you should not have to pay people or beg them. This is an honor and a way to get your point of view out there. #winwin
Paul Krappman
Do not: Style an #SME's blog post with a bunch of marketing fluff.
Denise Bahs
U should not force them to do anything. #pointless
.@PaulKrappman how do you ensure quality of content & tone aligned to business brand?
Paul Krappman
Do not: Tell an #SME that they HAVE to #blog.
Sandy Rikkers
Do not over edit their work...keep it simple, fix grammar but leave personal style alone.
Denise Bahs
@SandyRikkers totally agree. leave it in their own voice.
Robin Scharpf
Agree @PaulKrappman - do not add marketing fluff to SME #blog post - keep it pure, authentic & helpful #b2bmarketing
Paul Krappman
.@VictoriaBSocial That's right. You must ply #SMEs with steak.
What should you DO to get SMEs to participate in your #b2b #blog? #socialmediamarketing
Mimi Murray Meagher
Get everyone involved in the conversation on social...#SME's should be a part of that!
Paul Krappman
A4: Incentives (non-monetary), help to pull your #SMEs into the social engagement boat.
Recognize their expertise and make it easy for them to engage.
Sandy Rikkers
A4 make it easy to participate
Also show what others are doing. Other companies, colleagues, competitors make good examples.
Robin Scharpf
Recruit SMEs in priority solution areas, identify SMEs with strong writing and storytelling skills #b2bmarketing #blog
Denise Bahs
Make an appt w them and start by asking bout topics (face to face is best) #guiltthemintoit
Why should #B2B #marketers launch a company blog?
Robin Scharpf
For greater reach, organic search, and increase preference
Paul Krappman
A1: Show your expertise in a longer form method. #Blogging still matters.
A2: Search engines love long form content. You can say more on a blog than most other channels. #B2B
Does #blogging still help with findability?
Mimi Murray Meagher
Showcase your company expertise, customer success stories, leverage internal knowledge. #B2B #Blog
Thanks @VictoriaBSocial for answer re: search and blog
I think so. I think the engines want to connect searchers with authoritative content. #blogging
Paul Krappman
.@Profitecture With a little planning, #blogging can increase your findability in a huge way.
Why are #SMEs important to a #b2b blog?
Paul Krappman
A3: Your #sme (s) are where your company solution knowledge resides. They have to #blog.
Robin Scharpf
#B2B #SMEs have the expertise customers want access to. Blogs are an easy, wide-reaching medium for making experts available
A4: People have questions and they want answers from experts. It also helps educate those in the purchase process.
Robin Scharpf
SMEs also have their own network that on average overlaps with Brand by 8% = greater reach
Paul Krappman
A3: Your customers want to tap the source of your solution know-how. #SMEs are your best engagement pt.
Mimi Murray Meagher
#SMEs may not be directly accessible so great to gain that knowledge via #B2B #Blog
"Some of your employees might hold more online reach and influence than your own CEO"
What are important elements of a successful #b2b #blog program?
A3: Create a content calendar and line up contributors.
Mimi Murray Meagher
Who is blogging for you? Hope it's your #SMEs!
Robin Scharpf
A plan with goals, objectives, editorial calendar and keywords is critical first step to blog program
Paul Krappman
A2: Even if you have to ghostwrite a little bit to "prime the pump" get all your #sme (s) involved
A3: Start with goals in mind and build up a library of ideas, if not posts. Also, invite guest bloggers.
Robin Scharpf
Appropriate calls to action and tools for tracking KPIs also important for #b2b blog program
Mimi Murray Meagher
Know your audience...keep your customers coming back for more #B2B Blog