
Social Media Marketing
How to integrate social media into your marketing strategy.
   9 years ago
#socialauthorityContent MarketingHow to enlist SMEs for Content Marketing Success
   9 years ago
#socialauthorityGet your SMEs to blogThe dos and don'ts of getting SMEs to participate in your blog.
Robin Scharpf
Q4: Let's dive into your answer "Champion Integration". How do you identify and recruit champions for #socialmedia
Denise Bahs
A4: Chocolate always works! Ha! No seriouly, make friends with the SMEs & meet from time to time.
Kasey Stevens
Incentives - goes back to last week's convo.
Robin Scharpf
Often you will find a few individuals already engaged in #socialmedia. Perfect champions
A4: Identify the people who are already sharing and help them along.
A4: use social media listening tools like @hootsuite to see who is tweeting about your brand.
Mimi Murray Meagher
Points/contests over cash incentives.....Doughnuts!?
Denise Bahs
A4: Provide the tools they need (even set it up 4 them)
A4 We're all in this together.
Robin Scharpf
Yes, @denisebahs ! And provide training on company social guidelines & how to engage
Paul Gillin
A4 Look for people who are already active and who are naturally outgoing and curious.
Mimi Murray Meagher
Take a look at your competition....
Denise Bahs
agree! Grab on to those coat tails. :)
Find different categories to put people in ... are they "experts" "fans" "friends" all are welcome.
Kasey Stevens
Okay, getting serious now - provide tools, find those already engaged. find the outgoing social folks who can be great ambassadors for your brand.
A4 Interviewing #SMEs and taking it from there is always an option
Paul Gillin
@MeagherMimi Yes, points over dollars. Cash rewards may make it too competitive.
Mimi Murray Meagher
@kaseyastevens brand ambassadors are the key!
Q5: Another great answer to Q3: Go where your customers are. How do you find where your customers are in #socialmedia?
Robin Scharpf
Ask your customers where they look for information.
A5: Sometimes you have to ask them, sometimes invite them, but sniff them out by searching on #LinkedIn, #Twitter, #Google
Denise Bahs
A3: I like to use @twitonomy to see the habits of a particular target. Gives u insight into what they care about.
A5 ask your customers..survey them..look and see where they are.
Kasey Stevens
Even go to those good ole LinkedIn group discussions!
Paul Gillin
A5 Look for mentions of the company name in profiles and messages. Facebook and Twitter search have been vastly improved.
Mimi Murray Meagher
A little social stalking....can your customers be your champions?
Kasey Stevens
@MeagherMimi Back to stalking... should we be worried?
@MeagherMimi absolutel! They can be the best kind via testimonials.
A5 and don't forget @Google alerts. I also like to search for a company name on Google and then filter by "news" to see what they are up to.
Mimi Murray Meagher
@denisebahs #twitonomy is a great way to see which #hashtags you should be targeting.
@kaseyastevens nah ... stalking is just showing you care (in our case) :D
Denise Bahs
@kaseyastevens maybe i should call it social sniffing. :)
Q2: Should #socialmedia be integrated into a biz #marketing strategy? Why or why not?
Kasey Stevens
A2: #socialmedia is a great way to start or get in on a conversation with clients and other brands around something applicable to your business.
A2: Yes, a business has goals and those goals can be achieved with the help of social.
Kasey Stevens
#socialmedia is a great targeting tool.
Denise Bahs
A2: Marketing + #socialmedia + sales = Selarketing #thenextbigthing
A2: Every biz has a need to understand how to integrate #social media into their traditional #marketing tool kit.
Denise Bahs
@kaseyastevens Yes! It's so great to so some "social stalking" and get the 360 view. :)
Robin Scharpf
#Socialmedia is element of Inbound marketing (being findable) lowers the cost of leads & gets to buyer at critical stages
Kasey Stevens
@VictorBSocial I agree - not only do they need to integrate, they need to choose the right platforms to use!
Mimi Murray Meagher
Where are your customers, if they are on #sicialmedia your company should be also!
@kaseyastevens Great point. People are talking about your company and the industry. You need to be in those conversations.
Kasey Stevens
@denisebahs "Social stalking" hahaha. Love it.
Kasey Stevens
@VictorBSocial Not only be IN them, START them
Paul Gillin
A2 At the very least you should be listening. You don't need a strategy to do that.
Mimi Murray Meagher
Working on some new dictionary terms today!
A2 #social should compliment current mkt strategy. If it works. Does your direct mail work? I'm not always sure about that.
Kasey Stevens
@cathcamheldt I think direct mail is on the outs.