
Q4: What tools make it easy for employees to contribute and share content?
Denise Bahs
A4: #1 is @hootsuite on laptop and phone!

Jane Scandurra
A5. I'm a huge fan of @dynamicsignal - clients are seeing big benefits.

Robin Scharpf
A4: Google Hangout interviews, #periscope

A4 I love @hootsuite and the shortcut #hootlet

Paul Gillin
In addition to @dynamicsignal, @Gaggleamp is a good tool

Paul Krappman
I think @dynamicsignal might have some. ;-) Right @stephaniedobyns?

Stephanie Dobyns
A4) @Dynamic_Signal - clients SAP, IBM, Salesforce, 3M, Getty, Mary Kay, HDS, Motorola, so many!

Jane Scandurra
A5. Tools without proper training is useless and expensive for all.

Mimi Murray Meagher
@hootsuite is a great tool. Be sure to support your team's efforts...Like @denisebahs said, choir rather than a single voice!
Denise Bahs
@pgillin I've seen Googleamp usage look a bit bot-esque. You?

Brian Gilb
Use @buffer for managing your queue quickly.

@JaneScandurra Def people talking about @dynamic_signal ... great tool for tracking and motivating teams! #employeeadvocacy

Brian Gilb
A5: You can also use #Tumblr as a very easy blogging source to make articles

Paul Krappman
A5: Setting up a regular "tips" communication to your team helps to keep them on the same page.

Brian Gilb
A5: You can also be an author for your company blog and help to share the information and direct traffic back to the company.

Paul Gillin
A4. You can also just set up an page on your intranet or even a shared Google Doc. Doesn't have to be elaborate.
Denise Bahs
@JaneScandurra Amen Sista! Proper training starts w goal setting to avoid aimlessly floating.

A5 the @IBM students really like the sharing hub

Jane Scandurra
A5. Evernote. @denisebahs is a power user. I only aspire to it! :)

Paul Krappman
@pgillin Yeah. That!

Paul Gillin
@denisebahs Yes, if all you do is click the retweet button. I would encourage people to add value to the message

Stephanie Dobyns
@PaulKrappman Ya maybe a few like employee submitted posts, sharing discloure, leaderboards, recommended content algorithm. =P
Denise Bahs
@JaneScandurra Yes! Love it! #evernote is the bomb! searchability is the key.