IBM Social Business35

Q3: How has the ability to collaborate anywhere, anytime increased productivity? http://www.via-cc.at...

Warren Whitlock
we're not seeing it yet. Still too much setting up for enterprise. In SMB, it's a given

Warren Whitlock
I'm always working, and always playing.

Warren Whitlock
Once you learn to live with always on, it's FREEDOM. No one stops me from working or playing

Joel Peterson
The ability to collaborate anywhere has given my workforce more freedom and flexibility in their lives. That has increased their engagement and in turn their productivity.

Rebecca Wissinger
W/ ability to collaborate anywhere there's no wasting time, u can get things done. Multitasking like a boss.

Jerry Overton
You can get to better quality ideas much faster: No one knows everything, but everyone knows something.

Joel Peterson
Productivity is a bi-product of engagement. Meet your workforce where they live in engagement and you'll get the productivity you need from them.

Camille Brandon
@rjwissin agreed! It's the 'no excuses, play like a champion' mentatility

Goshow Architects
allows for a new way to manage your own time and deadlines. a little bit here and there adds up, without being tied to a physical location.

John Furrier
@JerryAOverton CSC is a great example of virtual workforce - love the vision they have of an "inside out" organization

Joel Peterson
Collaborative technology is the tool by which smart employers engage their workforce.

Jerry Overton
@WarrenWhitlock Yep and better collaboration lets you blur the lines between the two: work + play.

@rjwissin it also allows for people to work where they're comfortable - on the couch, in a coffeeshop, on a plane etc...blurs the line between work and home - but in a good way :)

John Furrier
virtual work will really expand as the "experience and immersion" factors kick in - only going to get better imho

Rebecca Wissinger
@DikBiz totally agree! I'm chatting from my couch with my 2 dogs in my lap right now :)

Daniel Davis
@DikBiz I agree -- lets you work when and where you're most productive, and take breaks when you need to.

Phylicia Teymer
A3- Being able to work anywhere (ex. from home) allows one to get things done much faster, saves time & energy and is better for the environment!

Jerry Overton
@furrier Thx. Being able to work from the outside-in has been an absolute game changer in how I think and work.

Amber Armstrong
Work and Life priorities can better coincide thanks to #mobile

A3) Old truth with new awakening >> inspired workers are more productive. #remoteworkers are more inspired (can be)

Joel Peterson
@GoshowNYC AGREED! Collaborative mobility helps you accumulate the bits and pieces into a productive output.

Jerry Overton
@joelyoh Long live crowd sourcing!

Warren Whitlock
I'm imagining @ambarmstrong with her dog while chatting. If not, that's a good focus for new tech. Everything is better with a dog

Ariana Gradow
reduces time and stress getting to work and the commute time.

@JerryAOverton I see the same thing: a move away from "work life balance" to "work life integration"

Jerry Overton
@mediamutt Personally...I like it!