
Future of Work Culture
What does the culture of the Future of Work look like? Join in to find out!
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#NewWayToWorkCollaborative MobilityCollaborative Mobility: Driving Business Growth & Innovation
IBM Social Business
Q6: What does NOT work in changing a corporate culture? #NewWayToWork

Vanessa DiMauro
A6: It is easier to design the right organizational culture than to fix a broken one. Plan accordingly.
Rigidity - Command and Control...
Sherri Maxson
A6: Leading with technology and expecting change
Vanessa DiMauro
A6: A blunt stick only serves to deflect change. Learn what matters to people and help them achieve their goals in support of the corp. culture.
Kulbir Singh
ineffective leadership commitments & under-optimal change management practices
Sherri Maxson
A6: And Top Down mandates to employees to "change"
Jason Lauritsen
A6: Cultures do tend to reflect the leadership at the top, at least in a lot of cases. Thinking you can change a culture without changing the leadership (either the people or the behaviors) is impossible.
Jeffrey Hogue
threats,intimidation and double standards
Amber Armstrong
Leaders that preach but don't walk the walk will not change culture
Niharika Trivedi
Not being adaptive.
Kulbir Singh
Unavailability of tools to drive effective two-way communication
Wayne Hendry
@DikBiz Agree especially if coupled with intimidation and fear - recipe for a toxic workplace.
Jason Lauritsen
A6: Changing culture without changing some of the people rarely happens. Leaders and employees sometimes need to go.
@ambarmstrong well said. That goes back to transparency and adaptability..
Rebecca Wissinger
Being stuck in old ways will ruin a biz. Adapt! & Crowdsource to figure out what works for your employees & company
Wayne Hendry
A6) Refusing to be open to change and using the line "we have always done it this way."
Jason Lauritsen
A6: Not including employees in the culture change process is poison. Employees don't often drive culture change, but they do often kill it.
Sherri Maxson
A6: Not engaging your employees in the process
IBM Social Business
Q4: With more employees working remotely, how can corporate culture stay in tact? #NewWayToWork

Sherri Maxson
A4: Excel at communications, collaboration and engagement
Vanessa DiMauro
A4: There is a powerful African saying – if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
Rebecca Wissinger
I think it's important to get the team together a couple times a year, if not, at least have regular discussions to check in
@smaxson Agreed - we don't need to share the same set of cubes to share a culture...
Sherri Maxson
A4: Engage employees by asking questions via virtual brainstorms
Vanessa DiMauro
A4: Increased knowledge transfer among professionals extends corporate culture. It moves a professional from “me thinking” to “we thinking”.
Jason Lauritsen
A4: Aggressive communication and more effort to make people feel included is necessary for remote workers.
Sherri Maxson
A4: And leverage technology and tools to help accelerate this communication
Shobhit Sharma
Technology has given us an opportunity to communicate globally with no boundaries – WE are ALIVE !
Vanessa DiMauro
A4: The more we mentor, the more we learn. Mentoring is a way to keep corporate culture in tact.
Sherri Maxson
@vdimauro I was going to say that :) One of my favorite sayings
Niharika Trivedi
By being more responsive.
Jason Lauritsen
A4: Read Scott Berkun's book The Year without Pants for a great perspective on this.
Kulbir Singh
embrace technology that unites & do not underplay the human touch...remember fostering culture is not a one touch event , its a full contact sport
Rebecca Wissinger
@smaxson yes! think social email like #IBMVerse keeping teams connected & on track
Wayne Hendry
A4) Corporate culture is not a building, it is the people and communication is what feeds culture.
Jason Lauritsen
A4: I don't think you can overlook the critical importance of bringing people together in person. Culture is social and social bonds deepen with face to face interaction. Berkun's book really plays this out.
we have to create common language in between teams
Shobhit Sharma
We breath technology
Ariana Gradow
virtual meetings, shared documents, the ability to work on projects collaboratively.
IBM Social Business
Q1: How would you define culture? What are some key characteristics to creating a fostering a culture within an organization?

Vanessa DiMauro
A1: Culture is the way we do our work as a group - how we relate to each other and the customer.
John Furrier
Culture is set from the top mgt and new ways have to reward risk taking but "calculated risks"
Sherri Maxson
A1: Culture is our thoughts, belief and actions that drive what we do and how we behave as organizations
Jason Lauritsen
A1: It's the collective values, beliefs and standards of behavior within an organization.
Kulbir Singh
Culture is the way we think, learn & interact...and in todays data driven world culture must drive behaviors with tangible outcomes
Jason Lauritsen
A1: I think the key to creating and fostering culture starts with values. Being clear on values provides a terrific foundation.
Elizabeth Edmiston
all of the above coupled with expected behaviour of colleagues
Jason Lauritsen
A1: Sometimes the defining elements of culture are explicit, but what makes culture challenging is that it is often unspoken or implied.
Kulbir Singh
And within an organization, it must embrace mutuality & continuous collaboration
@jasonlauritsen What's also challenging is that values are dynamic - they tend to evolve as the community grows
Jason Lauritsen
A1: Clarity is a requirement to shaping culture. Lack of clarity creates uncertainty. When there is uncertainty, the culture will find it's own path.
Sherri Maxson
@jasonlauritsen good point Jason on value clarity
Jason Lauritsen
@smaxson Thank you. Super important step.
Jason Lauritsen
@DikBiz Absolutely right. Culture is made up of human beings and humans are complex, dynamic creatures.
Niharika Trivedi
Values, Collaboration, Authenticity and Inside-Out and Outside-In Dynamics.