Denise Bahs15
Q2: Should you accept any LinkedIn connection request?
Brian Gilb
A2: No, unless those people are in your industry or know them. #StrangerDanger
A2: Nope ... connect only with people who give you context and who can add value to your experience. #trust
Paul Gillin
A2 I accept connection requests from anyone who has common connections or similar interests to mine.
Mimi Murray Meagher
A2: I am strategic with my LI connections, you do not have to accept all!
A2 I do not accept all requests. I look at their connections and whether they offer value to my LinkedIn communty
Paul Krappman
A2: Personal opinion - I don't accept a #linkedin invite unless I "know" the person somehow.
Paul Gillin
A2 This is a common question and everyone has his or her own preferences. Do what works for you.
Denise Bahs
A1:I tend to look to see if the person is in the same industry and then accept if so. More connections=more visibility.
Brian Gilb
A2: If you do get someone random who reaches out to you, you're more than justified to ask them why they are looking for a connection.
Jacobo Gonzalez
A2. I don't think so. Evaluate their profile, and make an informed decision. I can't tell how many people have connected with me and then tried to sell me stuff out of thin air (mostly insurances). My motto is accept potentially valuable people.
Denise Bahs
@pgillin generally I want more connections to drive people to my blog.
A2 I think everyone has their own comfort level too
Denise Bahs
@JacobSoSocial it's a good lesson that no one wants to be sold to.
Mimi Murray Meagher
@JacobSoSocial yes, value add!
A2: You can use the "advice for contacting me" feature to show how open (or closed) you are to connections.