
Social Media Boot Camp Week 2
#B2B #SMBoot Camp refresher: Your profile matters. Let's review tips, tricks and best practices.
   10 years ago
#socialauthoritySocial Media Boot Camp Week 1#B2B #SMBoot Camp refresher: What is social authority, where to join, how to listen
   9 years ago
#socialauthoritySocial Media Boot Camp Week 3#B2B #SMBootCamp refresher: How to grow your online network with class
Q3: In your opinion what are the 3 most important elements of a #LinkedIn profile? #socialmedia
Denise Bahs
A3: Ur headline should b more than job title, summary in first person, share something personal!
Brian Gilb
A3: For #B2B #LinkedIn profiles, having good contact information, summary of what you can do for them, and a decent photo
A3: In addition to headline and summary, having recommendations lets people see what you are like to work with.
A3 Professional profile picture, upclose and and clear
Brian Gilb
A3: Also helps when you have recent activity, like writing on #Pulse or posting articles
A3: Of course, it's important to have a good photo - something that shows you as approachable and professional.
Denise Bahs
A3: Leave the cocktails to FB! ha!
A3 Keep up-to-date and accurate. Be honest.
Brian Gilb
@denisebahs Cocktails are more fun on Twitter... And Google+ especially. No one looks at that anymore. #IsThisRoomEmpty?
Yes, profile photo is critical! Profiles with photos are viewed 14% more than others
A former Boot Camp student launched SocialPhoto to help professionals boost their headshots http://www.socialpho...
Ariana Gradow
That's a great headshot concept. I might call them
Denise Bahs

Ariana Gradow
Do you think we get less work done b/c of social media?
@arianagradow - it can be distracting ... but it sure increases your reach... and influence.
It depends on the user. #socialmedia can actually boost productivity
Denise Bahs
@arianagradow combo of both Ariana! More opp to build relationships, but also more opp to kill time!
Denise Bahs
@arianagradow thanks for joining us here today!
@arianagradow great question and one we hear often. Setting expectations is critical to #employeeadvocacy
@arianagradow I found social assisted me in promoting events and launches. Greater reach!
Ariana Gradow
Glad I made it in time. This is a great chat!
Ariana Gradow
@cathcamheldt It's the best tool to use for promotion and marketing.
Q4: What are important elements of a #Twitter profile?
Brian Gilb
A4: A short and information bio, a clear and relatable photo, and consistent content for others to read.
Denise Bahs
A4: B sure to show some personality. Life is too short 2 b boring.
A4: You can say a lot with images ... upload a header and profile photo that give the essence of what you want to be known for.
Brian Gilb
A4: Also, not just retweeting things from others or posting too much on your newsfeed.
A4 when tweeting for a company "tweets are my own"
A4: Let people know what you will be tweeting about...give them an idea why they should follow you.
Do hashtags in #Twitter profile help your "findability"?
A4 It's OK to combine work and personal
Denise Bahs
Hashtags are essential for visibility!
Brian Gilb
Depends on how much traffic you get and how much credibility your profile has
Hashtags def help people find your #content and help you brand yourself and your company.
A4 Please make sure you use appropriate #hastags like #krappyroadtrip2015
Q2: Should all business professionals have a #LinkedIn profile? #socialmedia
A2: Yes! Why not? It's a great way to tell the story of you.
Brian Gilb
A2: Have a #LinkedIn profile and at least one other (#Twitter is recommended for #b2b)
Do any of your students have privacy concerns with being on #LinkedIn?
A2 If they want a presence and exposure
Brian Gilb
A2: having more than one gives you a more personal feel and makes you relatable. For example, @PaulKrappman is on #krappyroadtrip2015 and showcasing his vacation.
A2: @XING_de and @LinkedIn are two good platforms for creating profiles.
Denise Bahs
A2: Dilbert says if u don't have a social presence, u must be dead!
Yes...privacy is an issue that can be respected and worked with
Brian Gilb
A2: Business professionals need at least one professional #Socialmedia profile.
Brian Gilb
@cathcamheldt yes, most social media profiles have really good privacy settings now
@GilbBrian Agreed! Unfortunately, not anything is 100% fool-proof
Brian Gilb
@cathcamheldt clearly you've never heard of #Slack
Why does my profile matter for building online @socialauthority? #b2b #socialmedia
A1: Your profile is your chance to take control of what you want the world to know about you.
Denise Bahs
A1: I'm willing to bet more people have seen your LinkedIn profile than your paper bus card!
A1 to set the tone as to who you are
Denise Bahs
A1: People race to LinkedIn to check you out before a big meeting!
Brian Gilb
A1: People for the #b2b world will try and contact you through your profile. So having a professional appearance online is essential.
.@GilbBrian is in the house! Welcome
Brian Gilb
thanks. Glad I'm here in time.