
Social Media Boot Camp Week 1
#B2B #SMBoot Camp refresher: What is social authority, where to join, how to listen
   9 years ago
#socialauthorityGo on! Publish a post!You, too, can publish long-form posts to #LinkedIn. Join us for a discussion about tips and tricks.
   9 years ago
#socialauthoritySocial Media Boot Camp Week 2#B2B #SMBoot Camp refresher: Your profile matters. Let's review tips, tricks and best practices.
Q9: Coaches, what are some of your favorite coaching moments?
Mimi Murray Meagher
A9: Nothing beats seeing your students excel on the social networks!
Denise Bahs
A9: Fav moments r when student starts out doubting #socialmedia & becomes a believer!
Mimi Murray Meagher
A9: Coaching sessions may end, but you are always in touch with your students on #social.
A9 favorite coaching moments when a student tells you they're going to be your best student ever!
A9 Seeing your student publish on LinkedIn publisher for the first time!
Hearing from students years after they "graduated" is a highlight of #SocialMedia Boot Camp.
Denise Bahs
A9: So great to get to know the students over 8 weeks, then keep in touch on the social channels! #grateful
Paul Gillin
A9 Agree. When the light goes on and the student really sees value.
A9 Seeing your student tweet out to you, "thanks coach!"
Let's dive into those questions, How much time should I expect to commit?
Denise Bahs
A2: Initially, there is a bigger time commitment, but when the tools r in place, 20-30 min per day is solid!
Mimi Murray Meagher
A2: You need to invest some time in the beginning, once you are an expert, it should be a seamless part of your day!
A2 Their job is NOT to become a social expert. They still need their day jobs. Do the best they can
Brian Gilb
A2: To commit to the bootcamp, I would recommend (at most) two hours throughout the week.
Is that true for marketers, too? 20-30 min per day for #social media?
Brian Gilb
A2: Once you have the concepts down, it should take no more than an hour a week to maintain what you need
Brian Gilb
A3: If you are a social media manager, utilizing the techniques from the course, you can expect to be monitoring social media about 5 hours a week at minimum
Denise Bahs
A2: eventually a convergeance of social media as a communication tool will take place and it won't seem like extra.
Mimi Murray Meagher
#social is essential for marketers now, so 20-30 may not cut it if you are in that role.
A2 good point @Profitecture. Marketers need to spend more time than others
Paul Gillin
A2 I think you can be successful in social networks with a 15-min-a-day commitment
A2 Tips and tools make it simpler
Q3: I'm not in marketing, why should I care about #socialmedia?
Denise Bahs
A3: bc if not participating in #socialmedia, u r missing a world of conversation and opportunity.
Brian Gilb
Q3: Because people don't use typewriters and snail mail to communicate anymore.
A3 support the efforts of your company. And people but from people - not companies
Mimi Murray Meagher
A3: You need to market yourself!
Brian Gilb
A3: but on a serious note, people are not looking at hard copy newspapers anymore and are consuming information through these platforms now
Great podcast with @pgillin about activating SMEs on social media http://firpodcastnet...
Brian Gilb
A3: Social media is not just for interacting. Its now a major source of finding new information.
Paul Gillin
A3 #SocialMedia is a way to build your personal authority, which should interest anyone.
A3 I would say use social in addition to the marketing efforts you are currently using
.@cathcamheldt exactly! People buy from people.
Q1: Coaches, what are the most common questions you get during Week of of Social Media Boot Camp?
Paul Gillin
How much time I should expect to commit.
A1 Why should I be on/use social?
Denise Bahs
A1: Should I keep my personal and professional twitter separate?
Denise Bahs
A1: What's the point of twitter?
A1 Will you hold my hand? :)
A1 I don't want to "put myself out there"
Q7: In Week 1, what do you mean "Listen on Twitter?" How?
Brian Gilb
A7: follow some experts in the social media sphere, look at particular hashtags, etc. Basically, read what people are saying
Mimi Murray Meagher
Q7: Look for thought leaders, news sources, search #'s and competitors!
Denise Bahs
A7: Start 2 think about what is important 2 u and aligns w ur goals. Tune in to those conversations and then jump in.
A7 don't "knee-jerk" answer. Listen, think and then engage.
Paul Gillin
A7 The most basic of #socialmedia activities is listening. It yields people, topics and ideas
Q4: Should I keep my personal and professional twitter separate?
Brian Gilb
A4: No. These are both the major #b2b areas and they need to be both. You should be able to express yourself through business while also giving a personal look that people can connect to
Brian Gilb
A4: You can keep it professional and add in personal on Twitter due to how fast and short things are
Q4 Depends. Some people need two accounts. Some people are able to have one account that is able to be both
Denise Bahs
A4:Keep ur personal and pro twitter acct sep only if u like to get up on a controversial soap box. i.e. politics, religion, etc.
Mimi Murray Meagher
A4: It is ok to combine the two, unless you are passionate about something controversial #socialauthority
Brian Gilb
@cathcamheldt I disagree with you. I believe having one account makes things simple, and you can have both personalities through there.
A4 I've seen some people that really need to have their Twitter accounts private. Just sayin'
Denise Bahs
A4: essential to show your personality tho even with a professional acct. Know me, like me, trust me.
Mimi Murray Meagher
A4: That may come down to time, managing two accounts, not sure I have the time!
Brian Gilb
A4: Depends on what you use the two accounts for. @cathcamheldt You are right
Paul Gillin
A4 It at all possible, I'd user fewer Twitter accounts to maximize followers, but there are cases - such as customer service - where separate accounts make sense.