
Win in the age of the customer
The Customer in Control: How can retailers and suppliers win in the new age of the customer
   9 years ago
#newwaytoengageWin in the age of the customerThe Customer in Control: How can retailers and suppliers win in the new age of the customer
   9 years ago
#NewWaytoEngageClose the CX GapLearn how to deliver excellent experiences that speaks directly to your customers' wants and needs.
IBM Watson Commerce
Q4: @chrisheuer @DaveKillebrew, how can brands make the most of the #omnichannel shift so that it works to their advantage?

Aligning campaigns by offering unique assortments by each channel to encourage omni-channel purchasing.
Chris Heuer
of course, we need #omnichannel thinking to unify the experience to create #c2b
when customers succeed, everyone wins. It is important to establish a powerful collaboration channel with your customers C2B to succeed...
Katie Johnson
Lots of opportunities leverage shift in #omnichannel #fulfillment - #BOPIS, #Shipfromstore, all these "new trends" present a lot of oppy to differentiate
Chris Heuer
to make the most of #omnichannel tactics, first shift the metrics that matter
Chris Heuer
#omnichannel requires that the people running the channels work in harmony
aligning product purchase delivery, return and comparison in all silos also gives the customer more confidence in purchases.
Mary Featherstone
Start small. Bring in data from channels that make the most sense for your biz goals and incorporate those into tailored marketing campaigns. When those are running successfully, aim higher and do more.
Chris Heuer
all too often, the rewards systems of bonuses and additional resources are set up so that the channels compete for sales recognition. We've seen this even within #socialmedia departments between paid and owned... get internally aligned first.
@DaveKillebrew I'd also add customer feedback to that list - you want to be able to understand not only how something is procured but how it is used and liked as well...
omni-channel options for the customer is a win win for the customer and the business.
Jillian Ricciardelli
understanding the behaviors of their customers on each channel and tailoring the experience accordingly. ex. i use my phone to browse but make purchases on my ipad or computer
Sarah Gibb
@misseugenia To differentiate but eventually, this will become the standard expectation.
Chris Heuer
a few key areas of impact: merchandising, personalization, shipping, campaigns, relationship, support
Shannon Wu-Lebron
To succeed in #C2B, brands should start small, experiment and iterate.
Katie Johnson
@Sarah_Gibb Yes! Soon the perfect order will be tablestakes.
Krysta Person
Ensure you have the ability to orchestrate orders across channels and offer flexibility in fulfillment
Chris Heuer
the biggest opportunity is in creating a unified richer view of the customer to make better offers and improve engagement.
Ultimately, shopping should be a singular experience for the customer regardless of the avenue used.
Chris Heuer
true engagement fulfills multiple needs - deepen relationship, deepen awareness of customer needs, solicit their feedback to improve, improve customer knowledge of product, sell them more of what they need while helping them succeed.
Shannon Wu-Lebron
our #IBV study shows top 5 things customers are looking for include assortment, price consistency, inventory visibility, flexible fulfillment.
Tonia Gaffney
@ztag_girl So they need to be agile, nimble, flexible and be iterative. No slowing down.
@chrisheuer Indeed.. in harmony.. but not just with each other... must also be in harmony with "purpose" ... agreed?
IBM Watson Commerce
Q3: @chrisheuer @DaveKillebrew, where does the shift for #C2B begin? In the store? Online?

Bryan Eisenberg
online is much easier to experiment with and then bring to brick and mortar store.
Chris Heuer
the #c2b shift has to occur in the board room, but likely begins in the corners of the org
Chris Heuer
@TheGrok which is why digital has broadly been tasked with leading the disruption, its also where we supposedly get scale for our money, and can more easily write off failure
Rod Martinez
in the customers mind those two channels should be the same
All avenues must amplify together. But online and media allows for more experementation.
Adriana Zegarelli
@rjmim I agree! example: someone goes to target and looks at a bicycle but buys it online while standing in the store!
Mary Rees
Having the shift in the store is hard for me, what brought me into the store? I need a carrot - some offer that is relevant to me (know me).
This is a company culture as stated by @chrisheuer
John Furrier
Online is where the consumers start getting to know the brand before they buy either directly or indirectly
Chris Heuer
the #c2b shift will begin where all other revolutions have, where there is a person with the courage to stand up, put themselves on the line and do everything they can for what they believe is right. In the hearts and minds of change agents.
Bryan Eisenberg
@chrisheuer exactly and why the next BIG wave will be the IOT of in store and other brick and mortar analytics.
Elizabeth Kvedar
@DaveKillebrew , agreed, there are plenty of places to improve customer relationships
Sarah Gibb
@rjmim That's a good point. Customer expect seamless experiences.
Chris Heuer
@TheGrok the beacon revolution is already happening all around us, I am amazed at what I learn from the companies I work with @WearableWorld
Katie Johnson
@Ibmcommerce ~60% of people interact with your website before they even set foot in store. So maybe online is the best start - but the boardroom is right too @chrisheuer !
Elizabeth Kvedar
@furrier , excellent point, it's important to get in front of clients while they are still exploring their options
DaveKillebrew utilizes its stores to offer delivery for online products. Truly integrating all silos.
Sarah Gibb
#C2B has to begin in the mindset of org leadership, then throughout the organization, online and in store.
Chris Heuer
in every company the place of origin will be slightly different depending on maturity of company, centers of power/money and leadership, but it should start in both as a strategic shift in thinking, then it will make it into all aspects of ops
Adriana Zegarelli
and how do marketers use the way people are shopping to tailor their messages...a #NewWayToEngage and #NewWayToWork is necessary
Shannon Wu-Lebron
The #C2B shift happens in different places for different organizations but executive support and leadership is the key
Kaitlin Noe
@TheGrok in store IoT...another example of how the lines b/w digital and brick and mortar are blurring and need to be viewed as one whole
Krysta Person
Customers are always connected through the online channel, the customer wants to see a seamless experience regardless of channel
Chris Yaldezian
Use @ to replyYep. I am the first born of thI am the first born of the clan.
@chrisheuer Let's hope that person is the Chairman or CEO.
IBM Watson Commerce
Now onto Q5: @chrisheuer @DaveKillebrew, what do C2B and #omnichannel mean for in-store #merchandising?

Updating technology, kiosks for input or listening to online comments is vital. Cannot continue to place signs, bulk merchandise and wait for next ad.
cross channel merchandising is key.
marketing, product offering and delivery need to work seamlessly across all channels
Elizabeth Kvedar
@DaveKillebrew , what about personal invitations to frequent shoppers to participate in key programs?
Q5 #omnichannel social channels like @Yelp and @Foursquare would allow brick and mortar retailers to recognize who is physically in their stores and offer them relevant communication...
Chris Heuer
in the short term, its about differentiation
Mary Rees
@DikBiz IBM Presence Zones (not the current name) would allow you to know who is in your store.
Mary Featherstone
Don't forget about tools like iBeacons, geofencing, etc. that allow for tailored push notifications/marketing messages when a customer is in or near a store.
and all channels must offer the biggest and bestest options first
Chris Heuer
as more companies start to embrace #omnichannel the experience gained from adopting an omnichannel is invaluable
@MaryKRees that's very interesting :)
Elizabeth Kvedar
@MFeatherstone , that's what I was thinking of
Chris Heuer
Omnichannel thinking is what leads to buy online, pick up in store
Katie Johnson
There is a need for pricing consistency in-store and online
Chris Heuer
its enables you to rethink the function and purpose of the physical space and local ops
Chris Heuer
@misseugenia yes, pricing is a key issue, but are there instances when instore might be cheaper?
Chris Heuer
one of the things I am still waiting for is a 'buy more like this' feature
Chris Heuer
where I can buy something in the store, register it online and be notified if it goes to clearance and I can then buy multiples
@chrisheuer pricing should be consistent to truly engage the customer to every channel
Chris Heuer
this is particularly true of the outlet stores - if I could get the same/similar item from another location as it goes down in price, let me know, I will buy it!
@chrisheuer some do offer this, but only a few and not doing it well
Jillian Ricciardelli
creating instore experiences that customers will want to share digitally - #WOM is still powerful
It means being able to listen and respond regardless of consumer's preferred social platform, a.k.a. Channel.