Paul Gillin27
Q3: What are some of the requirements of a good WOM campaign?
A3: To have a good story to tell.
Paul Gillin
Be interesting, remarkable, memorable. You have to stop people in their tracks.
A3: Be so remarkable people can't help talking about it.
Mimi Murray Meagher
A3: Leveraging your social networks with #WOM
Brian Gilb
A3: Knowing your audience that you want to spread to, and knowing what interests and wows them
Paul Krappman
A3: Nowadays, a good WOM campaign revolves around a hypersimple idea or character that becomes the buzz at the water cooler.
Robin Scharpf
A3: qualities of #WOM: distinctive, unique, quality, personal
Paul Gillin
One of my favorite #WOM campaigns was the Troy Public Library. Low online component, mostly yard signs. http://www.citylab.c...
Brian Gilb
Creating something that 'shocks' or makes people laugh
Denise Bahs
A3: Be provacative - don't shy away from controversy.
A3: Be timely - people like to feel they have a scoop on something no one else knows about.
Robin Scharpf
.@Profitecture @HelloFlo has a great, untold story to tell!
Denise Bahs
A3: put a human face on it. #WOM
Mimi Murray Meagher
A3: have something that pulls heart strings #icebucketchallenge
@MeagherMimi so true!
A3: I'm waiting for someone to mention cat videos.
Denise Bahs
@MeagherMimi That was fantastic!
Brian Gilb
I've got a whole hard drive waiting to upload. Just ask @Profitecture
Paul Gillin
@Profitecture Here's my Ice Bucket Challenge video. https://www.facebook...
You're a braver man than me :D