
Word of Mouth & Social
Tips for leveraging social media to boost your organization's word of mouth marketing
   9 years ago
#socialauthorityContent MarketingTips to create compelling content that attracts & builds trust w/customers: angles, storytelling.
   9 years ago
#socialauthorityInstagram for B2BDoes Instagram deserve top billing for B2B engagement for a brand? for professionals?
Paul Gillin
Q3: What are some of the requirements of a good WOM campaign?
A3: To have a good story to tell.
Paul Gillin
Be interesting, remarkable, memorable. You have to stop people in their tracks.
A3: Be so remarkable people can't help talking about it.
Mimi Murray Meagher
A3: Leveraging your social networks with #WOM
Brian Gilb
A3: Knowing your audience that you want to spread to, and knowing what interests and wows them
Paul Krappman
A3: Nowadays, a good WOM campaign revolves around a hypersimple idea or character that becomes the buzz at the water cooler.
Robin Scharpf
A3: qualities of #WOM: distinctive, unique, quality, personal
Paul Gillin
One of my favorite #WOM campaigns was the Troy Public Library. Low online component, mostly yard signs. http://www.citylab.c...
Brian Gilb
Creating something that 'shocks' or makes people laugh
Denise Bahs
A3: Be provacative - don't shy away from controversy.
A3: Be timely - people like to feel they have a scoop on something no one else knows about.
Robin Scharpf
.@Profitecture @HelloFlo has a great, untold story to tell!
Denise Bahs
A3: put a human face on it. #WOM
Mimi Murray Meagher
A3: have something that pulls heart strings #icebucketchallenge
A3: I'm waiting for someone to mention cat videos.
Brian Gilb
I've got a whole hard drive waiting to upload. Just ask @Profitecture
Paul Gillin
@Profitecture Here's my Ice Bucket Challenge video. https://www.facebook...
You're a braver man than me :D
Paul Gillin
Q2: What are some of the best WOM brands you can think of?
Denise Bahs
A2: Redbull and Zappos!
Brian Gilb
A2: Stone brewery does a great job with this. They use 0 advertising and most of their success is due to WOM
A2: Trader Joe's. They don't advertise. People tell each other about the food and how fun it can be.
Denise Bahs
A2: @zappos has the best customer service. It gets talked about #WOM #socialmedia
Robin Scharpf
A2: & more recently @HelloFlo - incredible job with video such as #periodfairy ‪
Brian Gilb
@denisebahs Zappos is a good one
Paul Gillin
Apple, naturally. And @Costco does no paid marketing at all. strictly #WOM.
Disney, of course, but they do advertise.
Denise Bahs
@RobinScharpf Thx Robin! I'll have to check out @HelloFlo
Paul Krappman
A2: I love the brand work Old Spice, DosEquis do around #WOM
Paul Gillin
In my view #WOM doesn't exclude advertising. Disney and Apple do a lot of advertising, but their WOM is excellent.
Robin Scharpf
A2: #TedTalks is another great example of #WOM gone good
Paul Gillin
@PaulKrappman Old Spice is a good example of hybrid #WOM. There was paid TV but also an online-only component on YouTube that went viral.
Brian Gilb
You guys remember when Jimmy Kimmel did the fake "twerking" video? Good example of how WOM on social media can spread just by a simple video.
Paul Krappman
Ads can be used as a launching pad for #WOM
Brian Gilb
Online reviews are an excellent form of WOM
Denise Bahs
A2: @Starbucks secret coffee flavors not listed anywhere! great ex of #WOM
Paul Gillin
Q4: How can WOM campaigns backfire? Can you think of any examples?
Robin Scharpf
#WOM backfire: Electrolux used the following in the U.S.: “Nothing sucks like an Electrolux.”
Paul Krappman
Parody. You have to be ready for it. Even the best campaigns can lose effectiveness when they become a joke.
Denise Bahs
A4: know your customer! Ex: JP Big Bank #fail
Robin Scharpf
#WOM backfire can be fueled by lack of consideration with translation
Mimi Murray Meagher
A4: Bad news travels fast!
A4: You have to be careful to check what words mean in different languages.
Paul Gillin
#AskJPM was one of the great #WOM fiascoes ever. http://www.newyorker...
Paul Krappman
.@profitecture - Great point. What's funny "here" might be insulting "there."
Paul Gillin
@RobinScharpf Was Electrolux a backfire? Sounds clever to me.
Denise Bahs
A4: employees not watching what they tweet #drunktexting
Paul Gillin
You need to always think about what could go wrong, particularly if you're a controversial company.
Denise Bahs
Attack of the Customer has some great examples of this by our moderator today! @pgillin
Paul Gillin
McDonald's' disastrous #McDStories campaign from 3 years ago continues to haunt it. http://www.businessi...
Brian Gilb
There were some hashtags during the olympics that got hijacked that turned really bad. Can't remember what they were
A4: Companies can sometimes not be prepared for the traffic, like when Missoni launched on Target. http://www.retailcus...