
Content Marketing
Tips to create compelling content that attracts & builds trust w/customers: angles, storytelling.
   10 years ago
#socialauthorityCreate Content to ConnectTips to create compelling content that attracts & builds trust with customers at every buying stage.
   10 years ago
#socialauthorityWord of Mouth & SocialTips for leveraging social media to boost your organization's word of mouth marketing
Paul Gillin
Let's start by distinguishing content marketing from conventional marketing. How is it different?
Brian Gilb
A1: Content marketing is about telling a story thats targeted toward the specific audience you want to draw in
Paul Krappman
A1: #contentmarketing is more about creating engagement than message management. To be effective, you have to really get inside the mind of your buyer.
Mimi Murray Meagher
A1: Content Marketing is about nurturing relationships with your customers! #Contentmarketing
A1: I think of content marketing as more passive; being educational and informative, not so much salesy.
Brian Gilb
Also understanding your audience and reaching them through #Blogging, #newsletters, or #whitepapers
Denise Bahs
Hello! I think of #contentmarketing as less salesy
Paul Gillin
All good answers.
Brian Gilb
@denisebahs Can you expand on "Less Salesy"
Paul Gillin
it really is about using content to build #socialauthority, right?
A1 #contentmarketing is more targeted towards your audience
Cletus Robinson
consultative more than pushy?
Mimi Murray Meagher
Isn't everything about #socialauthority these days!
Content, like blogging is perfect for sharing your thoughts--establishing thought leadership and #socialauthority.
Paul Gillin
@MeagherMimi #SocialAuthority is a pretty powerful concept, but I think not well understood. The big thing is you can't buy it.
Cletus Robinson
so content and blogging have equal weight ?
Paul Gillin
Blogging is simply a container for content
Denise Bahs
@GilbBrian by less salesy, I mean less promotional and more valuable. #contentmarketing
Paul Gillin
Q2 What are the most common mistakes you see companies make in creating content for customers?
A2: Companies tend to focus on their messages, not so much what the customer wants to hear.
Paul Krappman
A2: The most common mistake we see un #contentmarketing is a stubborn insistence on a "what's in it for me?" POV.
Denise Bahs
A2: too much self promotion. It's all about ME! #contentmarketing
A3 not knowing who their customers are
Brian Gilb
A2: Using bots and algorithms to create their content. That seems to be on the rise
Paul Gillin
A2 Frankly, the most common #contentmarketing mistake I see is being boring :-)
Mimi Murray Meagher
A2: Quantity over quality
Paul Gillin
@MeagherMimi I agree. The last thing the world needs is more content right now.
Paul Gillin
A2 There's a common belief that more is better. In fact, in today's world less really is more.
Brian Gilb
@denisebahs actually, you've probably read articles written by bots and don't even know it.
Paul Krappman
There is too much self-promotion in #contentmarketing nowadays.
Paul Gillin
@GilbBrian Most of the earnings reports the Associated Press posts are now written by bots.
I saw a good article about that >> How to Create Boring-Industry Content that Gets Shared via @moz #contentmarketing
Brian Gilb
oh man thats kind of scary. What do you think about that?
Q2 I found this "quality vs quantity"
Paul Gillin
@Profitecture The hyphen is important! It's boring-industry content, not boring industry content.
@cathcamheldt "with a purpose" being key. nice share.
Paul Krappman
Punctuation is our friend.
Paul Gillin
Q4: Is it okay to use freelancers or contractors to create content for your company?
Mimi Murray Meagher
Yes, but best if you can utilize your in house experts for content creation!
Brian Gilb
A4: as long as you pick a limited amount and they get to know your company really well.
Q4: Nothing wrong with freelancers as long as they understand your mission and can empathize with your customers.
Paul Krappman
A4: Using outsiders to build your content is good for baseline participation in #b2bsocial (like a drumbeat). However it is only 20% of the equation.
Jacobo Gonzalez
A4 - absolutelly. Establishing a well nurtured relationship with freelancers can be a great addition to the team. ;-)
Paul Krappman
A4: Too really rally engagement, you must involve all the content resources of your org. Mktg, Sales, SMEs, Execs.
Brian Gilb
A4: Also, making sure that you get references and making sure they really understand your target audience
Denise Bahs
A4: Yes, if they understand the corporate culture
A4: Freelancers in the form of industry influencers (bloggers, analysts, pr pros) can be highly useful.
Paul Gillin
@MeagherMimi I agree, but be sure your contractors really understand your business.
Paul Gillin
@JacobSoSocial Why, thank you Jacobo! LOL
Q4 yes, freelancers cannot be avoided in #SMBs in #creatingcontent at times