Paul Gillin29
Let's start by distinguishing content marketing from conventional marketing. How is it different?
Brian Gilb
A1: Content marketing is about telling a story thats targeted toward the specific audience you want to draw in
Paul Krappman
A1: #contentmarketing is more about creating engagement than message management. To be effective, you have to really get inside the mind of your buyer.
Mimi Murray Meagher
A1: Content Marketing is about nurturing relationships with your customers! #Contentmarketing
A1: I think of content marketing as more passive; being educational and informative, not so much salesy.
Denise Bahs
Hello! I think of #contentmarketing as less salesy
Paul Gillin
All good answers.
Brian Gilb
@denisebahs Can you expand on "Less Salesy"
Paul Gillin
it really is about using content to build #socialauthority, right?
A1 #contentmarketing is more targeted towards your audience
Cletus Robinson
consultative more than pushy?
Mimi Murray Meagher
Isn't everything about #socialauthority these days!
Content, like blogging is perfect for sharing your thoughts--establishing thought leadership and #socialauthority.
Paul Gillin
@MeagherMimi #SocialAuthority is a pretty powerful concept, but I think not well understood. The big thing is you can't buy it.
Cletus Robinson
so content and blogging have equal weight ?
Paul Gillin
Blogging is simply a container for content
Denise Bahs
@GilbBrian by less salesy, I mean less promotional and more valuable. #contentmarketing