Paul Gillin41
Tweet chat Q2 How do you develop a #socialselling mindset?
John Furrier
you must be data driven to start
A2: ABC for Always Be Curious #socialselling
Paul Krappman
A2: The #socialselling mindset can be developed by tuning into your prospects' buying language. It will differ from one opportunity to the next.
Paul Gillin
@furrier Welcome, John!
Brian Gilb
A2: Always be selling (as the regular sales mindset goes) but engage and listen more.
A2: Become a cyber sleuth to learn about your customers and what they care about. #socialselling
Brian Gilb
@furrier Hey Jon. Thanks for joining us today.
Denise Bahs
A2: Dev a targeted list of prospects and sniff them out on the social channels. Engage w them via comments, posts, tweets
Jane Scandurra
A2: It's not about YOU. #socialselling
Mimi Murray Meagher
"I'd rather focus on #socialselling than make 100 cold calls/day" per @BIKALogy
John Furrier
. @pgillin the mindset is like guys at @Mintigo - data guys who once worked on catching the bad guys now use data to find the good guys http://www.huffingto...
A2 Embrace the concept of listening, engaging. Don't broadcast!
Robin Scharpf
A2: Develop #socialselling mindset by listening to customers and using best practices taught by @profitecture
John Furrier
great to be here. I love this chat bc it's all about engagement data and love the notion of social selling but it's different from email marketing
Denise Bahs
@furrier Thanks for sharing!
Brian Gilb
@JaneScandurra the Marines used to tell me that all the time. Guess it carries over into business.
Jane Scandurra
A2: Don't SELL. Advise and educate is the soft sell for #socialselling.
Denise Bahs
Hello @scoremoresales - Welcome!
Jane Scandurra
A2: Or...Sell more by NOT selling. #socialselling
Denise Bahs
A2: Tap people on the shoulder in social channels, rather than shouting from the mountain top. #socialselling
Paul Krappman
A2: With #socialselling, your prospects will tell you when they are ready to be sold.