
B2B Social Selling
Best practices and advice for B2B Social Selling
   9 years ago
#socialauthorityInstagram for B2BDoes Instagram deserve top billing for B2B engagement for a brand? for professionals?
   9 years ago
#socialauthoritySocial Selling MindsetDiscussion and tips for getting your B2B team into a social selling state of mind.
Robin Scharpf
Q4: What are benefits of #socialselling?
Paul Krappman
A4: We've heard from many of our students that they're replacing cold-calling time w/ #social to great benefit.
Denise Bahs
A4: Meeting people anywhere, not just where u can be physically. #socialselling
Brian Gilb
A4: Since its through #socialmedia, there are a lot of analytics associated to engagement. Makes it easier to track and see how effective your #socialselling
A4: 78% of salespeople using social media outsell their peers.
Source: Social Media and Sales Quota Survey
Mimi Murray Meagher
A4: Stats are reporting higher sales than non-savvy sellers! #socialselling
Denise Bahs
A4: and learning more about your own business/industry! another benefit of #socialselling
Robin Scharpf
#SocialSelling advantage is how much you can learn before making a first call
Jacobo Gonzalez
A4 - For many people, it may represent a new channel to make sales. Growth growth growth...It's also traceable, dynamic, goes beyond physical location...
Mimi Murray Meagher
nurture relationships before that first call!
Robin Scharpf
.@MonicaZent says "Potential investors, employees, colleagues, clients & customers literally at your fingertips"
Robin Scharpf
Q3: What #B2B organizations are doing #socialselling well?
Paul Krappman
.@rasmusalmqvist at #cisco puts on a clinic everyday with the way he utilizes #socialselling techniques.
.@ConstantContact does a good job. Their description says they empower small businesses and organizations to create and grow customer relationships...#smb
Brian Gilb
A3: @Intel uses hashtags really well and focuses around a theme.
Brian Gilb
@Salesforce does really well to engage audiences with a lot of best practices
Brian Gilb
A3: @oracle is another one that uses #socialselling well in the B2B sphere.
Brian Gilb
A3: @Generalelectric is good with #socialselling too. They focus on engagement and less on sales pitches.
Robin Scharpf
.@GilbBrian great point. Sales pitches in social media is a turn off
Denise Bahs
@constantcontact doesn't use an in your face selling approach. great content creation.
@denisebahs I'm a big fan of blosey51
Robin Scharpf
Q1: Is social media a colossal waste of time for B2B sellers?
Paul Krappman
A1: Absolutely not. #socialselling finally allows sellers to connect w/ prospects in a meaningful way before pitching a thing.
Mimi Murray Meagher
A1: Continually becoming more important, but not everyone is on the bandwagon!
Brian Gilb
A1: depend on what social media platform you work on. If you have enough of a market on the platform, then its worth it.
Denise Bahs
A2: No way! Peeps are missing the boat if not using #socialmedia in their communication platforms.
Paul Krappman
@MeagherMimi There is plenty of room on the #socialselling bandwagon.
A2: Not at all :D #B2B decision makers are people, too and they are looking for info and reviews.
Brian Gilb
A1: Also, the B2B world does not evolve as fast as the social media world does, so its taking time for B2B to catch up in this sphere.
A2: Sales teams that use social selling techniques exceed their quota 31% more than non-users. Just sayin.
Robin Scharpf
.@KiteDesk released study: 74% of sellers who beat their quota by 10%+ say they have an excellent understanding about the use of #socialmedia
Denise Bahs
Students say "I can't believe how many people are watching my tweets!" when they get into it #socialselling
A1: B2B marketers who use Twitter generate 2X as many leads as those that do not.
Robin Scharpf
Last question, Q6: How do you get started with #socialselling?
Brian Gilb
A6: Build a professional profile. Ensure you have your contact information in there.
Denise Bahs
A6: Make a list of companies/prospects to target, find them and engage. #socialselling
Paul Krappman
To get started w/ #socialselling, make sure your #linkedin profile highlights expertise & invites engagement.
Mimi Murray Meagher
A6: Solid profiles across the board. Add your profiles to you electronic signature and be helpful not salesy! #socialselling
Robin Scharpf
A6: don't forget to tap your #network for introductions
A6: Make a list of your dream team clients and then find them/follow them and start listening.
A6: And don't forget friends from the past http://profitecture....
Robin Scharpf
Moving on to Q2: How do you define #socialselling?
Paul Krappman
A2: #Socialselling is bringing a mindset of social engagement to traditional sales.
Robin Scharpf
Does a LinkedIn Profile count as #socialselling?
Brian Gilb
A2: #SocialSelling is the concept of engaging your target market through #socialmedia in a way that adds values to their business
Brian Gilb
depends on what you use it for and if you actively engage your audience
Denise Bahs
A2: Entering the world of social media to engage with your peers, tap them on the virtual shoulder! #socialselling
Paul Krappman
A2: #Socialselling utilizes #socialmedia tools to create engagement at a deeper level than traditional tactics.
A2: Using social signals to better educate yourself about your prospects and clients.
Paul Krappman
Proper #Socialselling tactics allows sellers to "know" a prospect even before contact.
Denise Bahs
Your LinkedIn Profile is just the beginning. :)
Mimi Murray Meagher
A2: Creating personal connections with your buyer to increase the probability of a sale. #socialselling
Brian Gilb
its more of a combination of other social media. If its just #LinkedIn, its not taking advantage of the full spectrum
Robin Scharpf
#SocialSelling = Listening to customers + spotting biz opportunities + nurture relationships
A2: You can learn about your customers and get closer to them online and in a shorter period of time using social media.
Mimi Murray Meagher
Buyers are educated, #socialselling allows for a warm welcome instead of a cold call via @pgillin
Jacobo Gonzalez
A2 - #SocialSelling is knowing how to use social media in four favor to generate sales/leads.