
HPDiscover Las Vegas 2015
Technology Conversation with influencers at HP Discover in Las Vegas
   10 years ago
#HPDiscoverHPDiscover BarcelonaCrowd conversation with influencers at HPDiscover in Barcelona
   10 years ago
#HPDiscoverHPDiscover Cloud TalkCloud Discussion with Influencers and HP Helion leaders
Bert Latamore
HP CMO–Cloud Bobby Patrick @bpatrick001 live now on #theCUBE from #HPDiscover2015. Watch at http://hpdiscover.social/ Join the conversation at https://www.crowdcha...
[LIVE CHAT] HPDiscover Las Vegas 2015
Technology Conversation with influencers at HP Discover in Las Vegas
Jeff Frick
We're good about helping big companies move -
Bobby Patrick @bpatrick001 live on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover
Jeff Frick
We're bringing both worlds together, but in a safe way -
Bobby Patrick @bpatrick001 live on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover
Jeff Frick
Hybrid cloud begins with private, not public -
Bobby Patrick @bpatrick001 live on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover
Jeff Frick
We've got over 3,000 customers -
Bobby Patrick @bpatrick001 LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover http://live.silicona...
Jeff Frick
Paranoid verticals are not going all public -
Bobby Patrick @bpatrick001 LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover
Greg Stewart
Bobby Patrick w/ 2 #theCUBE interviews in the past two weeks! Here he is at #OpenStackSummit ... https://www.youtube....
Jeff Frick
Community clouds can be geo based, industry based, community clouds can orchestrate process across companies -
Bobby Patrick @bpatrick001 LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover
Jeff Frick
Private cloud is growing faster than public. -
Bobby Patrick @bpatrick001 LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover
Jeff Frick
Speed of innovation and time to value -
- Bobby Patrick @bpatrick001
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover
Bert Latamore
"The goal is hybrid. We happen to believe that the path to hybrid starts with the private cloud," HP CMO-Cloud Bobby Patrick @bpatrick001 on #theCUBE from #HPDiscover2015
Jeff Frick
How can Cornell do clinical trials faster? -
- Bobby Patrick @bpatrick001
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover
Jeff Frick
CIOs need governance and compliance to watch the data
- Bobby Patrick @bpatrick001
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover
Jeff Frick
We believe that traditional IT matters.
- Bobby Patrick @bpatrick001
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover
Jeff Frick
Our strength is that our customers rely on us for critical systems & they want us to help them move to the next stage
- Bobby Patrick @bpatrick001
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover
Jeff Frick
Our private cloud strategy is all about multi-cloud compatibility
- Bobby Patrick @bpatrick001
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover
Tim Crawford
HP's challenge will be to appropriately balancing the needs of traditional and transformational IT. #CIO
Jeff Frick
The shiny penny is the public cloud. The hard work is with mission critical apps.
- Bobby Patrick @bpatrick001
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover
Tim Crawford
Public cloud is the sexy. Traditional apps are not.
Jeff Frick
We're focused on real applications that matter to business. We're focused on business outcomes.
- Bobby Patrick @bpatrick001
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover
Bert Latamore
"The journey to hybrid cloud is not a hop,skip & a jump and you are all cloud native tomorrow. The journey starts with freeing up IT resource. HP CMO-Cloud Bobby Patrick @bpatrick001 on #theCUBE from #HPDiscover2015
Jeff Frick
SAP is one of the most popular workloads on Helion
- Bobby Patrick @bpatrick001
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover
Jeff Frick
We're talking about real business outcomes
- Bobby Patrick @bpatrick001
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover
Jeff Frick
You'll see more focus on Developers and DevOops
- Bobby Patrick @bpatrick001
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover
Jeff Frick
We want to help the CIOs serve THEIR developers better
- Bobby Patrick @bpatrick001
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover
Bert Latamore
SAP is one of the most popular applications on Helion says HP CMO-CLoud Bobby Patrick @bpatrick001 "How many of those are moving to Amazon?" on #theCUBE from #HPDiscover2015
Bert Latamore
HP Enterprise Group Senior Director of Marketing Jason Newton live now on #theCUBE from #HPDiscover2015. Watch at http://hpdiscover.social/ Join the conversation at https://www.crowdcha...
Jeff Frick
Customers are telling us they want a different approach - Jason Newton, Sr Dir Marketing, HP on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover $HPQ
Jeff Frick
Barriers to technology, capital, expertise are lower than ever before -
Jason Newton, Sr Dir Marketing, HP on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover $HPQ
Jeff Frick
Time to Value is the #1 priority -
Jason Newton, Sr Dir Marketing, HP on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover $HPQ
Jeff Frick
New breed of applications is how they're going to transform their business -
Jason Newton, Sr Dir Marketing, HP on
#theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover $HPQ
Jeff Frick
Biggest "spring in the step" at Discover that I've ever seen -
Jason Newton, Sr Dir Marketing, HP on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover $HPQ
Jeff Frick
Public's going to get the first look at "HP Enterprise" -
Jason Newton, Sr Dir Marketing, HP on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover $HPQ
Jeff Frick
4 things, 1 > transforming infrastructure -
Jason Newton, Sr Dir Marketing, HP on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover $HPQ
Jeff Frick
4 things, 2 > protecting digital enterprise -
Jason Newton, Sr Dir Marketing, HP on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover $HPQ
Jeff Frick
4 things, 3 > empower data driven organization -
Jason Newton, Sr Dir Marketing, HP on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover $HPQ
Jeff Frick
4 things, 4 > enable digital workplace productivity -
Jason Newton, Sr Dir Marketing, HP on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover $HPQ
Jeff Frick
We're moving into an experience based world -
Jason Newton, Sr Dir Marketing, HP on #theCUBE
f/ #HPDiscover $HPQ
Bert Latamore
The new, focused HP Enterprise has four goals: Transform hybrid infrastructure, protect the digital enterprise, empower data-driven organizations, enbale workforce productivity says Jason Newton on #theCUBE from #HPDiscover2015
Bert Latamore
For the first time HP enterprise will present a single unified strategy rather than a collection of individual stovepipes says Jason Newton on #theCUBE at #HPDiscover2015
Bert Latamore
HP SVP Cloud Kerry Bailey @hbailey & Sunchronoss SVP Cloud Platform Solutions Andrew Cox live now on #theCUBE from #HPDiscover2015. Watch at http://hpdiscover.social/ Join the conversation at https://www.crowdcha...
[LIVE CHAT] HPDiscover Las Vegas 2015
Technology Conversation with influencers at HP Discover in Las Vegas
Jeff Frick
Where our platform has grown is mobile device backup
- @kbailey & Andrew Cox #Synchronoss on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover #AllFlash #HPHelionCloud
Jeff Frick
Private cloud is the path to hybrid
- @kbailey & Andrew Cox #Synchronoss on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover #AllFlash #HPHelionCloud
Jeff Frick
We're helping customers get to the self service private cloud. Then they can bust out to the public clouds
- @kbailey & Andrew Cox #Synchronoss on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover #AllFlash #HPHelionCloud
Jeff Frick
We're working with HP to turn the Synchronoss platform into a SKU
- @kbailey & Andrew Cox #Synchronoss on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover #AllFlash #HPHelionCloud
Jeff Frick
We've had to change our software architecture to remove legacy hardware dependencies
- @kbailey & Andrew Cox #Synchronoss on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover #AllFlash #HPHelionCloud
Jeff Frick
Will enable us to serve smaller customers
- @kbailey & Andrew Cox #Synchronoss on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover #AllFlash #HPHelionCloud
Jeff Frick
The economics are what drove us to the (cloud) strategy
- @kbailey & Andrew Cox #Synchronoss on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover #AllFlash #HPHelionCloud
Jeff Frick
Working with service providers enables us to leverage infrastructure that already exists
- @kbailey & Andrew Cox #Synchronoss on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover #AllFlash #HPHelionCloud
Jeff Frick
We're working on ways to make our software more platform aware
- @kbailey & Andrew Cox #Synchronoss on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover #AllFlash #HPHelionCloud
Jeff Frick
The value we get out of operating in a cloud environment more than justify the investment we have to make in the software to enable it.
- @kbailey & Andrew Cox #Synchronoss on #theCUBE f/ #HPDiscover #AllFlash #HPHelionCloud