
HPDiscover Cloud Talk
Cloud Discussion with Influencers and HP Helion leaders
   10 years ago
#HPDiscoverHPDiscover Las Vegas 2015Technology Conversation with influencers at HP Discover in Las Vegas
HPE Cloud
Hybrid Cloud and containers fro modern application architectures http://www.via-cc.at...

HPE Cloud
Transformation of Arch and Principles: Scale Out Not Scale-Up / Open Source not Proprietary / Declarative not Manual / Distributed not Monolithic / Automated not Operated / API not Integration / Discovery not Configuration
HPE Cloud
Nokia EE Cloud: R&D IT #Cloud in Finland Case Study
HPE Cloud
Nokia EE Cloud : 80,000 Cores / 4 Regions / 3 Operators / 20% growth per month #Cloud #HPHelion #Euca
HPE Cloud
Nokia EE Cloud: 34.1M Instance Hours in March 2015 #HPHelion #Euca
HPE Cloud
#HPHelion Eucalyptus and #CoreOS support Nokia EE #Cloud
HPE Cloud
#HPHelion #Euca allows apps to run local and in #AWS for #PublicCloud
HPE Cloud
#HP Helion #Euca Core Value : Ease of Use b/w #PrivateCloud and #PublicCloud
HPE Cloud
#CoreOS - 2 year old software company to improve app deployment at the operating system level
HPE Cloud
#CoreOS - "Container Hypervisor"
HPE Cloud
#CoreOS - Package up your application as "app container image" ~ smaller in terms of MegaBytes
HPE Cloud
#Docker sites on #CoreOS with App above
John Furrier
. @hphelioncloud The CoreOS itself relies on containers to abstract apps away - enables seamless OS updates
John Furrier
they use the containers to solve the dependencies issue with standard OS upgrade/patches
Lisa-Marie Namphy
#CoreOS packaging up containers. Awesome!!! #HPDiscover #HPHelion
John Furrier
. @hphelioncloud @stu believes the management of containers is a big opportunity that is complementary. Docker Swarm, Kubernetes and Mesos all in the mix - and OpenStack will work with all
John Furrier
hey @hphelioncloud TCP/IP brought in an era of Internetworking greatness; cloud brings in InterClouding imho
John Furrier
Overheard today "Google is pretty forthcoming about the fact that they use containers everywhere and VMs nowhere"
John Furrier
here's been a lot of work on the Magnum project which focuses on abstracting the various container orchestration systems using a common API. There's lots of ways to approach that management, specific workflows will have a huge effect on this
HPE Cloud
Starting the #HPHelion- Cloud Delivers on its promise of Hybrid Cloud http://www.via-cc.at...

HPE Cloud
Live Tweeting engaged in 5...4...3...2...1
HPE Cloud
Important milestone for HPHelion Team here at Discover 2015. Bill Hilf announced to the world our flagship product HP Helion Cloud System 9.0
HPE Cloud
Themes- 3 key topics from customers. 1. Cloud is complicated, we need help where we are at where we should go? 2. What is HP Helion Cloud offerings? 3. What are business outcomes from customers using HP Helion Cloud?
HPE Cloud
The Cloud promise is through speed- more apps, decrease time to develop and all with lower cost!
HPE Cloud
Reality for the CIO? It's whats already in place that needs to be upgraded with a touch of cloud education for employees, vendors, so on.
Lisa-Marie Namphy
@jay_Jamison Telling us about #HPHelion delivering on the promise of Hybrid Cloud
HPE Cloud
Cattle, Pandas, and Pets. Cattle is the stabilized infra that can be scaled out. Pandas are those mission critical workloads and pets are like our apps. They're very important to us and we take care of them from @jay_Jamison
HPE Cloud
Accelerating IT & Operations to transform the customer journey to a hybrid cloud path.
HPE Cloud
Use Cases for HP Helion Cloud: Deploy trad. apps to cloud. Moving apps across clouds. Broker and manage. Manager and operate complex clouds. Manage large scale data. Rapid infra provision. Deploy cloud native apps. NFV solution
HPE Cloud
HP Helion Cloud Platform doesn't require HP hardware. We are an open platform designing a solution that is best for the customer.
HPE Cloud
Here comes @bpatrick001 to bring some customers on the stage.
HPE Cloud
Disruptive business begins with disruptive IT. Businesses are having problems and require fast solutions. This is where cloud comes in for convenience of speed to marktet.
HPE Cloud
Internal Service Providers is where it's at for businesses wanting to manage and broker cloud services
HPE Cloud
Panel of customers! GE, Cornell Medical College University, Synchronoss, Acatel Lucent, Cenace
HPE Cloud
Cenace -public service provider of electricity. They need resiliency because they have no room for mistakes in their industry.
HPE Cloud
Why is cloud important for healthcare? Backup for medical records needs high security. Want to better support research and education. Cornell Medical College University
HPE Cloud
Building cloud solutions for customers- High barrier to entry. Had to come up with more simple software architecture. Looked to HP Helion Cloud Platform for software architecture needs.
Lisa-Marie Namphy
Synchronoss talks about how #HPHelion gave them 'better faster cheaper'
HPE Cloud
Alcatel-Lucent wanted to start with quick model deployment instead of starting huge on day 1. Move to cloud for communications because communications is like the Panda- mission critical.
HPE Cloud
GE- Every 3 seconds GE engine takes off or lands. Partnering with HP to help change the world. Value of private and public cloud working together and GE leverages that.
Lisa-Marie Namphy
GE partnering with #HPHelion to help 'change the world!' #HPDiscover Cloud keynote
HPE Cloud
Large traditional IT systems in production mission critical and needs resiliency that takes a lot of time and budget and to transform need to free resources up. Whats the challenge moving from traditional to cloud?
Lisa-Marie Namphy
GE builds real satellites and AWS public cloud satellites, which is sort of like... private clouds. Cool.
John Furrier
whats impressive is the technology team behind #hphelion have lots of azure talent from microsoft
John Furrier
. @hphelioncloud can u elaborate on GE partnership
HPE Cloud
Goal for traditional apps is to be agile. A big thing is velocity and complexity for GE when transforming traditional apps to the cloud.
John Furrier
. @hphelioncloud how this impact their relationship with pivotal; good for cloudfoundry though
Lisa-Marie Namphy
@furrier Great stuff being built! We'll come on #TheCUBE with them soon and talk about it. :)
HPE Cloud
Goal of IT is to be invisible and get out of the way of business operations within GE and it seems like cloud helps them stay in the background.
HPE Cloud
15,000 apps needs to be 80% in cloud if that's not happening within 18 months HP and GE are both in some trouble. Not really but that says how critical moving to cloud can be for enterprises.
Lisa-Marie Namphy
GE going to be 80% in Cloud in 18 months or Nick will be serving drinks at the next #HPDiscover! Hilarious!
Lisa-Marie Namphy
They'll make it. I have faith in GE! But just in case... Nick... I'll have a Manhattan! ;)
HPE Cloud
Last question for group: How important is the relationship between customer and HP? Helion group is very creative and no box to think in, that's the uniqueness that helps GE change the world.
Lisa-Marie Namphy
@furrier Nick just talked about the partnership for ideas and strategy. And great technology of course.
HPE Cloud
Synchronoss was worried about servers 18 months ago but now adapting strategy to have HP Helion team more on site to help support.
HPE Cloud
Alcatel-Lucent wants to take communications somewhere it hasn't been and HP Helion team helps build out that model with functionality and flexibility.
John Furrier
the relationship is about walking across the bridge to the future while leveraging the existing tech, people, and investment. New style of business is about agile and value
HPE Cloud
Big round of applause for amazing panel!
Tim Crawford
Still feels like lots of snowflakes and few customer trends. #cloud
HPE Cloud
Live tweeting #HPHelion CloudSystem - Deep Dive in Murano 3305 http://www.via-cc.at...

HPE Cloud
Ute Albert and Bradford Nichols providing the deep dive from #HPHelion
HPE Cloud
Road to #HybridCloud begins with #PrivateCloud => HP Helion Cloud System is that starting point
HPE Cloud
This session is being taped and will be available on #HPHelion YouTube Page next week
HPE Cloud
Hybrid IT - Use the right destination for the right application
HPE Cloud
Hybrid IT - Classic Apps vs Cloud Native Apps : need #Cloud management platform to support both
HPE Cloud
#HPHelion CloudSystem - #1 in #PrivateCloud ; 3,000 Customers, Open based on #OpenStack and #CloudFoundry
HPE Cloud
#HPHelion CloudSystem - 3 Personas to address 1)Consumers 2) Architects 3) Administrators
HPE Cloud
#HPHelion CloudSystem - Consumer UI for access to #Cloud services
HPE Cloud
#HPHelion CloudSystem - Architects : Design and publish infra/app services #Cloud
HPE Cloud
#HPHelion CloudSystem - Administrators : Manage resources and access control
HPE Cloud
#HPHelion CloudSystem - support multi-hypervisor environment and public #clouds
HPE Cloud
#HPHelion CloudSystem Use Cases : 1) Rapid Infrastructure Provisioning 2) Deploy Traditional apps to #cloud
HPE Cloud
#HPHelion CloudSystem 9,0 : Expand EXISTING opportunities and Unlocking NEW opportunities
HPE Cloud
#HPHelion CloudSystem 9.0 Existing: Hyper-V, Provisioning with #HP OneView, Decreased time to delivery, target workload to infrastructure
HPE Cloud
#HPHelion CloudSystem 9.0 New: Integrated w/ #HPHelion Platform for new apps, Manage AWS workloads into #privatecloud, more storage-centric use cases
HPE Cloud
#HPHelion CloudSystem 9.0: HP Helion Eucalyptus integration for AWS workload portability
HPE Cloud
#HPHelion CloudSystem Foundation & #HPHelion CloudSystem Enterprise : 2 solutions in the CloudSystem Portfolio
HPE Cloud
#HPHelion CloudSystem 9.0 - Import existing Matrix services directly into HP Helion CloudSystem Enterprise
HPE Cloud
#HPHelion CloudSystem ? - Do you expect customers to setup new Matrix environments? HP will continue to support but new customers are being advised to move onto new platform
HPE Cloud
#HPHelion CloudSystem 9.0 : Two solutions CS200-HC and CS700x/700 for Hyper-Convereged or General Purpose #Cloud
HPE Cloud
#HPHelion CloudSystem 9.0 - Solution is delivered in total with Hardware/Software/Networking/Storage : build as much in factory as possible
HPE Cloud
#HPHelion CloudSystem 9.0: Storage Nodes now support #OpenStack Swift, HP StoreVirtual VSA, HP 3PAR
HPE Cloud
#HPHelion CloudSystem 9.0 Foundation - running HP Helion #OpenStack 1.1 (Juno release) ; Swift and Heat ; addition of HP Helion Development Platform
HPE Cloud
#HPHelion CloudSystem 9.0 Foundation - delivered as a virtual appliance, support of DVR and VXLAN, Hyper-V support, availability zones, 3rd party server support
HPE Cloud
#HPHelion CloudSystem 9.0 Enterprise - #OpenStack Provider, OneView Provider, AWS/#Eucalyptus Provider
HPE Cloud
#HPHelion CloudSystem 9.0: Great to see #OpenSource @Chef in the provisioning diagram