
03/03 CSC TechTalk T-Hall
Join us for a lively chat about technology, strategy and transformation at CSC and beyond.
   9 years ago
#csctechtalk02/26 TechTalk SoundbitesDevelopment Planning & Skills Passport Challenge
   9 years ago
#csctechtalk03/04 AEC CrowdChatAPIs are the Future - Don't Get Left Behind!
Dan Hushon
Do you have an IDP... plan to learn something new, then do it measurably? if no, what's the issue?
Paul St Amand
there's ongoing work with techtransformation to match up "what to learn" so we can guide "plan to learn"
Catch last week's Soundbite on the new IDP approach - and on 19th march the predictive skills analytics activities being presented by Theyaa Matti to help guide choice of topics
Paul St Amand
A key piece is to ensure the components that make up solutions are identified so learning can be agile and iterative as people work through all the needed skills to evolve from rudimentary to SME
Dan Hushon
Agree Paul, but with review season upon us, time to take stock and plan for FY16
Heather Simpson 🌈🍃
check out the IDP template and new tools available in our Tech space. Aligned with the #bigreddiagram:
Rich Reba
since IDP is really about personal transformation, FROM->TO also applies (my aha moment of the morning)
Sorin Costea
I think the mental issue one has to fight is "will I ever need it?" - it's a chicken and egg which needs to be broken
Rich Reba
on that note - the breakout sessions at TechCom are focused on exactly that - the components in our "big red diagram" that make up the solutions we provide to solve client challenges
Rich Reba
good news is a lot of the material on the components of the "Big Red Diagram" is also shared via our Soundbite sessions (search for #csctechtalk on Youtube)
Daniel Angelucci
I have a very agile IDP. Changes as I find new stuff to learn. :)
Jerry Overton
@dangeluc Me too. I'm experimenting with micro-courses as a more agile learning approach:
Dan Hushon
@dangeluc fully agree, but what does your horizon look like.. then you plot the path agilely
Daniel Angelucci
@JerryAOverton How do we make this attitude more common in the company? I wish I had an easy answer to that. #learnlearnlearn
Jerry Overton
@dangeluc We are running a micro-course program in TechCom 2015 -- that's a start.
Carl Kinson
Thanks Dan, moment to reflect on all the hard work that has been done by the teams. The one takeaway i have is that we will be in a continuous transformation state as technology, market and clients evolve.
Chris Fangmann
And clients as well as partners have embraced this - it's definitely a big plus
Daniel Angelucci
Agree 100%. The key is to develop our offerings so that they can support continuous change/delivery. That way we can move as market speed
Carl Kinson
Bringing the partners in now i think is key to help execute and build an external presence.
Chris Fangmann
As well as customers willing to support an open innovation dialog - and we find more and more of those
lewis richards
we should have a single live web dashboard showing commits, builds, projects, a full DevOps live infographic, give people a real sense of what scale is now empowered
Rich Reba
@stroker we're about to kick off a new Agile/Continuous Delivery action team - will make sure you're invited to that Lewis - this is the kind of thinking we need to apply more broadly across our value delivery pipeline
Dan Hushon
@stroker agree, our VCS should be the most valuable because it has contributions [direct/virtual] from all our customers
Sorin Costea
@stroker that dashboard is a real challenge, but think about its motivational power
lewis richards
@sorincos be a good live example of us using our own tech to power it
Mark Nebreda
Partner play must extend beyond our core alliance partners and include vertical industry players who can help augment the insights from the data we can fuse and unhinge to bring new sustainable customer value
Chris Fangmann
fully support this - also include local / regional partners for selected markets / oppty's
Dan Hushon
agree, but to win industry partners we must be able to tell CSC's value story... our ecosystem play, and #ReedsLaw
Sue Cronizer
Its not about adding names to the partner roster but focusing on a core select set that will get us a leg up on the vertical IoT play
Daniel Angelucci
Excellent point Mark. Our partner strategy needs to be as agile as the rest of our tech strategy.
Sorin Costea
I'd like to see more the partner solutions in my allday, actually
Craig Van der Velden
Agree, Our success story is grown daily from our partnerships; the more we partner the more successful we become
Dan Hushon
@cpvdv Craig! spot on, our partners are beginning to see the value of 1+1=3
Mark Nebreda
Where can we source the form and to POVs I think we can start to translate these into powerful stories for vertical industries to further contextualise the value
Rich Reba
so we'll get this brief posted out on our tech transformation c3 site shortly so you can see the FROM and TO's
Dan Hushon
I think that these are great starting points for User Stories...
lewis richards
This would be great content to work up into a simple animation to be shared via the mHub apps, this needs a big push but one that everyone can consume and replay
Rich Reba
more importantly we will begin to operationalize these key technology bets with named executive leaders who will review the business plan for each key bet with the IRB on a quarterly basis
Rich Reba
we'll see each bet produce market requirements (in the form of user stories) that will drive the product requirements each offering is building to
We need to educate our sales side too - a coninuous release mode means our solutions are continually evolving. Expecting a fully formed, fully featured first release slows time to market. Learn how to deal with a minimal viable product
Dan Hushon
@phowarth001 +1 re-orientation in bid strategy for sure
Chris Fangmann
@DanHushon That's a real must - we need to completely change here
Paul St Amand
where minimal viable products have the flexibility to integrate into existing real world envirnoments without reverting back to a single instance point solution
Dan Hushon
Does the FROM->TO via CSC Led #Transformation resonate?
Carl Kinson
Yes, but we need to ensure the areas giving the from message are brought into the to message. needs to be one flowing message.
Soren Helsted
it does and I think it is a good way to change the mindset
Kyle Zellman
Yes. It's a clear, concrete way of explaining impacts that prevents vague, amorphous descriptions of change.
Daniel Angelucci
I think the challenge with customers is that "FROM" is not one place. Just like CSC customers have regional variations, lines of business, etc. Tough to get everyone to "TO" in those cases
Helen Jones
@DanHushon Definatly! The more we can articulate the real demonstrable change that is occurring, the better we can engage and enthuse the community...
Craig Van der Velden
@dangeluc Agree Daniel, Its all about us showing the true talent of CSC, How we can transform, With real life experiences.. it brings trust and partnership from our clients.
lewis richards
I think you need to put a . above the TO, to show its recurring ;) not an end point but a constant move to TO
Dan Hushon
@dangeluc yes, everyone has a FROM and everyone needs a TO... else you're destined to continue living in the past (back when I played HS football)
Carl Kinson
A key aspect for the transformation work is propagating the message and direction out to our wider community in CSC, Regions, Account and Individuals need to be aware of the strategy and be able to message it out, and also feedback in.
Carl Kinson
One ask would be for each person to take the link and share it with 10/20/50 colleagues from you contact list. Well worth 30mins of their day.
Soren Helsted
agree - everybody can participate at these global events and the regions need to relay and reinforce the message for those not participating in the global events
Jerry Overton
I think we also need to publish metrics. Showing the results fo community activity can increase engagement
Carl R
I’d like to see the ‘tech trans’ get a bigger shout on some of the C3 landing pages, make it difficult for people not to see it!