
03/04 AEC CrowdChat
APIs are the Future - Don't Get Left Behind!
   9 years ago
#csctechtalk03/03 CSC TechTalk T-HallJoin us for a lively chat about technology, strategy and transformation at CSC and beyond.
   9 years ago
#csctechtalk03/12 TechTalk SoundbiteUsing Analytics to Guide Skills Development Planning and Enhance Our HR Systems
Bill Ohnemus
So how can you mess up an API? #csctechtalk #apiprogram
Martin Bartlett
Not being strict with the HTTP semantics!
Pallav Boonlia
Not explorable enough and may be not versioned
Pallav Boonlia
I mean if we move faster with changes and not allow our clients to migrate that can be a big problem
tunnel everything through POST
Bill Ohnemus
Very good point. How do we mitigate "running faster" than our customers? #csctechtalk #apiprogram
Abhishek Khandelwal, PMP
Versioning I believe is the answer
Faisal Siddiqi
Don't pay attention to resource sematics as nouns - that's an easy way to make life harder for developers :-)
Satyen Barot
@Faisal_Siddiqi how about API documentation? Do we use any automated tool to create a WiKi kind of help and documentation set up?
Martin Bartlett
there are tools - swagger for example, or MukeSoft's RAML - many others too
Faisal Siddiqi
Swagger is emerging as a defacto standard for design and documentation
Abhishek Khandelwal, PMP
How to use APIs for creating an eco-system which can engage developers to use our services?
Sorin Costea
if the services are useful, APIs are just a way to provide them
Faisal Siddiqi
APIs should be accessible to developers in a self-service way. The API #DX should be as delightful as the #UX for user interfaces
Bill Ohnemus
We want to be able to publish our APIs so others can use them, right? So that means our development community should embrace this... break down some silos. #csctechtalk #apiprogram
Rich Carreau
Reply to Abhishek Khandelwal, PMP The API is powerful when built by an open community and strengthened in both usability and functionally rich simplicity
Andrew Doble
@OhneMoose Need though and effective platform to communicate and let others use them
Bill Ohnemus
What is the business value of an API, especially what we might think of as a modern API - e.g., RESTful, easy to discover, easy to use... kinda like crowdchat and twitter??? #csctechtalk #apiprogram
Rich Carreau
The business value is only bounded with by our imagination...There is a whole world of services to tap into.
Pallav Boonlia
reach new customers or increase the value of current customers by offering existing services via new platforms and devices
Aditya Badjatya
It adds great value to Mobile First approach
Sorin Costea
what was the value in it for twitter to open up their apis?
Mridul Bansal
possible publicity by opening channels for different systems to interact with twitter
Aditya Badjatya
@sorincos opening up APIs lead to innovation.. people might found a new ways to use your APIs you may have never thought of
Faisal Siddiqi
Mobile offers a very compelling value proposition for API consumption
Andrew Doble
@mridul_bansal Generally opening up more channels to your service.
Sorin Costea
Aditya: that's one more reason to think at HATEOAS only as suggestion, not as law
@sorincos the majority of twitter traffic comes via its APIs. Traffic == money
Sorin Costea
@quotedian but is HTTP traffic = money? Not necessarily. They offer the API for free and not get any penny for the bandwidth everybody uses for OAuth. But, they reap from the visibility they get this way.
Sorin Costea
so charging for the API is not always an appropriate strategy. It really depends.
Fred Thorne
Good API = usability for developers, and enabling non-developers to develop
Faisal Siddiqi
+1 for positive and delightful developer experience #DX for API consumers. Self-service and no "out of band" information required
Paul St Amand
it enables assembly of numerous APIs to be integrated into existing well understood HTTP based offerings
Faisal Siddiqi
An important consideration for running a successful API is use of a public/private developer portal. This is a feature of most API management solutions today and facilitates discovery and usage of APIs
Bill Ohnemus
I second this. APIs should (emphasis on should) make things easier, especially in solution composition. #csctechtalk #apiprogram
Rich Carreau
#csctechtalk We are hearing more about the API economy, how should CSC monetize this opportunity?
Aditya Badjatya
can we think of API Mashup??
Andrew Doble
Two possibilities. 1) Provide our own APIs to our services at a cost 2) Provide value added services to APIs from others.
Martin Bartlett
Most certainly! That's a good way of explaining the benefit of opening up system with a flexible RESTful API!
Abhishek Khandelwal, PMP
We can create API eco-system, e.g. Insurance, which then can be provided to outer world so that they can consume payable services and can create plug ins etc.
Paul St Amand
with a well thought out and minimalistic API approach that can stand up over time avoiding incompatibilities, once its public and used, expectations drive responsibility
Bill Ohnemus
The API Store, made public plus the API store for our development teams to share and use each other's APIs #csctechtalk #apiprogram
Bill Ohnemus
Are APIs just web services re-packaged? If not, why not?
Andrew Doble
Yes, but what is wrong with repackaging. They open whole new ways of doing things
Andrew Doble
APi eco systems for one
Bill Ohnemus
so an eco system can have broad implications. #csctechtalk #apiprogram
The other way around: Web services is one type of API
Andrew Doble
Very much an economic one.
Bill Ohnemus
APIs are an old concept, but what is different now? What about REST? Does this change the game? #csctechtalk #apiprogram
Abhishek Khandelwal, PMP
It has reduced many of the overheads which are typical to web services
Andrew Doble
Theoretically it shouldn’t. But the wide spread acceptance of REST has changed perceptions
Faisal Siddiqi
APIs and specifically REST APIs are intended to make the Developer Experience #DX better and easier
Faisal Siddiqi
Refer to Richardson REST Maturity Model http://martinfowler....
Iulian Danut Mihalache
as old as they seem I don't see them widely adopted or in a very consistent way. Most of the time we stop half way
Pablo Bermejo
To me the important thing is how to API-fy something that is currently locked and what tools and technologies can help us automate that
Aditya Badjatya
If REST is used over HTTP, it does makes consumer's life easier
Philip Blaney
Has REST taken off more since it was adopted as the standard by many cloud providers?
Abhishek Khandelwal, PMP
I think so ! JIRA, ReviewBoard are few examples but there are many OSS and organization which are putting their energy behind REST
Bill Ohnemus
REST is taking off. It really enables simpler interaction but yet more powerful because of the constraints it makes on vocabulary (verbs).
Andrew Doble
Not sure of the constraint on vocab really is its strength .
Andrew Doble
There are enough discussions on e.g. when to use POST or PUT etc.