
03/12 TechTalk Soundbite
Using Analytics to Guide Skills Development Planning and Enhance Our HR Systems
   9 years ago
#csctechtalk03/04 AEC CrowdChatAPIs are the Future - Don't Get Left Behind!
   9 years ago
#csctechtalk03/19 TechTalk SoundbiteCSC's Experimentation Ecosystem - advanced tech evaluation in action
Theyaa Matti
How can we use analytics to get better at retaining talent?
Kyle Zellman
Analyzing employee survey data jumps out to me as the obvious answer
If we flip the models - those skills we need most are also likely to be in demand across the marketplace. So we actually have the information needed to decide where to improve our employment conditions or apply extra TLC for valued employees
Subbu Devarayan
We need to know better about what our competitors are looking for as well
Theyaa Matti
@SubbuDevarayan In the skills analysis we do look at what our competitors are looking for in terms of skills and talent
Spotting 'Near Match' skilled internal resources for a demand and provide a path for them
Nigel Barron
@mtrusty3 Are there any plans to include information from C3 in the talent release?
Theyaa Matti
We are already harvesting C3 data in so there is always a use for C3!
Mike Trusty
great suggestion, we are still early in the configuration and will see if we can create a link there as well.
Nigel Barron
I think it would help to attract more people to provide content in C3 if they knew their C3 presence was being recognised as part of the IDP
Theyaa Matti
We are working to bring more data from C3 to promote highly connected and high contributors to promote them as success cases in C3
Mike Trusty
agree, great suggestion. People at CSC have a breadth of skills and we are always looking for ways to recognise that
Lisa Braun
@TheyaaMatti That's interesting because I thought you'd be combing C3 for "hard" skills, not the C3 skills/use themselves. I'd definitely advertise how you'd intend to use C3 data so, to @NigelBarron 's point, folks would know and enter good data.
Carl R
@TheyaaMatti How do you see that manifesting itself?
Theyaa Matti
@CCR2000CCR there are several ways to represent is. We currently have a network analysis project that would cover what I have mentioned above and it is currently in progress
Theyaa Matti
What kind of model do you wish was available to you right now?
Subbu Devarayan
May be we should have a model that can compare the current market trend and what in general our demand is looking at based on what our various account demand for?
Theyaa Matti
Why should HR and predictive join forces?
Nigel Barron
it's a natural progression, collaboration is key to CSC's success in the digital, outside-in world
Lisa Braun
Because you are joining present and future, and providing data-driven guidance for talent (HR) development.
Ariana Gradow
it just makes sense :) Data is the future
Mike Trusty
the data helps ensure we focus on the right areas in HR. The partnership is necessary for HR to be successful.
Laura Erdem
Are there any thoughts of making this into a skills app for easier user experience?
Am asking this due to CSC kas kicked off the Skills Passport App challenge last week and I see this great work as a start for creating an app out of
Lisa Braun
Glad you mentioned Skills Passport, as there is real synergy between the passport concept and what's going on with Workday, IDPs and talent development.
Jerry Overton
I'd like to see a CSC app store stocked with mobile HR models
Mike Trusty
@JerryAOverton as a start, Workday does has an app you can use today. Not a store yet but it is a start.
Theyaa Matti
The models are based on web technologies that adapts to mobile devices, so this is very possible.
Laura Erdem
I am in one of the Think Tank groups working on the Skills Pasport app design and we are basing our design on this. I really believe that it will give great benefits for the employees. Great work, guys!
Michele Spector
Also this may be of interest... we just published a new video to show you how to utilize CSC University's Analyst Perspectives reports.
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Tom McGaw
The new additions to FutureTense are really cool and helpful. Great Job!
Jerry Overton
here's a backstage look at how @TheyaaMatti created those models: (@CSC Internal)
A big thanks to Theyaa and Mike for a great session today - fabulous synergies between the technical and HR communities! Catch the replay on Youtube plus all the other Soundbites via #csctechtalk =>
March 12th TechTalk Soundbite: Using Analytics to Guide Skills Development Planning and Enhance O...
Join us as we welcome Theyaa Matti to provide an update his work as a data scientist that has been applied in the field of predicting the most valuable skill...
Theyaa Matti
What would you think the next step in skills analysis might be?
Jerry Overton
Real time. Streaming updates on new skills and new learning opportunities.
Theyaa Matti
@JerryAOverton great idea! I believe the integration of new HR systems would allow for live updates, at least from the CSC side!
Lisa Braun
What about identifying legacy skills we have (in abundance) and then making plans to re-train those folks on the new skills where we have gaps? Grow our folks based on market needs.
Mike Trusty
@LisaAnneBraun one of our next challenges for the IDP is to tighten the link to our offerings so people can see what our business needs in terms of skills for each offering
Sorin Costea
@LisaAnneBraun that's a thorny issue, is it an organisational push or a free choice to switch careers?
Jerry Overton
@mtrusty3 Or maybe even get proactive about developing skills we need to support next-gen offerings.
Lisa Braun
@mtrusty3 Makes sense. There is no doubt individual responsibility involved here, as folks step up and say they want to learn a new skill as identified by the IDP and guided by the offerings.
Lisa Braun
@sorincos I hear you. What's the balance between being CSC-led versus individual responsibility to change skills?
Mike Trusty
@sorincos I think we benefit from more transparency so employees can see what skills are being used where. Ultimately I think it is the employee's choice.
Sherri Hartlen-Neely
The ResearchNetwork's FutureTense analytics lab can also help you build your IDP. Information about that is available to CSCers in C3: